A Key Economic Factor

Started by redcliffsw, December 22, 2009, 10:11:40 AM

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Key economic factor: Abortion
-Mychal Massie

With abortion, there is a real economic toll – but it's not something you hear Jackson, Sharpton or the Congressional Black Caucus complaining about.  In fact, they all support abortion.

Yet abortion does have negative consequences for the American economy and for the economic well-being of the black community in particular.

To hear abortion proponents talk about it, infanticide is an economic boon.  In a reprehensible 1998 U.S. News and World Report article, a child was called "a high-priced consumer item with no warranty."

Taking a page from abortion icon Margaret Sanger – who promoted abortion in large part for reasons of eugenics – less kids means less welfare spending, less unemployment and lots more money to spread around.

Actually, the opposite is more likely to be true.

In a telephone interview, Mark Crutcher, President of Life Dynamics Inc., said, "The cost, if calculable, would be astronomical to the point of the average person being incapable of comprehending it."

While Crutcher is right that there is no way to accurately place a price tag on the opportunity costs of abortion, there are plenty of places in society where the effects of abortion are apparent.

In fact, abortion could be considered a key factor in our nation's current economic crisis



That was a nice read.  Thanks, Red.  

How true it is that an aborted child might have been the saviour of the world or the next President or, like the article says, the one who cures cancer.  On the other hand, would it be that the same child might be just another person who goes on welfare, or gets addicted to drugs?

The point of the article is that the black population is losing out economically due to the high rate of abortion and that needs some attention from the leaders of the black community to begin with.

When we had the riots here in Los Angeles many years ago, the black population chose to march down some main streets toward downtown L.A. burning and looting and smashing everything.  The white population sat and watched on TV in awe of the destruction being done by black people to--------------other black people------------the stores that provided them with the things they needed on a daily basis.  If a black person living in Watts wanted to shop in a large supermarket they had to drive quite a ways from their neighborhood to do that.  After the riots, the city's leaders worked very hard to restore the destroyed area back to normal and worked very hard to persuade large food chains to place multi-million dollar stores in an area where any incident could cause total destruction of that store.  This effort was not only led by local black leaders, but white leaders of the city as well.

I wonder if the fault of all this lies with the black leaders.  Are they just sitting around shouting about discrimination and the terrible treatment of the black people?  I don't hear much about the big names of black leaders doing anything for their people.   Maybe it isn't publicized much, although if I were Sharpton, or Jackson, I would want that news out there.  Maybe I should research this more.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


For one thing, blacks have been indoctrinated too with re-visionist history.
There's a few people, black and white, in this country who undertand
their true heritage regardless of what the schools teach.

Whites are just as bad or worse.  Many give a hoot less about their true history
and the stand their ancestors took or are contrary to their own heritage.

For example, here's a small bit of good reading:



You are right, that was a good read.

I am curious, also--------------I have read, being an armchair historian, that many black slaves were ordered by their masters to fight for the confederacy.  And, like in this article, how many personal slaves accompanied their masters or their master's sons to the battlefront to help take care of them?  I have read that black men were inducted into the Union Army with the promise of freedom from slavery.  I have read of black men who were freed before the war, volunteered for service in the Union Army.  I wonder just how many black men actually volunteered for the Confederacy just because they wanted to.  Something to look up.  I will never get off this computer today!

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Red, I gotta say, that article was a pile of dog mess.  Mr. Massie stated that the black community is losing out due to abortion, what a crock!  The black community is losing out (in my opinion) due to a growing decline of morality.  L.A. riots are a prime example.  The blame doesn't lay with the "black leaders", it lays with the parents.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Billy, you're a little extreme in your description of the article.
I don't always agree with Massie as he has a northern view
if you know what I mean. 

You gotta know that abortion reflects a lack of morality -
black or white.


I think the hip-hop culture has been a much bigger detriment.  Not just to black society, but to urban society in general.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

Drug and alcohol culture.Bad news for everyone everywhere.


The drug culture has truly deccimated the rural culture more than anyone wants to admit. Meth production, although not so prevalent now as it was just a few years back, and the pot trainline has made an absolutely huge impact on the way that ordinary people survive in smalltown America. There is an entire population that drifts from town to town, area to area, survivng on local handouts and what their drug profits make. Their children grow up on the edge peeping into a world they have never known, while Mom and Dad are busy with a world in their drug warped minds, not caring whether their young know better than than they knew when they were young. That is the difference that I see between the current generations; there is no care that the next generation is bettering itself with opportunities made by the present one.


Well there SDM you've made a good point and let's look at it.
The drug culture has touched a lot of thinking in this country
including the current President and Congress.  How are they any
different than the druggies when it comes to bettering the next generation?
They're morally bankrupt.

They're stealing from future generations just like the druggies that
you describe.  Liberalism and socialism are bad stuff just like your
description of druggies.

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