What will the Demo's resignations bring us?

Started by Teresa, January 07, 2010, 11:11:05 PM

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Got this E-mail letter from a buddy of mine who was asking me a few things.. I answered him..but thought I would share it on here just so it might trigger some thought points about what you think also.

Hey T~
While I was elated to learn this morning that Chris Dodd will not be running this November, it occurred to me that with these Democratic resignations may come another Tsunami of legislation including massive gun control measures.  I'm no politico, but common sense tells me that we may see another AWB attempt before they lose their control of the Senate and possibly the House in November.  So What Say You?
 Oh by the way, The Second Amendment March is still on for April 19 in DC. http://secondamendmentmarch.com ( you and Marshal still going aren't you?)
Check your State for your March Date...and let others know when it is ..

Different thoughts are being presented and its quite the buzz in the gun world right now..
General census is that they have nothing to lose, they already have their full salary as their retirement income, plus completely paid for (thank you again taxpayers) medical care ... and not the crap they are shoving down our throats either. Theirs will be good, high quality care. And maybe~~- for the good soldiers... a job on a Federal commission somewhere (more tax dollars) or an ambassadorship. In addition to the "retirement" income... they'll be as happy as a pigs in a poke.  >:(

I think it's.............. nothing to lose, go all out for the whole game, wreak as much damage as you can before you leave.


Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
The Brady Campaign certainly isn't giving up.  Here's an excerpt from their latest mission.

Dear xxxxxxxxxx,

We are close to our goal of 100 cosponsors on H.R. 2324 by January 18, Martin Luther King Day.  We have just 16 cosponsors to go in less than two weeks!  But we need your immediate help.

Your U.S. Representative has not yet cosponsored H.R. 2324 to close the gun show loophole.  Please contact your Representative today to cosponsor this life-saving legislation.  Even if you have previously emailed your Representative to cosponsor, please do so again.

Soooo~~Gun control may well become a significant part of the health bill.  Guns can be hazardous.  Govt. has the authority to limit hazards (emissions, transfats, etc.).  Therefore, govt. can/will limit guns/ammo under the pretext of making us all safer.   ::)

I mourn for my country. :'(
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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