What a couple of Losers!

Started by Teresa, January 09, 2010, 01:29:54 PM

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This is absolutely the ultimate! I would not doubt it being authentic!!!!  Note both have rings on their ring finger and on their left hand
His suit coat is buttoned correctly, so it is not a mirror image.

These people are so clueless ..classless...and disrespectful..
They are an abomination to America..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Here is a link to the hoax. If you notice the marine's blurred medals they are on the wrong side.


I don't know if I attached the link correctly, so here is the article. I also don't know how to post pictures - if anyone could help me out with that I'd appreciate it.

Barack and Michelle Obama's Left-Handed Flag Salute
By David Emery, About.com Guide
.See More About:barack obamaphoto hoaxespolitics and politicians
Barack and Michelle Obama's Left-Handed Flag Salute

Netlore Archive: Emailed image appears to show Barack and Michelle Obama saluting the flag by placing their left hands (instead of their right) over their hearts.

Image source: Unknown, circulating via email
.Description: Emailed image
Circulating since: December 2009
Status: Fake

Email example contributed by Dora K., Dec. 28, 2009:

FW: Clueless.....

Now is it just me, are both of them as dumb as they appear. I guess this could have been taken in a mirror which would screw it up, or maybe it is authentic. I would not doubt it being authentic!!!! Note both have rings on their ring finger and most likely on their left hand. I think they are truly clueless!!!!

His suit coat is buttened correctly, so it is not a mirror image.

These people are so clueless. They are not Americans.


Analysis: "God bless America" indeed — it's a country where you can spread lies about your own president and regard it as proof that you're more "American" than he is.

The above photo is, in fact, a cropped mirror-image of the original, which was taken during a commemoration of the victims of 9/11 on the South Lawn of the White House, September 11, 2009, and originally published in Newsday. The viral version boasts Photoshopped wedding bands and reversed buttons on Obama's jacket to lend it the appearance of authenticity. The ruse is spoiled by the soft-focus medals on the uniform of the Marine standing behind the president, however. They're on the wrong side of his chest!

Other photos taken at the same time clearly show the president and Mrs. Obama saluting properly.

(A similar hoax created in 2002 purported to show Senator Tom Daschle saying the Pledge of Allegiance with his left hand over his heart.)


tdub, good eye.  I didn't notice that when I first saw the picture.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Thanks Varmit, but I can't take credit. I read the article, then looked at the Marine.


My mistake.. But doesn't change the fact that I still consider them losers
..  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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