County Road Department

Started by Wilma, December 25, 2009, 05:03:39 PM

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the shadow

Really? $150,000 OVER budget? And what donkey's backside did you pull that from? I'm sure everyone that is smart uses a budget in their home. Once each department is given their money THAT IS IT! I don't think our commissioners in this county are stupid enough to have a $150,000 deficit in the budget and it not be public knowledge and everyone bitching about it way before now! I just found out there used to be a woman who worked in the road and bridge department years ago but there has not been one since. I'm sure some accommodations could be made for her. Why don't we just change the sign to Elk County Men then both men and WOmen could be covered? I don't think that that new road boss had discrimination on his mind when he put the logos on the vehicles. And why are you the one to bitch about it when the county commissioners know they are on there. Why don't we call the sheriff's department and bitch at them for having sheriff on the side of the deputy vehicles? Is that a form of discrimination too?

the shadow knows    and don't like you
The Shadow knows!


Well Shadow, if you look back on page 2, it was Shackelford that made the over budget statement, and like I said, I don't know if thats correct or not, was just looking for a yes or no on that.


M.MM, what is wrong with Elk County Road Dept/ Best In State? And make sure it is, (Best In State), both before and after it is displayed on public vehicles? Now that's a logo we can all be proud of!


Quote from: the shadow on February 28, 2010, 09:44:53 PM
Varmit, it sounds like you've gone ex-commando because your panties are in a wad! I know a few people that work for the road and bridge deptartment and one of them that I know is a nice little lady working dowstairs in the basement. Now what would you say if all it took for those logos was a neat little computer program and some decal paper and her time of running that program? Boy talk about wasting money! I'm pretty sure she has some pink decals that she could make some logos for you, saying Varmit, Blly, Crybaby or R. Shackelford
The Shadow KNOWS

And yet once again, looks like you'd rather use misidirection and focus on a sub-point rather than the whole issue.  IF a citizen of Elk County donated the time and materials for the decals then great, kudos for that person for doing something for the county.  However, that information should have been made public when the issue first came up first came up.  Why would I be labeled a crybaby for wanting my tax dollars to be spent in a wise fashion?

Quote from: the shadow on February 28, 2010, 10:58:23 PM
Really? $150,000 OVER budget? And what donkey's backside did you pull that from? I'm sure everyone that is smart uses a budget in their home. Once each department is given their money THAT IS IT! I don't think our commissioners in this county are stupid enough to have a $150,000 deficit in the budget and it not be public knowledge and everyone bitching about it way before now! I just found out there used to be a woman who worked in the road and bridge department years ago but there has not been one since. I'm sure some accommodations could be made for her. Why don't we just change the sign to Elk County Men then both men and WOmen could be covered? I don't think that that new road boss had discrimination on his mind when he put the logos on the vehicles. And why are you the one to bitch about it when the county commissioners know they are on there. Why don't we call the sheriff's department and bitch at them for having sheriff on the side of the deputy vehicles? Is that a form of discrimination too?
the shadow knows    and don't like you

You know as well as I do that the "$150,000 deficiet" rumor or whatever you want to call it, is what was going around last year.  Then about November, magically it was covered, allowing us to haul rock.  As far as public knowledge, theres a lot that goes on that the public doesn't know about, and if they do they don't say anything because either they don't care or no one listens. 
Oh, by the way, the word "sheriff" is gender netural, it doesn't imply neither male or female, so that really isn't a valid retort.

And with that I am done with this thread.  It is obvious that reasonable discourse is totally out the window here.  So, ya'll have fun with the "I don't trust you cause you use a screen name" and the "I don't like you" and when you are ready to discuss this issue like adults, let me know.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

the shadow

Quote from: M.MM on February 28, 2010, 11:57:43 PM
Well Shadow, if you look back on page 2, it was Shackelford that made the over budget statement, and like I said, I don't know if thats correct or not, was just looking for a yes or no on that.

What evil lurks in the heart of men? Apparently a "rumor", a misquotation, a little misguided judgement.

Quote from: Varmit on March 01, 2010, 05:42:15 AM
You know as well as I do that the "$150,000 deficiet" rumor or whatever you want to call it, is what was going around last year.  Then about November, magically it was covered, allowing us to haul rock.  

A preacher is a preacher. When I put my trust into God's hands or one of God's messengers, I do not look toward them for false accusations and misguided judgement. And Kudos to you, for the sheriff and deputy being gender neutral.

the shadow   KNOWS
The Shadow knows!


 Wow........As a lifetime resident of that neck of the woods up until 10 years ago and as a person who has drove MOST of them backroads more than once...I gotta say they never got that bad in my opinion. You live in the country you deal with country roads.
You oughta see some of THESE backroads if you wanna bitch! I wouldn't move any closer to civilization than I am tho.

As a FEMALE who has spent the last 30 or so years workin right alongside the guys in everything from road and bridge construction to siding houses....I gotta say havin signs on the trucks that say such and such boys whatever would not bother me a bit. I never got a job as a WOMAN...I got a job as a HAND.....if I didn't MAKE a hand I would not expect any different treatment than a guy. In fact my pet peeve was always women who wanted to work a guys job but then expected to be treated different BECAUSE they were a chick. They actually made it harder on the ones who just worked their asses off to earn a spot.

Sorry Sixdog :P


Sheriff is gender neutral as in Sheriff Harrington and Sheriff Copeland.  Which is male and which is female?

As for knowing what is going on in the county, you have to see it to know about it.  We sure aren't told anything.


Hey Sarge, before we go fishing this spring and  offend someone , my little tug boat,"The Crappie Queen" will be renamed"The Green Latrine". I hate this PC crap !!!


Whether the budget was over by $150,000 or whatever, we were told the reason we were laid off was because of the county being out of money and that Ernie had hired too many people.


One of my older brothers was Elk County Commissioner back in the early to mid 1980s and I remember asking him if he was able to please everyone and his response was " the only way to please everyone is to lower taxes, spend more money and gravel and blade the road everyday to everyone's house". I have been over the Elk County Roads almost every other weekend for the past several weeks, I take Turkey West to one point and sometimes I go on into Piedmont and back. I have Taken Cresco/Rock Road to the PawPaw road then North to Turkey then West, I have taken the Road that goes by the Copeland place then North to Turkey, the only point that I drug bottom was at the Old Monical place. Sure the roads were muddy but I still had no problem, and they were not any worse than expected for the weather conditions you have had. Surely you don't think they should be blading and spreading gravel when it is raining, or there is snow on the road or the road is so muddy the dirt in front of the blade just balls up. I remember the roads in the early 60's being just as bad. I feed cattle in about 6-8 pastures everyday and in every direction from Howard and I remember one winter I had to be in 4 wheel drive nearely all of the time and I even had to feed some with a 2 ton truck with chains.
I don't know the other Commissioners but I do know Liz and I can tell you she is plenty smart and is a hard worker,  and I think she is trying to do the best she can under the circumstances. It will be interesting to see how many people sign up as a candidate in the next election.

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