County Road Department

Started by Wilma, December 25, 2009, 05:03:39 PM

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Jo McDonald

Don't hold your breath, Frankie, I don't want to lose a dear friend.

  The world is full of Monday morning quarterbacks, you know!!!!!   I hold the deepest admiration and respect for ANY AND ALL city council members and county commissioners.  They have a "tuff row to hoe".


Jo, I agree with you and I to have the utmost respect for those that serve the people for nothing but all of the gripes they get. You can't please everyone all of the time no matter how much you try.


I recall now that Lawerence Jontra is one of the Commissioners and I have always considered Lawerence a very intelligent, and levelheaded businessman, a good farmer and a fair person.

W. Gray

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Pam and Jennifer, I think that you both may have missed my point. The womens' movement and equal opportunity laws are precisely the reason you both were able to be hired in a non-traditional job, one that pays well and traditionally had been male only, no female need apply. Hooray that you both were hired and thrived doing those jobs! I say again hooray! However you must ever be vigilant that those opportunities are not lost. During WWII, women were hired enmasse to do factory work, and they did it well. However at the end of the war, most were let go, relegated back to the kitchen to bake cookies. Have a look at the womens' magazines from the 1950s; women were only pictured as wives and mothers, nothing more. Even Sarah Palin could not have become Sarah Barracuda without title nine in her school. Vigilance like charity begins at home.


And you missed mine, Sixdogs...I NEVER once complained about my job or ran myself down. It's sad when people are quitting this forum for stupid reasons like that. I do hope I never get as mad at anyone as I was last night. With that said, I think I'll watch and read but screw posting because too many people just don't get it and then piss me off...Later.





  Sixdogs I know you dont know anything about my real life but I owe my skills to a father who had no sons and a grandfather who taught me from the getgo I could do ANYthing I set my mind to not a bunch of women libbers back East who wanted to be men but still treated like women. One of my first jobs was logging with my Dad after my Grandad died. I grew up with the men...they KNEW me and KNEW I could do the job. It literally never occured to me when I got grown and was a single mother that I would not be hired because I was a chick. Men have always looked at me and knew I could handle whatever came my way. I NEVER asked or expected special consideration because I "was a girl". I guess I was lucky probly beCAUSE i was accepted as a Hand not a chick they HAD to hire because of a quota. I always proved being a girl was NOT an excuse.
I have always accepted the fact that doing a mans job did not excuse me from the so-called "womens" work, mostly because I was responsible for BOTH pretty much my whole ADULT life at least.
Some sign on the side of a truck that just said men or boys,,,off color jokes and comments.....or all the OTHER things a lot of women who decide to work with men complain about ever bothered me or made me feel LESS than. I never needed special recognition of the fact I was female...I KNEW I was.


Quote from: pamagain on March 01, 2010, 09:14:52 PM
  Sixdogs I know you dont know anything about my real life but I owe my skills to a father who had no sons and a grandfather who taught me from the getgo I could do ANYthing I set my mind to not a bunch of women libbers back East who wanted to be men but still treated like women. One of my first jobs was logging with my Dad after my Grandad died. I grew up with the men...they KNEW me and KNEW I could do the job. It literally never occured to me when I got grown and was a single mother that I would not be hired because I was a chick. Men have always looked at me and knew I could handle whatever came my way. I NEVER asked or expected special consideration because I "was a girl". I guess I was lucky probly beCAUSE i was accepted as a Hand not a chick they HAD to hire because of a quota. I always proved being a girl was NOT an excuse.
I have always accepted the fact that doing a mans job did not excuse me from the so-called "womens" work, mostly because I was responsible for BOTH pretty much my whole ADULT life at least.
Some sign on the side of a truck that just said men or boys,,,off color jokes and comments.....or all the OTHER things a lot of women who decide to work with men complain about ever bothered me or made me feel LESS than. I never needed special recognition of the fact I was female...I KNEW I was.

LOL growing up around my house the girls either got out there and helped with the wood chucking and bucking, hay bucking, whatever the guys did or they were in a world of hurt.   Dad and grandpa didn't care that they weren't boys.  They were two hands, two feet and a strong back like the rest of us.   Shrug

Mom worked a job back in the 60's substitute teacher, office work, got her masters in music in the 70's.  Didn't do it with a libber point of view nor a libbers help. She did it on her own and earned it from her own merits not someone elses coattails.  At one point she made as much as my dad did in the 60's. 1.15 a hour.  Dad had his masters deg in mid 70's and at that point i think his max earnings were something like 30k a year.  Moms was around 18k a year part time. 

Since then i have observed how we have lost a lot from that era.  Children coming home to empty houses after school, The employers took big advantage of the workforce doubling.  They cut wages and hired 2x the workers. 

Whats really fun these days is if i find a rabid womens libber, i find a gal that will play along with me and do the go get my coffee and dinner made woman routine. LOL

Used to have a gal live above me in the apartment complex, i would just make her irate half the time by doing that.  :D
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I think most women in this small town do whatever it takes to get the job done without worrying about if it a mans job or a woman's job.. or what context it is called.
We don't get our panties in a wad if we have to crawl off a tractor or lawn mower and go in and cook supper. Its just part of what we do .
I do the bulk of the cooking and cleaning and laundry..along with all the "man" jobs I do too..
I could care less if someone labels it girl or boy.
I also know my boys get off work and cook supper every night..( They both love to cook)   and Danny gets his daughter ( Ashley) ready for her next day by making sure she has her homework done.. her clothes ready for he irons!

People who get all flipped out by mail man.. mail person.. etc in my opinion are the ones who stir the pot over little insignificant things when it doesn't need stirring.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


On such a nice day you would think the county would be grading the roads. Went by the Howard county shop and three road graders sitting in the yard all day long. I did see them hauling gravel today but why not blading the ruts out of the roads as well. Maybe they need the two employees back that were laid off so that they have enough people to operate all the high priced equipment that has been purchased in the last several years.
Stay by your phone OLDFART, because I think they need your help. Maybe MR. Hillbilly can set me straight and tell me why nobody was in a grader today.

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