Welcome To Zombie Land

Started by Warph, December 22, 2009, 01:43:14 AM

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Welcome to Zombie Land, people.  Please watch where you step as congress... the house and senate.... just passed by here earlier and you know how full of shit they are.

For the longest time, I wondered why there always seemed to be such a large audience for those stupid and disgusting movies about zombies.  But after seeing how many people lined up in support of Obamacare, I realized it was because so many of us, in and out of Congress, had good reason to totally identify with the undead.  Like those lurching creatures in the movies, they, too, desperately require brains, but not to satisfy their insatiable hunger, but simply in order to think clearly.

I'd like to know why when congressmen swear to uphold and defend the Constitution, which still included the 1st and 2nd amendment the last time I looked, Rep. Henry "the Weasel" Waxman gets to say, "If someone is so fearful that they're going to start using their weapons to protect their rights, it makes me very nervous that these people have these weapons at all."

If I recall correctly, that's the same thing that King George III said back around 1775.  It seems that the King, who was nicknamed Mad George, was only intermittently out of his gourd, according to his contemporaries.  But even on his worst days, it's unlikely that he, unlike Mad Henry, would have voted to continue funding ACORN.

Sometimes I give myself a headache trying to figure out why so-called intellectuals... those in the obsequious media and academia.... are so damn bloody anxious to give a giant shout-out to such idiocies as cap & trade, 12 trillion dollar deficits and Castrocare, policies guaranteed to bankrupt America, programs that wouldn't redistribute wealth, but would merely guarantee poverty.  Why, for crying out loud, would anyone want to emulate England and Canada, where you have to enter a lottery in order to get dibs on a doctor and wait months, sometimes years, for an operation?

The only reason I can come up with is that these eggheads believe that only by radically shaking up the status quo will they obtain the power and prestige they crave so desperately.   Even if the end result is a dictatorship, they're okay with it so long as they wind up in the inner circle.

Oddly enough, although they love to parrot Santayana's line about those who don't learn from history being doomed to repeat it, it's they who were obviously dozing off in class when they should have been taking notes.  The fact is, as history tells us, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and Castro, all treated their useful idiots...I mean their intellectuals.... the exact same way; namely, as compost.

Yet another obnoxious thing about elitists is the way they go on about the wonders of diversity.  But of course the only diversity they ever champion is the one defined by pigmentation.  When it comes to diversity of opinion, they all become as censorious as Puritans.  Let a conservative try to speak on a college campus and he'll be shouted down.  Let a conservative speak his mind on the radio, TV or Internet, and the president makes threatening noises about shutting them down.

Because the House and Senate are such constant sources of embarrassment, it's easy to overlook the fact that there's a conclave based in America that's even worse.  I refer to that gathering of knaves, thugs and parasites, who congregate in New York.  If you guessed the editorial board of the NY Times, you're close, but no cigar.  Actually, I refer to the United Nations.

If you are one of those zombie clowns who actually believes that the U.N. .... with such prominent members as Russia, China, Iran, Egypt, North Korea, Yemen, Syria, Somalia, Cuba, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.... is a force for good, you really should seek professional help.  I'd be willing to wager that at least half the people who are currently residing in asylums aren't as completely divorced from reality as you are.

In typical fashion, a committee of the U.N. General Assembly recently passed the following resolution on the so-called defamation of religion: "Everyone has the right to hold opinion without interference, and has the right to freedom of expression, the exercising of which carries with it special duties and responsibilities and may therefore be subject to limitations."   So everyone has the right to his own opinion and the freedom to express it, unless, of course, they take advantage of those rights.

Or, in other words, knowing, as we do, how little the member states care for Christianity or Judaism, don't dare utter an unkind word about Islam.  Or else.

Just like those who trumpet the grandeur of the U.N., I, too, can see the benefits of a one-world government. The thing is, they want to see it established here on earth and I want to see it limited to Mars.

Recently, we were told one of the biggest lies of all.  We were told by the New York Times, the U.S. military and Barack Obama, that Major Hasan had simply cracked up.   We were told he was suffering from the very first case of pre-post-traumatic stress disorder.  We were even told that he killed 13 soldiers and an unborn baby and wounded 30 other people because he had at one time or another been teased.

What we weren't told, because it might embarrass Muslims, is that Major Hasan was a devout Islamic.  On the other hand, if Hasan had been a devout Christian who had hollered "Christ is great!" as he went on his slaughter spree, why do I doubt that the N.Y. Times, General Casey and Barack Obama, would be trying to bury the truth under a truckload of politically correct manure?  BTW... have you noticed that the media hasn't had anything to say recently about Maj. Hasan, including Fox.  The media is too busy kissing the Zero's butt.

Lord, I'm sooooo sick and tired of our leaders trying to convince us that we're not engaged in a religious war.  There is a reason that in the wake of 9/11, we didn't immediately bomb Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen or Syria.  Oil aside, we didn't bomb them because the U.S. wasn't attacked by any one country, as we had been when Japan leveled Pearl Harbor.   This time, the sneak attack was perpetrated by a religion.  It was the same vile religion that took hostages in 1979, that bombed our embassies and our Marine base in Lebanon, that blew a hole in the USS Cole, and that first tried to bring down the Twin Towers, in 1993.

And because it's a religious war, a jihad, I don't understand why neither we nor Israel fights it in the appropriate fashion.  Why is it that our military doesn't dip its bullets and bombs in pig blood and why doesn't Israel announce that the remains of suicide bombers will henceforth be buried in pigskins?

It's hard to imagine that even after 61 years of constant attacks and threats of extinction, Israel still insists on taking prisoners.  Eventually, when Israel has jailed enough of these vermin, the enemy kidnaps, tortures and murders, an Israeli soldier, and then swaps his corpse for a hundred or two hundred terrorists.

I suspect that liberals will find my suggestions not only insensitive, but downright repulsive.  Leave it to a liberal to be more deeply offended by the spilling of a pig's blood than that of a human.

It just seems to me that if you have kryptonite, you're a schmuck if you don't use it.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Had your rifle sighted in to the perfect point of impact there Warph..
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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