Radical Islam’s Defiling of Christmas

Started by Warph, December 26, 2009, 02:06:30 PM

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Radical Islam's Defiling of Christmas

Today, while Christians around the world are celebrating Christmas, radical Muslims will be gathering in Atlanta, Georgia for the beginning of their annual hatefest. The irony of this cannot be understated, as the group sponsoring the event, ICNA, and its followers openly denounce Christians and propagate material cursing and calling for violence against Christians.

ICNA or the Islamic Circle of North America was created nearly 40 years ago as the American affiliate to the terror-related Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), the Muslim Brotherhood of Pakistan. But while JI has focused the majority of its faith-based ire on Hindus, the religious groups of choice for ICNA's attacks have primarily been Jews and Christians.

One of the main functions of ICNA is the spread of Islam. The group does this via its dawah or religious outreach program, Why Islam (WI). Too many times, though, ICNA's religious outreach is used as a venue for the worst of bigotry. Common targets include Jews, Americans, Israelis, homosexuals, fellow Muslims and Christians. The following quotes are presently found on WI's web forum discussing the latter:

"First of all, muslims do not believe in the G-d of the corrupted Bible, but we do believe in Allah... Anyone who says 'la ilahe ilallah' (there is not god but Him)... is guaranteed with eternal life in heaven... Abt penalty, there is no penalty to be done for our sins. This is [sic] wat u christians made up!!"
"[T]he Americans don't care about their Allies... Even though, speaking Islamically, they are our enemies and not allies... no Kaffir can be an Ally to a Muslim against a Muslim... Like Allah says in the Quran, Baqarah 2, 'Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you... till you follow their religion'... [T]hey are not friends of anyone besides themselves... their friendship is an illusion."
"[T]he Christ that Christians believe will come before the Rapture is actually the anti-Christ who the Zionist-Jews will think to be their promised-Messiah... Most Christians don't know this. They live in their capsule of ignorance that is hardened by the western main-stream media... [T]heir greed and covetousness for consumption is likened only with Satan in the Bible."
These statements are horrific on their own, but what makes the situation even worse is that the moderators for the group have used similar – even worse – rhetoric themselves, defending Hamas and discussing committing violence against American troops.

Why Islam is not the only entity comprising ICNA. The organization also encompasses a youth group, an educational facility, a multimedia division, a magazine, and a number of smaller local chapters. One of the chapters, the Southern California office (ICNA-SC), uses religious materials to propagate hatred and violence against non-Muslims.

Hadiths for Muslims are vital, as they are only second to the Quran in importance with regard to Islamic religious texts. ICNA's versions of the Hadiths contain rabidly anti-Christian bigotry. A current example of this is from a Hadith book entitled Malik's Muwatta, found within ICNA-SC's online library. It states, "May Allah fight the jews and the christians. They took the graves of their Prophets as places of prostration. Two deens shall not co-exist in the land of the Arabs."

On its website, ICNA-SC has many other hate manuals as well. One, entitled Priorities of the Islamic Movement in the Coming Phase, is written by the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Yusuf al-Qaradawi. In Priorities, al-Qaradawi lauds Hamas as being "steadfast" and "brave." In the text, al-Qaradawi also talks about his belief that Christians should give up their rights and be ruled by Islam. He writes, "Christians and other religious groups will not come to any harm if they give up their right so that their Muslim compatriots may rule themselves by their religion and effect the laws of Allah in order to gain His Grace."

Another of ICNA's chapters, its Atlanta, Georgia office, this weekend beginning today, will be celebrating its annual function, featuring its normal list of extremist speakers. It's a major event for ICNA, as the organization is advertising it atop its national website. The theme for this year is 'Save Family – Save Society.'

In reality, society needs to save itself from ICNA.

The above quotes are only a small illustration of the bigotry that is spread by ICNA against Christians (and others). And so it is ironic, if not offensive, that ICNA would use Christmas to launch its hateful affair.

While ICNA desecrates Christianity this day, its leaders and members will thrive off of the goodwill of a generous American public that is ignorant of ICNA's sinister goals and terror-related history. Hopefully the government will be giving us all the best Christmas present we could ask for – an investigation leading to ICNA's closure.

Joe Kaufman is the Chairman of Americans Against Hate and the founder of CAIR Watch: http://www.americansagainsthate.org/cw/
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


this is pretty funny considering that the people writing and posting it consider all non jewish people to be less than human.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Furthermore, attributing the comments of random forum posters to the site administrators is silly.  Thats like saying that Theresa and Kjell believe and agree with what i post.  We all know they don't, and what i post are my own ideas, not theirs.  People post on Hannity and other right wing pundits websites that the president should be assasinated, that doesnt mean those pundits support that viewpoint. 

