Obama is.........tired..

Started by Teresa, January 03, 2010, 10:22:11 PM

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Now don't misread it.. I said Obama is "Tired.. not..Obama is a Turd!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

And why wouldn't he be.... destroying such a well built country as this is hard work.  And all those vacations, thousand mile away night out on the town, and personal pet projects don't help. The president was on his ninth foreign trip to his 21st country; he added a 10th trip the following week...............uhhhhh kind of like 57 states.. nine trips to 21 countries. ::)
And just think of how exhausted Michelle's 26 personal assistants are... not to mention the Travel Secretary and the Pizza Chef from St. Louis.    
He thinks he is tired now...Just wait until Israel takes on Iran or a competent terrorist sets off a bomb.  He will have a real crisis on his hands then and not all these made up ones he has now.

WASHINGTON – 12-30-09 After a sleepless, overnight flight to Oslo to accept the Nobel Peace Prize earlier this month, President Barack Obama made a not altogether surprising admission. He was tired.

Who could blame him? The president was on his ninth foreign trip to his 21st country; he added a 10th trip the following week. The year had been bookended by the two most intense periods of his young presidency — the early decisions to bail out the nation's banks and automobile industry, steps the president deemed unpopular but necessary, and his December orders to deploy 30,000 additional U.S. troops to fight the war in Afghanistan.

Throw in an unemployment rate in the double-digits, a health care bill still stuck on Capitol Hill, and last-minute negotiations on a global climate change agreement, and aides say it's no secret that the president is tired, and looking forward to recharging during his year-end family vacation in Hawaii.

Not that the commander in chief really thinks he can escape his duties, even on an island. Amid golf, tennis, gym workouts and dinner, Obama has been called on to monitor the airliner attack in Detroit last Friday and what appeared to be another attack on Sunday — that incident turned out to be a false alarm. On Monday, Obama worked out in the morning and played tennis before making his first public remarks on airline security, then hit the golf course.

read the rest of this sad sad story!!~~~ :'( :'( :'(    ;D

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Well quite frankly i am tired too. Tired of seeing this great country going to hell in a handbasket, and tired of all the people that are so willingly letting it happen.  :(  I'm almost to the point of saying ok you asked for this deal with the consequences and finding me a hiding hole and just let it go.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


BHO's  been pissing and moaning about how tired he was... how much work being "President" really is
~~ever since he took office.
That golf game in Hawaii must have been really tough,....especially after going to Copenhagen and all..... ::)

Like I said...........
It takes a lot of energy to screw the entire country.
He wasn't prepared for the rigors of the Presidency.  After all, this is the first real job he's ever had.

He just needs to get his dumb ass and go back to community organizing....before he totally buries us so deep we'll never see daylight.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


"Obama didn't undertake his radical agenda to turn America into a full-blown socialist state because of 'the size of the problems (he) inherited.' That was just a convenient excuse.
He has been groomed, mentored and polished for this very task since he was a little boy. He is taking out his grudge against America, an America he views as fundamentally unfair, inequitable, imperialistic and exploitive, but as a powerful resource for change -- if only he can fundamentally transform it. ...

Obama's agenda didn't significantly change with the unfolding of the financial crisis that led to TARP. He has had his sights on a single-payer health care system for years
He had plans to 'spread the wealth around' long before TARP became an acronym.
He and his wife were trashing America as arrogant and dismissive long before this economic crisis fell into their laps just months before the 2008 election.
       So, yes, Obama's standing with the American people is related to 'the battles he chose to take on during his first year,' but not in a positive way. Those battles don't qualify as mitigating factors ... because they were undertaken not to improve the economy, but to consummate, in substance, a Cold War victory for the communists after they had otherwise been defeated.
The fainthearted among us can blanch at the suggestion that Obama is a Marxist -- and accuse me of name-calling or incivility -- but my intention is not to inflame. It is to communicate the truth in accurate terms to help people understand the magnitude of the threat we face by this assault on our liberties. Obama didn't impose his Draconian stimulus bill or omnibus spending bills to jump-start the economy.
He did it to transfer wealth and establish slush funds for re-election.
He didn't push cap and trade to reduce 'global warming,' but to bring America down to size with the 'underdeveloped' nations of the world.
He didn't obsessively promote Obamacare to improve the economy, 'bend the cost curve' (what a joke!), achieve universal coverage or improve the quality of health care. He did it to amplify the federal government's power over all aspects of our lives. ...
Obama isn't even trying to 'get serious about the deficit and spending.' That's a cruel ruse.
Look at his projected deficits in the out-years. He is planning on deficits in excess of a trillion dollars from here forward, even after the economy fully recovers.
The country cannot sustain this.
The public knows it and is outraged and horrified by it.

Our children cannot live in freedom if this insane recklessness is not stopped."

--columnist David Limbaugh

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I have mixed feelings about Obama, but when compared to Bush, whom many of you supported, Obama is a workhorse.

By this point in his first term, Bush had spend about 5 months on vacation in Texas.  He also hadn't done anything to advance the agenda of those who elected him.  Obama got elected on a platform, and he's sticking to it, kinda.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


But Bush isn't in there anymore...
Its Obama now.. and I am worried as hell about Americas future..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

What about Dick Cheney? What is he up to? Loyal or traitor?


Good question........You answer that Diane..
I have mixed feelings...
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

 :D I don't know either, that's why I mentioned it. I'm not comfortable with what he has been saying recently and don't see the purpose in it.


It would be soooo nice to be able to actually stand up and without a doubt know that those who are in charge are actually trustworthy and true to the betterment of our dear country.. and not for any other reasons..

Sad that I don't trust even the ones I want to trust..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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