County Road Department

Started by Wilma, December 25, 2009, 05:03:39 PM

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There is something that I have been intending to say all day, but by the time I get back to the computer it has slipped my mind.  So I am going to say it now.

Hurrah for our county road department.  They went out early this morning and are just now getting back in.  All the dirt and snow removal equipment has been out all day.  This doesn't benefit me, but I think we should all thank them for doing this on a special holiday.  


They deserve a big thanks! In part, because of them, Jim was able to deliver the newspapers. My road is mostly clear (the driveway is now blocked), but they'll be out working tomorrow. It was nice to see them today.

Unsung heros!


They were in my thoughts and prayers last night and all day today.  Bless them.


Anybody agree the elk county roads are the worst they have ever seen? I think it should be mandatory that each commissioner and the mr. full of himself road boss should only be allowed to drive the county roads in a car! Not everyone has a truck or 4x4 to travel our county roads, which is what you have to have right now to navigate on them safely, and then i'm not sure it would be very safe. And none of this "well we have had a very wet winter is why they are in this shape", because we have had wet winters before and the roads were never in the shape they are now. Maybe if we had a crown on our roads like we did at one time for the water to run off instead of sitting there, which is what I thought ditches were for, the roads might not be so treacherous? Or maybe the money spent on the new logos, ELK COUNTY BOYS, would have been better spent on gravel!!


M.MM you are too right.  Our roads are terrible, well, that is except for the deer ranch rd. and  Perkins Blvd...hey isn't that the same road that one of our commissioners lives on...hmmmm imagine that! 
Speaking about money better spent on gravel, how about the $18 grand they spent on a crane to clean 1, count'em, 1 bridge...which by the way sits idle as it has since the first time they tried to use it.  Wow!! what a good investment that turned out to be. 

Oh, and tell me again why it is that the road boss needs a 4x4 drive pickup when all the rest of the road crew only has 2wheel drive trucks??  I mean its not like he is driving around in a rust bucket old truck.

And another thing, why do you suppose they grade roads THAT HAVE NO GRAVEL ON THEM?  Sure, it may smooth up the road for a day or two, but in the long run all they're doing is cutting the road surface down which makes the water problem even worse!!


C'mon folks, let our county comissioners hear about your concerns for our county roads and the way your tax dollars are spent! We need people to show them we will not stand for our tax dollars going to waste! It is impossible to travel most of our county roads in anything but a truck or 4x4!!!! And don't complain about the BIG rock they use on the roads these days because you'll get told in a smartA fashion "there is more of it coming!" Of course, why would mr. full of himself care, he lives on the hiway....

Janet Harrington

Quote from: R.Shackelford on February 21, 2010, 12:35:10 AM
M.MM you are too right.  Our roads are terrible, well, that is except for the deer ranch rd. and  Perkins Blvd...hey isn't that the same road that one of our commissioners lives on...hmmmm imagine that! 

Just curious.  Where is the deer ranch rd. and Perkins Blvd?  I don't remember any of the Elk County Roads getting that name when we were naming the roads.


Well don't go down road 9 over by rock road.  Darn near flipped over in first gear going through that disaster.  You know they dumped a truck load of gravel on it without fixing it. That isn't the way you fix problem areas like that. Especially when the graveltrucks go down through there as fast as they can and destroy whatever work they did.   Rock road is just as bad too.  between 9 and 10 if you don't know its there, that spot there will flip someone over if they hit it over 20 mph. 
seriously, grading the ditch mud into the road isn't the way you maintain the trouble spots.

Well at least i haven't had a flat lately.  Thats one plus.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Our road is bad, too.  But with so much rain how could they even think of putting rock on them yet.  I mean they put some on ours and now it is going cause of the rain.  I don't think that are roads are any worse than other counties.  I mean come on its really not their fault that there has been so much rain is it.  I don't like the road conditions any better than any one else, but to me it is a way of life.  I choose to live in the country.  So I deal with the issues that happen.  I have had two flat tires this past week.  One on Thursday and have one now.  Nail in them both.  Of course can't get the van to town now cause it is to muddy, and the ruts are big and would drag the bottom of my van.  But I drive have another truck I can drive. 

I understand where you are coming from, but I truly believe that if gravel was put on now it would be wasted money.  Not sure if I am right, but that is my opionion.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: angtown3 on February 22, 2010, 09:13:13 AM
Our road is bad, too.  But with so much rain how could they even think of putting rock on them yet.  I mean they put some on ours and now it is going cause of the rain.  I don't think that are roads are any worse than other counties.  I mean come on its really not their fault that there has been so much rain is it.  I don't like the road conditions any better than any one else, but to me it is a way of life.  I choose to live in the country.  So I deal with the issues that happen.  I have had two flat tires this past week.  One on Thursday and have one now.  Nail in them both.  Of course can't get the van to town now cause it is to muddy, and the ruts are big and would drag the bottom of my van.  But I drive have another truck I can drive. 

I understand where you are coming from, but I truly believe that if gravel was put on now it would be wasted money.  Not sure if I am right, but that is my opionion.
Actually in the couple spots i was talking about, the gravel their dumping there won't do any good.  The areas have no base in which to support the gravel.  these two areas are low areas where the water is crossing the road.  First thing to fix areas like this are either put one of those metal culverts in there, and build up from there to grade level with a layer of rock, layer of dirt layer of rock ect until your at grade then cover with what i call crush n run.  That stuff will pack down like concrete.
You can build the area up above grade so that it isn't low lying but then you have a problem with the water pooling up on the sides of the road.
But at any rate, the road has become dangerous and needs to be addressed!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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