The most interesting thing about the forums though, are that they don't exist.


there are no forums.  please point me to where the forums are so we know this whole thing isn't more of your muslim hating bullshit.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on December 26, 2009, 09:05:25 PM
Furthermore, attributing the comments of random forum posters to the site administrators is silly.  Thats like saying that Theresa and Kjell believe and agree with what i post.  We all know they don't, and what i post are my own ideas, not theirs.  People post on Hannity and other right wing pundits websites that the president should be assasinated, that doesnt mean those pundits support that viewpoint. 
Haven't seen that exccept on democraticunderground.  Its a standard theme with democrats When a republican is in office. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Anmar on December 26, 2009, 09:05:25 PM
Furthermore, attributing the comments of random forum posters to the site administrators is silly.  Thats like saying that Theresa and Kjell believe and agree with what i post.  We all know they don't, and what i post are my own ideas, not theirs.  People post on Hannity and other right wing pundits websites that the president should be assasinated, that doesnt mean those pundits support that viewpoint.  

The most interesting thing about the forums though, are that they don't exist.


there are no forums.  please point me to where the forums are so we know this whole thing isn't more of your muslim hating bullshit.

The forums are there, numb nuts.  Why should I make it easy on you to find them.  
I didn't know you were THAT stupid but I guess you are.  How in the hell do you find your way
home from work?

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 26, 2009, 10:30:03 PM
Insults 3 moderator 0  :P

Can you be more specific, Diane....?  Are you insulting me... or anmar... or varmit... with that insulting comment that has nothing to do with what this thread is about.   Maybe you meant it against ICNA or CAIR, but I doubt that.  Please clarify your comment.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 26, 2009, 10:30:03 PM
Insults 3 moderator 0  :P

Moderators are never 0...  :)

its just that I rule with a soft hand about 99% of the time.
Anmar and Warph are big boys.. and we are all adults in this section.. for either of them to not say what they feel would stifle them..
I'm not into stifling..and I'm sure that neither of them are into being muzzled..

Don't be overly concerned that  I'm not doing "my job".. I am..  ;)
If that's all either one of them ever did was bad out each other..and not ever post anything else..I'd step in~~
I would come in with my paddle and ..
but I hate to do that.... ( I'm afraid both would like it too much) ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, while you are here,

Do you think its fair that forum owners be held responsible for the opinions of the posters?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


This is just my opinion and we have had this discussion on several forums..( 2 others that we own too)

Personally I think its naive ( hated to use the word stupid)  to think that just because you are the one to build a place where there will be diverse conversations and opinions spoken......( regardless if it is an  internet  forum or downtown coffee shop, cafe, steak house...whatever the meeting place is ) That the builder is directly responsible or necessarily in agreement for what is said in that particular place.
I AM responsible I suppose on whether that person or group of people are so disruptive and repulsive to everyone around them that I can use my "power" if need be to ban them or eliminate them from the  "said establishment".

But some forum owners DO consider themselves that way Anmar..  on some forums that I have checked out and frequented in the past ..they have considered themselves to be judge and jury of everything that is being posted.. Almost like they consider all that is said  from members .. to be a direct line to them... and if it doesn't agree with how they think it is said or what is being said.. They censor it..delete it.. and immediately butt in and shut the thread down.
I hate that!
I am pretty much in charge of the Down Range site.. It is very large site ...and it gets sometimes pretty blunt and too the point in your face in there.. I give them free rein...
Those guys are like my family and have proven time and time again  if a member needs anything.. they are there 200% for that person.. even if they disagreed the day before and called them a SOB.. LOL  ( which actually  very seldom happens..) No matter that I agree most generally with what they say.. I still don''t want and should not be held accountable for whats said in there.

In CasCity ( our Cowboys Action Shooting website ) we have about 15 moderators.. It is a very very large site.. They moderate with a heavy hand.
I don't like the over control and I disagree with it but I also keep my mouth shut in there.  I don't interfere in that site too much. ... it is Kjell's original site.  He still owns it all lock stock and barrel..  and His belief  is he has assigned the jobs to the moderators and so he tries to not interfere with them doing their job..
He says he can't assign jobs to people and then go in and try to overrule and go over their heads so they can't do their job.
They seem to go by the notion that whatever is said in there is somehow reflected directly to Marshal and I and "the cowboy way"... so they try to keep it too squeaky clean, so to say.
((( I appreciate how they try to protect us))) but to me it is a stifling of allowing people to once and awhile get in there and throw some punches. Life and peoples passionate opinions are not all sweet smelling roses... and people do not play nicey nicey all the time with each other..
and when they Don't play nice.. it is between them.. not me.. THEY have to work it out.. and they generally do...
It never lasts ..and for the most part when things are allowed to be said and in the air.. It clears it out and gets it off people chests ..and it passes and opens up doors to other conversations.. not allowing it to fester and grow bigger.

I am no more responsible for what you, Warph, Varmet or Diane says ... than you are ( because you are a member of this forum,) in agreement or connected and held accountable in the same circle for what I say ..

As usual.. I'm long winded...and I gave you the long way around to a short simple question...  ;D ;D

The answer is "no.".. :)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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