West Elk board proposes to close Severy and Moline schools

Started by Rudy Taylor, December 15, 2009, 08:49:18 AM

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Bits and pieces:

Since this was a first program with all the grades, no one was certain how many would attend. Moline programs have been held at West Elk with plenty of empty seats. Junior high / high school programs have been held at West Elk, sometimes with empty seats, sometimes not. For most, it was a surprise the place was that full. The weather helped, also. On a bad weather night (icy, etc.), not as many people would have attended.

Junior high / high school programs have been held in the gymnasium in the past.

If anyone has a viable alternative to closing both elementary schools, I hope they either attend the hearing on the 4th and sign up to speak or write a letter to the school board. I've spoken with several members and they would welcome more options.

In thinking about the modulars (if that's the final decision) - where do you think they should be placed? It was suggested a minimum of eight additional classrooms would be needed. Four sets of two classrooms each? Two sets of four classrooms each? All on the north side of the school? Northwest corner? Northeast corner? Southeast corner?

Which classes would you place in the proposed modulars? The elementary students? Or refit the high school for the elementary students and put the high school students in the modulars? Put the Junior High in the modulars?

If the grade school are closed and modulars brought in, these are some of the decisions the school board will have to make.

What's your opinion? Let the school board know.

From what I've heard, I think there will be a lot of people at the hearing, quite a few wanting to speak. If the comments are cut off at 9 pm, there might be people still waiting to talk. So send a letter. Make sure your opinion is heard.

I thought the program was excellent. When my kids were home, there were a couple of years I had three programs to go to. I would have appreciated just one. Scheduling is sometimes a major problem.

I liked the serving of snacks during the intermission.


I liked the program the way it was.  I don't feel that they were trying to get back at anyone for voting the way that they did.  They did this also because the High school teacher has been helping the 4, 5, and 6 grades.  Made sense to me to have them all together.  Yes, it was crowded, but what do you expect??  It was nice for a change!!  Not that I am against Longton, but sorry my kids won't be attending school anytime soon.  Just can't take them to the bus, and they are doing fine where they are at.  Most of the kids are doing fine with the changes this year, so I imagine they will do fine with the changes that are going to be made next year.  West Elk will survive this.  And from reading other news, we are not the only school that are having budget problems.  The state has cut lots of dollars from education, so other schools are hurting, too.  West Elk will survive!!!  Keep ALL schools in your prayers!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: angtown3 on December 18, 2009, 09:28:01 AM
It's not actually the board or higher ups mishap, it's the down fall from the state that is the problem with lacking budget.  Plus, if your going to blame board members and higher up, you better start with the ones that were on the board about 10 years ago!!  Because this is not a new problem, its been happening for the past 10 plus years.  Declining enrollement equals less money from the state.

You're right Ang, the board should have dealt with this issue a while ago.  Planning for the future and setting aside a certain percentage of the budget for emegerency funds is just common sense.

Quote from: angtownAs for the program being held together, it needed to be.  Many parents have kids in both schools, plus we are trying to unite the kids into one school.  How would you say that they do it??

HS/Jr. Hs on one nite elementary the next.  Its really a simple problem that requires a simpler answer. 

As for uniting the kids, okay fine, but why do it in Howard?  Why not move modulars (if thats the plan) to moline or severy?  What is the ratio of high school students to jr. high and elementary students?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I should think it would be more economical running the buses to Howard instead of crisscrossing all over the district.  Key here is I think.


Aren't they going to have to do that anyway to bring the kids to howard?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


They are going to have to still run buses.  But I think they are thinking that they will cut some positions this way.  Don't you think?  One central kitchen, less custodians, and that sort.  Not sure but I think that is probably what they are thinking.  Not that that is good, but probably what they are thinking.  As for putting the modulars in Severy or Moline, why???  That makes no sense to me.  Then why not just keep those buildings open.  I think they are going for one central campus for all.  Which makes the most sense to me. 
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


What I was wondering was if the number of middle and elementary school students was greater than the high school students then why move the elementary kids?  Maybe I am just jaded but it seems to me like another way for Howard to get something while the rest go without.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I just assumed that the schools started at the same time, so while you were hauling kids to Severy from Moline you would be hauling kids to Moline from Severy.  Then you are hauling from all over the district to Howard.  Seems unorganized to me, but what do I know.  After all I grew up in Latham and had to go to school in Leon. :P


Give me a break.

No room for parents to sit down at the Christmas play, a community storm shelter for Howard outside of the city limits????
What does all that have to do with education of children????

You plan on loosing more students yet you continue to want to spend more money, why?

Close on of the grade schools and save the money you have for maintenance. Or just keep wasting money for the effort of getting Howard a grade school, and eventually lose your school district. Not a good choice.

The remarks "I hope all that voted against building the new school are happy now......................
Nothing like cutting off your nose to spite your face~~" Shows that the vote was all about Howard not education. And shows this person apparently doesn't appreciate our country's democracy and voting system.

The remark " I graduated from West Elk the Trailer Park one!!! " is up to the school board if that is what they want, or they can keep one of the grade schools open and bus Howard's poor little children to the school like everyone else does.

There are more options if the board were to work at the problem.

They are going to try to tell you that the state will reimburse the school system for the trailers. Get the money first.I wonder where the state will get the money??? Haven't you heard the state is cutting back everywhere and the state is being sued by school districts for more money? Will you have the money to maintain the trailers???

Are you aware that those portable buildings will cost $44,000 each? That probably will not be the total cost of installation, installing electricity etc. Let's see all the details, and then ad 20% for error. What is to be done for tornado protection in a portable?

Oh well, shut down perfectly usable school buildings that are worth maybe a million or two and let them deteriorate then the voters can be forced into providing Howard with their very own brand new muti-million dollar grade school to hose a few students, maybe. That is if they still have enough kid to keep a school district.


Fuzzytoes, let me straighten you out on at least one of your points.  Quote,"---and bus Howard's poor little children to the school  like everyone else does."  That is exactly what has been happening for the past 38 years.  Howard grade school children have been bussed to either Severy or Moline.  Did you get that, 38 years?  Some of those children are grandparents now.  

One more point, the school buildings in Severy and Moline are not worth a million dollars put together.  In case you haven't noticed, there isn't much market for used schoolhouses even for use as a schoolhouse.

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