HARRIS, Joseph C. - b. May 16, 1850 - d. October 9, 1937

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Howard Courant
October 14, 1937

                                     Joseph C. Harris Dies - Sixty Years a Resident of Elk County

Joseph C. Harris, third son of Wm. and Susan Harris was born May 16, 1850 in Sangamon county, Illinois.  In early childhood he moved with his parents to Knox County, Missouri, and resided there until 1860, when they again moved to a farm near Paola, Kansas. Here he lost his mother when but 10 years of age.

A few years later in company with some older men friends, they crossed the plains on a buffalo hunt, passing through Elk County, traveling up Elk river and across the hills west.  He remarked to his companions "here is another Garden of Eden.  When we return I shall take up a claim along Elk River."  In 1877 together with his brother the late N. G. Harris, they took up land on upper Elk River in Union Center township and continued to reside there until 1909 when he moved to his farm just south of Howard.

In 1880 he was married to Sara Hotchkiss and three children were born:  A. B. Harris, Kansas City, Missouri; Mrs. Bertha H. Quick, Toronto, Kansas; and Thos J. Harris, Evanston, Illinois.  They also reared D. W. Lockhart, an orphan from early childhood to manhood.

Mr. Harris was converted and joined the Stanton Baptist church in early life, tranferring his membership with his moves of residence he continued in a loyal faith to his Maker throughout life.  He was a member of the local Baptist church.   He assumed responsibilities of life not in the wider circles of social or political life but in the far more important, his home and the community.

He lived through the entire development of the modern industrial world and has seen the fast changes brought about by this progress.  He saw all the outward forms of civilization into which he was born change completely. One could not visit with him in his later years without an impression of the wholeness and completeness of his long life.   Surely here is a fullfilment of that promise by the Psalmist in the 91st Psalm:  "With a long life will I satisfy him and show him My salvation." 

During the past year he failed fast but suffered no pain and in his weeks of confinement to his bed, he was free from aches and pains.

He passed away Saturday evening, October 9, 1937, at the age of 87 years, 4 months, and 23 days.  He leaves his wife, three children, one grandson, Bil Harris, a sister, Mrs. Ella Bell, Bonham, Texas, a brother, Dr. A.T. Harris, Dallas, Texas, a brother, Robt. Harris, Tarkio, Missouri, a sister, Mrs. Clara Wilkins, Winfield, Kansas, many nieces and nephews and hosts of friends.

Funeral services for the deceased were held at the Baptist church, Howard, Monday afternoon at 2:30 p.m., Rev. J. S. Bunch preaching the sermon.  Burial at Grace Lawn cemetery.

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