Message to Obama: Time to Start Waterboarding again....

Started by Warph, January 03, 2010, 05:51:06 PM

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Last decade it was the first year of a new millennium, and now it's the first year of a new decade.  It is a decade that begins in the shadow of terrorism, in the shadow of Islam.  Nidal Malik Hasan's killing spree and Umar's attempted attack on Northwest 253 mark an uptick in domestic terrorism, even as the suicide bombing struck CIA agents in Afghanistan to showcase one of the worst attacks on the US in Afghanistan.

That they all took place within a short time of each other, under Obama, is likely no coincidence at all.  Obama had his window to show whether he would be a capable leader or not.  The terrorists took his measure.  Now the real testing has begun, first with "lone wolves" and the testing phase is likely to be followed by a large scale organized attack.

And naturally the government's weakness toward terrorism has only helped the terrorists.    Former Gitmo detainees are helping Al Queda run their civil war in Yemen.  Despite this Obama's Attorney General insists on trying 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in a civilian court, and Obama insists on exporting and importing Gitmo terrorists.  Most Americans however want to see strong measures used against terrorists.

58 percent of Americans want to waterboard Umar.  The surveys also show that a third of Americans think Al Queda is winning and that most support US control over security measures at foreign airports.  65 percent believe torture works.  58 percent think that Obama's release of the CIA memos endangered national security.  63 percent blame political correctness for allowing Hasan to carry out his massacre at Fort Hood.

Essentially the numbers suggest that a loose majority of Americans is to the right of Obama and the media on such basic issues.    Barely a third rank the government's response to the Airplane bombing positively.  Those numbers mean that Obama has lost on national security.  The question is how key will national security be in 2012.

That puts the US into an Israel type scenario in which terrorists can help dictate the course of a US election, and in which the Obama administration might be tempted to cut behind the scenes deals with Al Queda to avoid an attack during the election season.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

How can any telephone survey claim x% of voters for or against anything?  Were you called?  I wasn't. It might be X% of the people who were contacted, which might be a very small number. What was the total number contacted? It sure wasn't 100% of all American voters. I have no problem with the concerns, but I don't like contrived statistics.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2010, 06:38:16 PM
How can any telephone survey claim x% of voters for or against anything?  Were you called?  I wasn't. It might be X% of the people who were contacted, which might be a very small number. What was the total number contacted? It sure wasn't 100% of all American voters. I have no problem with the concerns, but I don't like contrived statistics.

What planet do you live on, Diane?  Most polls are done by telephone or internet.  If you do not like the way it is done, I suggust you notify the pollsters and tell them about your displeasure.  Maybe you can get them to come to your house for tea and scones while they poll you.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Don't snap at me, I wasn't called! Were you? Go back and look at the first sentence of the article. More than half? Do you know anyone who was called? Anybody on this forum? Anybody anywhere? As I said, I understand the concerns , but.... why should I believe the numbers? Are any decisions going to be made because of them? Why should those numbers be trusted? Was Acorn trusted? No good came of them either. POKE, POKE! ;D By the way I make good scones.They go especially well with Arizona dust.


Warph, I have mentioned before that in school I had an instructor who was a retired Marine Chief Warrant Officer. I had to take a course in statistics with him as the instructor. The very first thing out of his mouth was 'Ladies and gentlemen, this is a course in statistics. Statistics is a method by which any damn fool can prove any damn thing with numbers. Any poll about anything can be 'bent' by controlling the sample. For instance, phone numbers can indicate a geographical area, thus a sampling of those being polled. Internet polls are done in much the same way, the people being polled are pre-determined to fit into a certain group. Polls along with Warphisms need to be taken with a grain of salt.  ;)


He didn't write the article ladies... he only posted it...  :police:
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Diane..... go to the end of the article at Rasmussen Reports and you will see:  This national telephone survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted by Rasmussen Reports December 28, 2009. The margin of sampling error for the survey is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence (see methodology)  That was 58% of 1,000 being polled.  I'm sorry that you weren't called.  Maybe next time. 

SixDogs..... Warphisms, I like that.  I know that you voted for Obama.  Do you still support him, the man (not just his office) the man and his policies?  You don't have to answer if you feel it might embarrass you.... I was just wondering.   ;)

Now.... part of the article was on "waterboarding" the ragheaded goofball terrorist that tried to blow up an airplane and its almost 300 innocent fellow travelers.  You two never commented one way or the other on the "Waterboarding issue."  Why is that?  I dunno... I guess it is safe to say that you both feel that you agree with the 58% that Umar should be waterboarded.  Good choice.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

 Warph, I know you didn't write the article.That was a very small sample to extrapolate from. 1,000 "likely' voters" turned into "58% of US voters" by the time the article was written ? PLEASE!  I do know something about surveys and how they are taken, and interpretated, one of my many part time jobs years ago. But that's another story I won't bore anybody with. Having UD and The Urban Affairs Dept. right down the street has it's advantages. As far as the other, I said I'd keep my opinions to myself. I'm tired of having everything I say wadded up and hurled back at me in the meanest way possible. Don't make any assumptions about how I think. Nobody cares anyway.


"In response to a Nigerian Muslim trying to blow up a flight from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas Day, the government will now prohibit international travelers from going to the bathroom in the last hour before the plane lands.
Terrorists who plan to bomb planes during the first seven hours of the eight-hour flight, however, should face no difficulties, provided they wait until after the complimentary beverage service has been concluded. How do they know Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab didn't wait until the end of the flight to try to detonate explosives because he heard the stewardess announce that the food service was over and seats would have to be placed in their upright position? I can't finish my snack? This plane is going down!
Also prohibited in the last hour of international flights will be: blankets, pillows, computers and in-flight entertainment. Another triumph in Janet Napolitano's 'Let's stay one step behind the terrorists' policy!

For the past eight years, approximately 2 million Americans a day have been subjected to humiliating searches at airport security checkpoints, forced to remove their shoes and jackets, to open their computers, and to remove all liquids from their carry-on bags, except minuscule amounts in marked 3-ounce containers placed in Ziploc plastic bags -- folding sandwich bags are verboten -- among other indignities.
This, allegedly, was the price we had to pay for safe airplanes.

The one security precaution the government refused to consider was to require extra screening for passengers who looked like the last three-dozen terrorists to attack airplanes. Since Muslims took down Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988, every attack on a commercial airliner has been committed by foreign-born Muslim men with the same hair color, eye color and skin color. Half of them have been named Mohammed. An alien from the planet 'Not Politically Correct' would have surveyed the situation after 9/11 and said: 'You are at war with an enemy without uniforms, without morals, without a country and without a leader -- but the one advantage you have is they all look alike. ...
What? ... What did I say?'
The only advantage we have in a war with stateless terrorists was ruled out of order ab initio by political correctness. And so, despite 5 trillion Americans opening laptops, surrendering lip gloss and drinking breast milk in airports day after day for the past eight years, the government still couldn't stop a Nigerian Muslim from nearly blowing up a plane over Detroit on Christmas Day."

--columnist Ann Coulter

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Its all smoke and mirrors. IF you really think the TSA is making flying safer, you need to pull your head out of the sand.  IT was never intended to provide safety only jobs for unemployable people.    IF they really were serious about making it safer, then they would stop searching 69 year old white american little ole ladies with their sewing baskets and seriously look at the ones who deserve looking at.  Like 16 - 35 year old middle eastern males,  and require anyone in burkahs to be searched since they could hide a infantry inside some of them things.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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