
Started by Jo McDonald, December 24, 2009, 10:56:37 AM

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Jo McDonald

BRRRRRRRRRRRRR  It is sleeting in Howard, Kansas America.  The wind is strong from the north and the temp has dropped 10 degrees.

    My heart breaks for the homeless, the sick and lonely.  My prayers go to those that are far away from loved ones and friends and
are in a far off land, that is demanded of them.  Please keep them in your prayers for their safety and to stay healthy and warm, as they continue to stand guard for America's freedom.

    Be kind to yourself and others and have a Blessed Christmas.

   Jo and Fred


None of mine that I know of are on the road to anywhere.  At least two of them intend to stay in until this is over. Or so they say.  Me?  I have no intention of even setting foot outside even though my two little scarecrows are blowing and freezing and will probably be covered with ice.  Nope, I am staying on this side of the door.


Just cold and windy here in the Central KS area.  I think all the snow is East of us (for now).  We had ice in the night yesterday, but got warm enough to melt it off yesterday.  Good thing, as with all this wind, it would have taken trees and lines down for sure!  My parents in NW KS got about 5" of snow yesterday, and is cold and sunny today.  We don't have our TV hooked up yet and the internet isn't much help, so not sure what is forecast for the rest of the week and weekend.  We'd like to head to my parents at least "sometime" over Christmas!  Stay warm, Elk County, and stay safe!

Diane Amberg

I've been thinking about you all. I guess it's your turn. Even though we have a LOT of snow still on the ground (between 17 and 25 inches,) it wasn't ice. Actually it's very cold but pretty here. Another nasty is on the way for tomorrow. Bad timing for sure. Stay safe all of you.


Well, when I asked for snow for Christmas, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind. Right now we are being pelted with ice balls that clatter against the screens and are really upsetting my old dog who is so afraid of storms. It is blowing so hard that you could not tell if it is snowing or not. We have a little covering of snow/ice on the streets, and folks are driving as if it is slick which I suspect that it is. I just received a call that the candlelight service at the Christian church has been canceled, and that makes good sense. Everyone keep safe and warm, Merry Christmas!

Roma Jean Turner

I decided not to go to Wichita for Christmas this year as I have to play piano for church here on Sunday and didn't want to get stranded.  It is so warm here, Springfield, MO, although it is drizzling.  We are supposed to get 4-6" of snow starting sometime tonight.  I'm ready to snuggle up with the dogs on the couch and watch movies.  Have a safe and Merry Christmas to all of you out there.

W. Gray


When we left from Centennial headed to Howard, I went to the Weather Channel, above on the Forum, and searched for the major towns along the route and then printed out the 10 day forecast for Centennial, CO, Limon, CO, Hays, KS, Salina, KS, Wichita, KS, and Howard, KS.

We brought the printouts with us and we traveled here in good weather and will go home in good weather, (that is if we can trust the weatherman and his forecasts).
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


I really shouldn't do this-----------------------------I really think it is terrible of me to do this---------------------------------I will probably anger a lot of my forum friends if I do this. 

The heck with it.

Today in SoCal, there is a light to moderate breeze, with plenty of sunshine, and an estimated high temperature of around 65 degrees. 

It is 12:45 PM now and the temperature is around 60 degrees.  R.A.M.B.O has gone out for the day to the patio with his sweater on and has found a spot to drag his pillow to in the sun and is working on his tan.  The last time I looked he was sound asleep.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry, hope you and rambo enjoy the sunshine.  But for me Christmas just isn't Christmas without the cold to go along with it.  Either way, Merry Christmas. :)
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


And one of the nice things about Kansas - we're far enough south that this will all be gone within a couple of days. Having lived in Iowa and Minnesota, I can handle it know it's going to be gone soon.  ;)

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