Love Worth Finding

Started by Judy Harder, January 04, 2010, 07:51:47 AM

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Judy Harder

September 21

Espoused to Christ

"...Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our God." - Revelation 19:1

I've never performed a wedding where there wasn't a beautiful bride, but no bride can compare in beauty to the one we'll behold when Jesus returns to claim us, the Bride of Christ.

You see, when we were saved, we were espoused to Christ, and an espousal is a little bit stronger than an engagement. An engagement is a promise to marry, but an espousal is a promise that you belong to this person even though the marriage has not yet been consummated.

Every child of God already belongs to Him. When we become espoused to Christ, He gives us something better than an engagement ring. He gives us the Holy Spirit.

Read Revelation 19, then spend a few moments worshipping Him.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

September 22

Seeing Problems as Potentialities

". . . the God of heaven, He will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build. . ." - Nehemiah 2:20

Do you have any problems today? You do? Well, I just have one word for you: "Congratulations!"

I don't want to sound flippant, but I am very serious about my comment. You see, a problem really is an opportunity in disguise. You need to learn that God wants you to see your problems as potentialities and your adversaries as opportunities.

A Christian is not someone who sees a difficulty in every opportunity, but to the contrary, he's one who sees an opportunity in every difficulty.

Think of a problem you are struggling through today. Now, get on your knees. Ask God to show you the opportunity hidden away in your struggle that will bring Him glory.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

September 23

Driven to the Heart of Our Lord

"Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered." - Psalm 32:1

The worst thing that could happen to sinful people would be to live in a perfect environment.

If God had left Adam in the Garden of Eden, Adam would not have known that he had the fatal infection of sin, and he would not have sought the remedy for sin, which he found in the shedding of blood.

Problems are designed not to crush us, but to crowd us to Christ who provided the remedy for sin by shedding His blood on the cross. The problem of sin is real and terrible, but it brings with it the possibility that we can be forgiven and clothed in the righteousness of Christ.

When was the last time you thanked God for the problems in your life? Think of them as vehicles that drive you to the heart of your Lord

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

September 24

Don't Try to Hurry the Harvest

". . . the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain." - James 5:7

Sometimes the things that count the most seem to take the longest to get here.

Some giant sequoias in California are 300 feet tall. That's the height of a 30 story building! Yet each one began with the smallest of seeds that began growing and maturing since before the time of Christ! That's a long time.

You may say that you're going to serve God. Then you start to do something for Him, but when you don't reap a harvest immediately, you get discouraged. Don't try to hurry the harvest. In due season, you will reap.

Have you shared Christ with people and yet they haven't been saved? Read Isaiah 55:11 and Romans 10:13 and receive His encouragement.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

September 25

Looking to God, Our Provider

"For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills." - Psalm 50:10

Do you remember when it was rare to hear of someone whose job was either threatened, or actually lost, due to changes or cutbacks? Well, that's hardly news anymore.

These days it seems that almost everyone is struggling with financial problems related to job security.

You may be struggling and asking, "What good can possibly come from my financial problems?" They are wonderful opportunities to trust your Heavenly Father for your daily bread. I've always said that it's better to have a Father who owns a bakery than to have a warehouse full of bread!

Are you having financial woes? Do you know someone who is? Share with them the Good News of God's provision and faithfulness.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

Lord, do not hold this sin against them. (Acts 7:60)

Constantin Caraman

I would like to end the list of ordinary people who did extraordinary things with Stephen. After he had proclaimed the Gospel in Jerusalem, he was in serious trouble. Some of the onlookers attacked him and dragged him out, intending to kill him. "Away with him," they shouted, "we don't want to listen to this any longer."

Stephen knew there could be a reaction like this. After all, the disciples had been picked up and punished several times already. Yet, none of them had been stoned and killed. Stephen would be the first martyr.

When they started throwing stones at him, he could have cried, "Lord, help me, they are going too far. Lord, send down a fire from heaven to destroy these people. You don't want me to die, do you?"

While the stones came down and hit him, he knelt down and prayed. What did he pray for? Did he pray for strength to remain faithful? No, he prayed for those who cursed him, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them."

Until his last breath he had compassion on the sinners, and in doing so, he followed Christ's example.

Are we prepared to do this too?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder


The Law and the Gospel of God's Grace

"Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all." - Romans 4:16

There are more than six billion people on the face of this earth. If you extracted from each one the very best character traits and put those things into one man, that one man would still have to bow before God and cry out for mercy to be saved.

We've got to quit trying to be saved by doing good things or being a moral person or even by keeping the Ten Commandments.

The law says "if." The gospel says "therefore."
The law says you must earn salvation.  The gospel says salvation is a gift.
The law demands holiness. The gospel provides holiness.
The law says run, but it doesn't give us legs.
The gospel says fly, and it gives us wings of grace.

Read Romans 10. What application can you gain for your life from this chapter?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder


Fully Trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ

"But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." - Hebrews 11:6

John G. Patton was a Bible translator in the South Sea Islands. While translating, he came to the word "believe" and searched for a word that the native people could truly understand. He wanted something that meant commitment and trust, but he couldn't think of a word. Then one day, a messenger rushed into Mr. Patton's room out of breath. Needing to rest, he flung himself into a big chair and leaned back in complete relaxation. Patton asked the native for a word to describe what he did when he sat down and completely trusted in the chair to hold him so he could relax. That's the word he used for "believe."

When a person quits trying and begins to trust the Lord Jesus, that's "belief."

Who have you been sharing Christ with that hasn't yet been saved? Ask God to give you a word that will break through the barriers and bring salvation to this person.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder


Not Ashamed of the Lordship of Christ

"O my God, I trust in Thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me." - Psalm 25:2

Have you ever noticed that some people get a little embarrassed in a restaurant if you bow your head and mention Jesus as you ask His blessing? They rub their eyebrows or forehead when you pray. Have you ever asked yourself why they're ashamed? I think it is because they don't know what they're missing in Jesus. You see, salvation is a wonderful gift. God sent His Son to die for us. He rose from the grave for us. He ascended into heaven for us. He's coming again for us! How can we be ashamed of this?

Next time you go to a restaurant, let your prayer of blessing turn into an evangelistic opportunity with your unsaved friend.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder


Loving God with All Your Mind

"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. . ." - Mark 12:30

Jesus said of Satan, "He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it" (John 8:44).

Satan is a clever liar. In fact, many of his lies sound like the truth. He plays with our minds to confuse us. He lies about the biggest subject of all – God. Satan wants to deceive you about God. If he can distort your idea of God, then beyond the shadow of any doubt, he has you in everything else.

What does it mean to love God with all your heart, soul, and mind?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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