NY Parents arrested for Homeschooling Children

Started by Varmit, January 07, 2010, 06:14:43 AM

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Quote from: Varmit on January 07, 2010, 08:05:42 PM
If, as parents, we are going to allow the state to dictate what we teach our children then what is the point of homeschooling?  Since when does the state have more authority over our children then we do?  
What is ridiculous is that people aren't up in arms over this.  The state threatening to take the children away from the parents because they didn't register them with the school district??...give me a break!  

Even a judge has no business in this.  It is up to the parents how to raise their children, not the state.

Jesus, this country needs a revolution.

First of all, there may be more to the story then what they're telling.  

Secondly, every state has their own laws regarding homeschooling.  If you don't want to register, then move to a state with few homeschooling laws.  If you choose to live in that state and homeschool, then you're going to have to meet state requirements.  Wrong?  Probably.  But in a way it keeps families from using homeschooling as a cover up for child abuse.  There are families that keep their kids at home, don't teach them at all and abuse them and do it all under the guise of "homeschooling".   NY has some pretty strict homeschooling laws as do a lot of other states like Ohio.  NY does not dictate "what" the parents teach.  New Yorkers are quite able to pick their own curriculum, but they do have to file an intent to homeschool each year so the state knows that the kids aren't truant.  Too strict?  Well I think so, but that's why I'd never move to NY.  There are a lot of families that do homeschool in NY.  
There are a lot of school superintendents though that do overstep their boundaries and deliberately go out of their way to cause trouble for homeschooling families, but that's what the Home School Legal Defense Association is for.  They provide free legal services for homeschooling families.  So, it's not like this family is without hope and it may get thrown out without a judge.  I would hope they're able to settle it without it going to court as a lot of judges in this country are very corrupt.  

BUT can't everyone see though?  That things like this, if they are allowed to continue, will be another step closer to having a freedom taken away?  Why aren't people up in arms about it?  Probably because most homeschooling families that I know are pretty hush hush about what they do, even though it is legal, you run into a lot of problems.  It's better if they don't bring awareness to it lest they bring even stricter laws on it.  


There is a lot that goes on in the homeschooling area that does not make the news.  I know it always brings shock waves when it's publicized, but families are harassed all the time to one degree or another and laws placing more restrictions on it are threatening all the time like in Michigan they've proposed a bill to raise the compulsory school age from 16 to 18.  That would mean that a lot of homeschoolers that start college early won't be able to.  New Hampshire is getting ready to pass laws making mandatory testing and other regulations be placed on homeschoolers.  And that's just a few.  It goes on all the time all across the country, it just goes on silently.


Quote from: Sarah on January 08, 2010, 07:35:08 AM
First of all, there may be more to the story then what they're telling.  

Secondly, every state has their own laws regarding homeschooling.  If you don't want to register, then move to a state with few homeschooling laws.  If you choose to live in that state and homeschool, then you're going to have to meet state requirements.  Wrong?  Probably.

Seems to me that the State should have to meet the requirements of the People, not the other way around.  And it is high time the State was made to realize that.

QuoteBut in a way it keeps families from using homeschooling as a cover up for child abuse.  There are families that keep their kids at home, don't teach them at all and abuse them and do it all under the guise of "homeschooling".  

Sarah, I gotta say that is pretty weak.  Its like saying "if we destroy all guns then criminals can't use them to commit crimes".  I realize that there are some that are going to abuse the system.  But if you want to really to use this argument then you should go after the public school system for child endangerment.   

QuoteNew Yorkers are quite able to pick their own curriculum, but they do have to file an intent to homeschool each year so the state knows that the kids aren't truant.  Too strict?  Well I think so, but that's why I'd never move to NY.  

None of the States business.

QuoteThere are a lot of school superintendents though that do overstep their boundaries and deliberately go out of their way to cause trouble for homeschooling families, but that's what the Home School Legal Defense Association is for.  They provide free legal services for homeschooling families.  So, it's not like this family is without hope and it may get thrown out without a judge.  I would hope they're able to settle it without it going to court as a lot of judges in this country are very corrupt.  
BUT can't everyone see though?  That things like this, if they are allowed to continue, will be another step closer to having a freedom taken away?  Why aren't people up in arms about it?  Probably because most homeschooling families that I know are pretty hush hush about what they do, even though it is legal, you run into a lot of problems.  It's better if they don't bring awareness to it lest they bring even stricter laws on it.  

It is not just the homeschoolers that should be up in arms.  But every parent and American citizen. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Billy, you're right on this one. 

BTW, do we really think the gov't school system is qualified to oversee a real education system?
There's better ways than giving them power that they should never have had in the first place.


Varmit, I don't necessarily disagree with you, BUT, we do live in a country with laws.  And why do we live in a country with laws?  Because people have lost the ability to govern themselves.  When people lose the ability to govern themselves, then the government must step up and govern the people.  When people can quit being stupid and start governing themselves, then maybe we wouldn't have to have so many laws.  Besides.....................if we don't have laws for homeschooling than how is the NEA supposed to have their share of control over what parents teach?   :P

Do I agree with it?  NO!  Do I think it's going to get better?  No!  It'll get worse and pretty soon parents will be hard pressed to homeschool their kids at all.  BUT it is true that there have been families use homeschooling to cover up abuse.  It happens. 

My personal opinion is, I don't want any kind of government over sight in ANY thing I do.  I take a dim view of the government breathing down my neck about anything and part of the reason is they'll use almost any little tiny excuse to take kids away from parents these days.  I'm not a perfect parent.  I don't know any parent that is and I'm sure they'd find something I do not to be right.  So, no, I despise government.  But until people smarten up and say no, then it'll only continue.  Power only breeds a lust for more power. 

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