Stop Using Cell Phones!!

Started by Varmit, January 17, 2010, 06:41:51 AM

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I think the best wisdom ever given in this situation is Your rights end where my rights begin. IF your smoking is violating someones right to not smoke then your in violation of that persons right.  Now that is not a violation of your right to smoke. IF you could contain that smoke in your area and it wouldn't violate that other persons right there would be no problem.  The other person cannot violate your right to smoke because their not doing anything to warrant a violation.  This is a case of where right to life overrules your right to smoke.  

Yes we all have rights, but those rights cannot interfere with another persons rights. Their is a limitation to those rights.  The premise is that if your activity affects only you, and no one else then theres no problem.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



Quote from: greatguns on January 18, 2010, 08:49:26 PM
Why do you smoke in public?

For the same reason I smoke in private, because I want a smoke.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.



Funny!  I was dierecting that question to the one that said I have the right to stay home and smoke, not to the one that has the right to stay home to breath fresh air.  Thanks for your answer though.  Now I better get off of this public forum and have a cigarette.  You all have fun.


Quote from: greatguns on January 18, 2010, 09:58:06 PM
Funny!  I was dierecting that question to the one that said I have the right to stay home and smoke, not to the one that has the right to stay home to breath fresh air.  Thanks for your answer though.  Now I better get off of this public forum and have a cigarette.  You all have fun.

The answer is that you don't have anymore rights to smoke than someone has to not smoke. so the solution is not laws, but common sense.  Would you smoke around a person with emphasema or lung cancer?   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


No Steve, I'm not a sheep by no means and if say I am, I'm gonna have your Marine sons put knuckle bumps all over your head and beat you with intent to do bodily harm !!! My wife says I have a hard head and stink'n butt so I must be a goat . :)


Jarhead, we need more people on the forum with your sense of humor.


Frank, most of the time I'm an ol sour puss. It's just that today I FINALLY made the last batch of deer jerky. No more breathing hickory smoke for another year  and that makes me as happy as a pig in a mud puddle !!! Hell bells, I'm so happy I might go to the county barn tomorrow and give Varmit & Mr. Ks Hillbilly a bag of deer jerky to celebrate with me.


No,  I'll be smoking at home where everyone is healthy.  Possibly if you have lung cancer it might be a little late to worry about secondhand smoke.  Just as I guessed, depends on who's rights are being infringed on.  I just don't feel that the state of Kansas needs to tell me I can't smoke outside on the sidewalk because it is public.  I am sure I will learn to live with it just as I have with wearing a seatbelt.  Now you're going to have to argue with a fence post because I am done.

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