West Elk board proposes to close Severy and Moline schools

Started by Rudy Taylor, December 15, 2009, 08:49:18 AM

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Nope.  You're right. My kids go to Central. So what?  Doesn't mean that I can't have an opinion on the matter. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Wilma, Varmit may live in Grenola and send his youngsters to Central. I live in Moline and do not have any children, and you live in Howard and do not have any children. However, this issue will affect every town in the area in the end. All people in the area should have a say, no matter if you or anyone else agrees with it. I seldom agree with Varmit, but must stand with him on this issue. Sorry.  ;)

Jo McDonald

Billy, you make a comment with a very "snide" sound to it.  The USD #282 offices and school building is IN HOWARD --- now, really,
don't you think that is where the meetings should be held?  Where does Central of Burden have their meetings???  Not in any of the surrounding towns, do they?  Where does the different city councils have their meetings??  Come on -------This is taking the "Howard" thing a little too far, don't you think?


I was just wondering if the decisions our school board makes will affect his taxes.  Since his children do not attend West Elk, the board's decisions won't affect his children.  He can have his opinion, but why should his opinion affect West Elk's board's decisions.  Why should he have a voice at a meeting that has nothing to do with his life.  Now, SDM and I live and pay taxes in USD West Elk.  Our opinions do count, whether we agree with each other or not.

No matter.  The decision has been made as far as I can see.  If there were a viable alternative, I think our board would have addressed it a long time ago.  I just don't like the way trailers will look out there on the campus when we could have had an attractive new building.


Jo, I understand what you're saying.  And if this were an issue that only affected those living in Howard I would agree with it.  But this is something that affects the entire county.  Yes, Central hold its meetings at Cental.  As for the City Councils, their decisions only affect their respective cities, not the county.

Wilma, my tax dollars, like yours, go to the county.  If they did not then the County would have no grounds for raising my property taxes.  I live in Grenola, which in case you missed it, is in Elk county.  Children here go to either West Elk or Central.  Regardless of that, I am a Citizen of Elk County and therefore have just as much right to voice my opinion on county matters as the next guy. 

By the way, were You in attendence at the last board meeting??
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Jo, I think, by reading the newspaper some time back, Central used to go to the surrounding towns to have there monthly meetings.  I could be wrong, but I thought I saw this. 

Gina, you are so right.  I have been a bad one that hasn't been attending.  Not that I didn't want to, but I have so many meetings a month to go to, and the last couple ones have been on the same night.  But you are right, and no one should be mad, we as citizens should be attending the meetings.  Not just the important ones.  And if you attend these meetings, and it's open forum, you can voice your opinion, other wise call and get on the agenda!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


varmit, you are a citizen of Elk County.  Are you a citizen of USD 282?  If you are not, your school tax dollars are going to another district.  Regardless of where you live, if your children are attending another district, your school tax dollars are going to another district, along with whatever state and federal aid that is being paid for that child.  If your child is attending another district, USD 282 is losing dollars.  Now, if I am wrong in this, please correct me.  

When my brother and I decided to attend Piedmont rather than Howard, whose district we lived in, we had to get permission from the Howard district and the Howard district had to pay Piedmont.  At age 17,  I didn't understand it then and I am not sure that I understand it now, but I think that if a child attends a school outside his home district, that his home district has to give permission and pay to the other district that share of the child's school tax.

Please, someone, explain to us what I have been trying to say.

No, I do not attend board meetings.  I have nothing to add.  I helped elect the board and they are good honest people that are doing the best they can under the circumstances.  I trust them to to do that.  Maybe they aren't the best qualified but it is a hard job and not many people want to take it on.  So we have to go with the best that are willing.



What is the difference to what West Elk is trying to do now and what Central Burden did.  Did they not close 2 old grade schools, put thier kids in trailers for awhile, and then build a new grade school?  And aren't grenola, cambridge, atlanta kids bussed to Burden.  It the exact same issues West Elk is facing.  Has it not worked out for them?  why are you so judgmental of WE when Burden did the same thing.  Besides if you are in the burden school district and your kids go to burden none of this will affect you anyway.   


Patriot, I am aware of what Central did.  I was not living in Ks at that time, nor was I a father at that time.  However, if I had been I would have argued against it.  And if it isn't going to affect me then I shouldn't see my taxes go up.  Considering the services that Elk County provides the increase in taxes cannot be justified.  Not only that but this will affect me in that I am a citizen of Elk County and do not wish to see towns like moline and severy lose out in the way that Grenola has. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Then you chose to move to Grenola where you already knew that your children would be bussed to another town.  Grenola losing their school isn't necessarily the cause of it's decline.  Severy still has a school and doesn't have nearly the businesses that they used to have.  I don't think that you can blame the lack of a school for the decline in a small town.  In MHO, losing their school is not going to cause a decline in Moline because the people of Moline won't let it.  If you ever want to see a small town supported by it's citizens, take a good look at Moline.

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