Favorite Part of Christmas

Started by Wilma, December 09, 2009, 02:32:45 PM

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We seemed to have exhausted the Christmas Memories for awhile, so I have a new one.  What is your favorite part of Christmas?  I have one, but I want to hear yours first.


I like all of it.. but what really makes me stop dead in my tracks and become humbled to what it really is all about is this:

We should never ever forget the real reason ..for everything that IS.....

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Judy Harder

I do like Christmas; I believe that Jesus came as a babe and that He died to save me/you.

But, the day after the Christmas Holiday is my favorite.

No worry's about gifts/ travel, unless it is home, and the competition to do better than the neighbors
is slowed down.

then there are the "LEFT-OVERS" and if we are home alone.............we get to pig-out. LOL
Then there is New Years Eve to look forward to and a brand New Year!

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Easy-----------Family------------------together in one place at the same time.  Not so much this year as our son and his wife are still traveling, unless they choose to surprise us.  But, if not, they will be home soon after the New Year.  However, it still my family (I'm the patriarch) together.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


The fun and best part of Christmas is family time .. All of us together.. keeping the tradition of game playing and eating alive and well.
We always play men against women.. in Scattorgories.. and Pictionary ( get the big huge white board out and use it) and this year I have 2 new games to play.. We have a ball. We all make lots of snacks and cool things to eat ( and drink) and spend the day just enjoying each other..  We open gifts and we have a tradition that has been around longer than I have been alive...My mother, Aunt Rosy and Aunt Barbara started this a long long time ago...
Every year there will be a few ugly horrible gifts to someone mixed in with their nice stuff.. Some of these things have been passed around for literally 20 + years..  ;D There is this horrible ugly silver pillow ( Grandma McD had it on her divan ) and these horrible black and white glass poodles  ( I think all that is left is a mama and one baby ) There is a blow up plastic footstool with (get this) plastic flowers inside it  with wooden screw in legs on it..
It is the most hateful hideous thing you will ever lay your eyes on. ( Someone will get it .. but no one knows who.. )  :D
It is a fun day... and this year we get to have Mama and Daddy with us again too. What fun!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

Family ***Family***Family   Love***Love***Love

    Sherri, Curt, Tania and Brett won't be here with us, but in love and in their hearts, we will all be together.  Our Christmas Day
celebrations have always been the most fun ever.  Especially now that we forgo the big meal and just pig out on all the snacks and
we can start anytime of day we want and eat and drink until we decide to quit.  And as Teresa posted, you just hold your breath that you
don't get the ugliest of the ugly gag gifts.  We have SUCH a good time!!!


Christmas eve.  Late at night when everything is done and everyone is where they need to be and you step outside for a moment.  The silence, the serenity, the expectancy, because you know in your heart that there is good in the world.

Then you look up at the moon and you see:

The tiny sleigh pulled by eight tiny reindeer,
Santa's voice, far away, yet so clear,
"Happy Christmas to all, see you all next year."

Rudy Taylor

Jo, Teresa and family,

I love your thoughts because you're not wasting your remaining years feuding and fussing over petty things.  So many families get so tanged in personalities that they forget to play cards, buy silly gifts and laugh till their guts hurt. I like your family because you're so honest. One minute you're talking about the Christ Child and the next you're telling a newspaperman to stick it in his Christmas tush. LOL

There is so much hypocrisy in today's world, even among folks who dote on their religious expectations for others. What I see in your lives is a health dose of family love. I can see it is genuine. And to me, that makes it Godly.

Please savor each moment of your Christmas together. Life is so very fleeting. We get only one chance to do it right --- and I believe you are setting a good example for all of us to follow.

It truly is "a wonderful life."


wow~~ Thank you Rudy... that was so nice of  you to say that.. 
But you know ~~ what I have learned is the people that generally comment openly with compliments and positive appreciation for others.. is a sure sign that they..themselves  have no heavy egos  about themselves and genuinely appreciate  what they are addressing. I know you being  a strong loving father force ~~ that you have instilled in your family the love and honesty and self worth of family and love that encompasses it. So you know the kind of love that my family shares.
I AM lucky and very blessed and not a day goes by that I don't give thanks to God and all the higher powers for my family and all we have.

You have a Merry Christmas and don't forget to shop around until you find the most butt ugly thing in the world that you know would just appall someone in your family .. then wrap it up nicely and try to keep a straight face as they open it .. They won't know whether to thank you  and act like they like it ( as manners tells us to do ) or to just look at you like you have 4 heads with fins... ;D
But you will be guaranteed that it will bring about a tradition that is so much fun.. LOL
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

Thank you, Rudy, for those very kind compliments you bestowed upon our family.  You put a smile in my heart.  Our family really does have so much fun -- and share love and laughter, always.
  One of the most wonderful things that I love about our grandchildren is....No matter where - when - or who is around I ALWAYS get a kiss and a big hug from Danny, Derek, Tania, Teri, Rochelle, and Brett. Fred gets kisses from the girls and hugs from the boys.  Whether it is in the middle of main street - in Cookson's Hardware or any public place...their love is shown to us as others watch. We are so blessed and thankful for all that God has given us.

  And to parrot Teresa, the readings in your newspaper shows your family is just like ours.
  Enjoy a blessed Christmas.

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