Love Worth Finding

Started by Judy Harder, January 04, 2010, 07:51:47 AM

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Judy Harder

MAY 17

The Greatest Event of All Ages

". . . and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful." Revelation 17:14

The Second Coming of Jesus is going to be the greatest event of all of the ages. It is one of the grand theological truths taught in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

·        The New Birth is vitally important, but it is mentioned only nine times in the New Testament. 

·        Baptism is vitally important, but it is mentioned only 20 times in the New Testament. 

·        Repentance is mentioned only 70 times in the Bible, as important and needful as that is. 

·        But the return of the Lord Jesus Christ is mentioned in God's Word at least 380 times.

One out of every 25 verses points with an eager finger to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

How are you getting ready for His Second Coming? What if He came this very hour?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

MAY 18

Standing for Peace and Righteousness

"Now the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always by all means." 2 Thessalonians 3:16

One of the strangest verses that ever fell from the lips of the Prince of Peace, Jesus, is this: "Think not that I have come to send peace on the earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword." That's incredible, because the Bible calls Him "the Prince of Peace." What is He talking about then?

He is saying, "I came with a sword to put a line of demarcation between truth and error, between light and dark, between sin and righteousness."

When God's standard of righteousness is set, there will always be division. Without righteousness there can be no peace. Peace can never come where sin remains. God will never make a peace treaty with sin, never!

Some people think when others act righteously that they are acting religiously, and sometimes not very peacefully. How can you stand in the gap for peace AND righteousness?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

MAY 19

New Life, a New Creation in Christ

"For with Thee is the fountain of life: in Thy light shall we see light." Psalm 36:9

Jesus had a life that the grave could not keep. While He carried your sins to the grave and left them there, Jesus came out of that grave living, risen, and victorious! When Jesus rose, you rose with Him.

Christians are not just nice people, they are new creatures. We have the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead.

We have come out of the grave of the old life. Our old master has no more hold on us. The old debt has no more penalty that we have to pay. When Jesus came out of that grave, we came out with Him and we have been raised to walk in newness of life.

Are you walking around in the grave clothes of your old life? Shed them, my friend! Jesus came to give you new life! Believe that you are now a new creation in Christ!

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

MAY 20

Jesus Only

". . . all things were created by Him, and for Him." Colossians 1:16b

Do you want to know the meaning of everything? It is Jesus only. You may think that is an overstatement. We live in a great big universe, billions of light years in expanse, and the Bible tells us that "all things were created by Him, and for Him" (Colossians 1:16). There is nothing made that was not made by the Lord Jesus. The answer to creation is Jesus only.

People say that the world needs saving, but what the world really needs is redemption.

So where is redemption going to come from? It's not from a creed, code, or cause but from Jesus only. The entire universe, the plans of God, and the sweep of all the ages, comes down to two words - Jesus only.

When was the last time you shared your faith? Maybe today you can begin a conversation with someone about the expanse of the universe. Who knows where that spark of truth will lead?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

MAY 21

The Gospel, a Truth Worth Dying For

"...we believe and are sure that Thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God." John 6:69

Jesus Christ is a fact of history. All secular historians who have any merit admit that, regardless of what they believe about Him, Jesus lived!

There's no way to explain how the Christian Church exists apart from the fact that Jesus Christ was here. What did the early church preach? Not only that Jesus was here, but that He walked out of the grave. How do you explain that?

Somebody said, "Well, they must have made up the story. They said they touched Him, they said they ate with Him." Oh? We're talking about men who died for their faith. Do you think they would willingly, knowingly die for a lie? A man may live for a lie, but few would die for one.

Are you willing to die for the cause of Christ? This man who died for you...are you willing to die for Him?

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

MAY 22

Governed by His Providence

"But He saith unto them, It is I; be not afraid." John 6:20

When storms come into your life, I want you to remember this truth: "I am governed by His providence."

The storm did not take the wave walker, the Lord Jesus, by surprise. As a matter of fact, the Bible says He's the one that commandeth and raiseth stormy seas (Psalm 107:25).

Perhaps you're in the eye of a storm right now. It looks like your boat is sinking. Maybe it's so dark you can't see your hand before your face. I want you to know there is nothing that comes to you that He does not cause or allow. Whether I can see it or not, whether I can understand it or not, it is a fact that God has not relinquished His rule upon His universe.

Read Matthew 8:23-27. Does Jesus see the storm in your life? Bow before the One, the only One, who can calm your storm. Trust His ways. He is in control.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

MAY 23

Graced by His Prayers

"Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them." Hebrews 7:25

Do you ever feel you are all alone when a struggle hits your life?

Tell yourself, "I am graced by His prayers."

Jesus is watching over you, and He is praying for you. The Savior. The Shepherd. The King. The Prince. He is praying for you! Do you feel encouraged? I do!

Just to know that the One who died for me "ever liveth to make intercession" for me is enough. He lives to stand in the gap for you and for me. What a mighty God we serve! What mercy we don't deserve! You are on Jesus' prayer list! You. He knows you. And He is praying you through the eye of the storm.

Do you have a prayer list? Go through that list today and pray for someone you haven't prayed for in awhile and trust God to answer, even today!

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

MAY 24

The Life-Transforming Power of Christ

"But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His name." John 20:31

The same Jesus who turned water into wine can transform your home, your life, your family, and your future. This same Jesus is still in the miracle working business. And His business is the business of transformation. And when we believe that Jesus is the Christ, we will receive life through His name.

Someone has well said that nature forms us, sin deforms us, penitentiary reforms us, education informs us, the world conforms us, but only Jesus transforms us.

What are you to trust Christ for today? A miracle?  Or for more of Him? Your very next breath is a miracle. Thank God for the miracle of life He has given you today.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

MAY 25

He Is the Great I Am

"And God said unto Moses, I AM that I AM: and He said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." Exodus 3:14

Have you ever noticed that the title God chose to describe Himself is an incomplete sentence? Now, most people would finish that sentence, "I am...," but not our Lord. He purposefully did not complete the sentence.

"I AM." He is.

Are you hungry? He is the bread. Are you in the dark? He is the light. Are you searching? He is the truth. Are you lost? He is the way. Are you in need? He is your Shepherd.

What are you looking to God to meet today? Trust Him right now to meet you there.

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Judy Harder

MAY 26

True Friendship

"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend." Proverbs 27:17

True friends will put an edge on your life. They will make you a sharper person. Not all my friends do that for me, but my best friends do.

Have you ever had a friend who loved you so much that he would even hurt you in order to help you? Proverbs 27:6 says, "Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." What truer words of love can be spoken than from the heart of a friend who is going to spend an eternity with you? Even if those words hurt, they are words that will heal.

Do you have a friend who sharpens you as iron? Then forward this email to your friend as a word of thanks.

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Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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