The Liberal-Muslim Axis

Started by redcliffsw, January 03, 2010, 08:21:31 AM

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The Liberal-Muslim Axis
-Ellis Washington

During World War II, there were essentially two sides – the Allied Powers included America, England, France and Russia; the Axis Powers were Germany, Italy and Japan. In the 1930s, there was a clear line of demarcation. Every rational person in the world knew which side was evil and which was good. The world after six bloody years of war against Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler was won not by diplomacy, negotiations, compromise and international treaties, but by seizing moral principle and defending it with the heroic valor of the Allied soldiers against an evil, irredeemable foe.

Since the end of World War II, I contend that we have an even more wicked, incorrigible enemy that Western civilization must fight, but unlike Hitler's conspicuous legions of Brownshirts and SS shock troops goose-stepping in front of the Reichstag, this enemy of modern times, this Liberal-Muslim Axis has as its greatest weapon deception, lies and Machiavellian tactics. They hide in the halls of Congress, the White House, the courts, behind 501(c)(3) organizations. The Muslim Axis powers hide behind Allah, Muhammad, the Quran, women's burqas, among civilians; inside Mosques, caves and desolate places in the mountains of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, as well as inside the halls of power in England, France and America.

Conventional wisdom tells us that the greatest trick of the devil was to make everyone believe that he doesn't exist. Likewise, the greatest trick of the Liberal-Muslim Axis is to maneuver and wield vast religious, political and economic power without alerting people who they really are. What do I mean? On one level liberalism and Islam appear to be opposite ideological forces. Liberalism is a political philosophy developed during the Age of Enlightenment in 18th-century Europe. Some of its famous exponents were: Voltaire, Hobbes, Kant, Napoleon, the American framers and the French philosophers.

Islam was born in the deserts of Arabia in the early seventh century. Islam is a revolutionary, totalizing political ideology masquerading as a religion. It has no respect for Judaism or Christianity but worships the moon-god deity, Allah, whose distinctive crescent is signified in the flags and religious icons of all Muslim nations. Their central teachings are that all other religions except Islam are false and all other people not Muslim can be summarily executed. "Fight and kill the infidels (unbelievers) wherever you find them," reads Sura 9:5. That's a commandment, not a suggestion.

read the rest:


Great article, Red.  Nonie Darwish, a Christian Muslim, has been around for awhile and has done a great job getting muslims to see the error of their ways.  As Washington points out in his article: Islam is a fusing together of mosque and state. Nonie Darwish, a former Muslim and convert to Christianity, pulled back Islam's phony religious cover to expose a political ideology every bit as revolutionary and totalizing as Marxism, socialism and communism. Darwish said:
This [Islam] is not religion. It has nothing to do with religion. Religion is a relationship with God. ... Islam is a relationship with the State. Islam is a one-party, totalitarian system. It's a one-party State that will not allow you to speak. And it will kill anybody who challenges or questions.

Like I said, Nonie's been around for sometime.  She and her followers are Arabs and Moslems who believe:

* We can support Israel and still support the Palestinian people. Supporting one does not cancel support for the other.

* We can support the State of Israel and the Jewish religion and still treasure our Arab and Islamic culture.

* There are many Jews and Israelis who freely express compassion and support for the Palestinians. We Arabs also express reciprocal compassion and support.

* The existence of the State of Israel is a fact that we accept.

* Israel is a legitimate state that is not a threat but an asset in the Middle East.

* Every major World religion has a center of gravity and Judaism  certainly deserves its presence in Israel and Jerusalem.

* Diversity is a virtue not only in the USA, but would be beneficial around the world. We support a diverse Middle East with protection for human rights, respect and equality under the law to all minorities, including Jews and Christians.

* Palestinians have several options but are deprived from exercising them because of their leadership, the Arab League and surrounding Arab and Moslem countries who have other goals besides seeing Palestinians live in harmony with Israel.

* If Palestinians want democracy they can start practicing it now.

* It will benefit Arabs to end the boycott of Israel.

* We can resolve our conflicts using non-violent means. Sending our young people on suicide/homicide missions as a form of Jihad is a distortion of Islam. We can do better.

* We are appalled by the horrific act of terror against the USA on 9/11/2001.

* It will be better for Arabs when the Arab media ends the incitement and misinformation that result in Arab street rage and violence. We support the Arab media providing coverage of ways that people of all religions are and can live together in harmony.

* We are eager to see major reformation in how Islam is taught and channeled to bring out the best in Moslems and contribute to the uplifting of the human spirit and advancement of civilization.

* We believe in freedom to choose or change one's Religion.

* We cherish and acknowledge the beauty and contributions of the Middle East culture, but recognize that the Arab/Moslem world is in desperate need of constructive self-criticism and reform.

* We seek dialogue with Israel. We invite you to join us on a path of love.

We are NOT:

Anti-Islam, Anti-Arab, confrontational or hateful.

Nonie:   We remember with deep sadness and respect the brave Arabs, known and unknown, who were killed or severely punished for promoting peace with Israel; a special thanks to President Anwar Sadat of Egypt who was killed at the hands of Militant and Radical Islamists after he signed the peace treaty with Israel.

We salute and commend Arab and Moslem writers, scholars and speakers, who found the strength, commitment and honesty in their hearts to speak out in support of Israel. We thank you for being the pioneers that you are and for holding such sophisticated and advanced views in the realm of Arab and Moslem thinking. You are inspiring us all.

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