Time to get Right, People.... Time to get Right!

Started by Warph, December 07, 2009, 01:10:41 PM

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Back in 1946, Winston Churchill, in a speech delivered at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri.....  http://www.hpol.org/churchill/
.....referred to an Iron Curtain that had descended across the Continent, behind which all the capitols of the ancient states, from Berlin to Belgrade, from Budapest to Sofia, were under the boot of the Soviet Union.

Today, freedom-loving people are faced with a second such curtain.  It doesn't exist in Eastern Europe this time, but along the Potomac.  On one side, there are despots like Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Waxman, Sunstein, Emanuel, Axelrod, Frank, Dodd, Specter and Conyers..... the list goes on and on.  On the other side are those of us who are sick and tired of having ex-community organizers and their left-wing henchmen doing their best to enslave us.  They treat the Constitution like toilet paper; they bribe millions of us, including illegal aliens, with cash and free health benefits, while simultaneously bankrupting the rest of us, along with our kids and their kids.

The liberals have saddled us with so much debt.... http://www.usdebtclock.org/

unemployment....  http://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm

and inevitable inflation.... http://seekingalpha.com/article/129489-faber-and-schiff-inflation-inevitable-so-here-s-what-to-doone

......can only assume it's their plan that we'll be too wretched to notice that they're also taking away our rights and freedom.  This is the doing of the same people who pretended that the Patriot Act, which did nothing more than try to prevent Islamic terrorists from plotting a sequel to 9/11, was the height of fascistic tyranny.  I guarantee that if our leading leftists were characters in a movie, a lot more people would be able to recognize their villainy.  That's because they would all look like albinos and talk with funny accents.

For instance, the secret ballot has been sacrosanct ever since our nation was founded. However, we find the current administration pushing for card check, which would deprive American workers of that basic safeguard when it comes to union elections.  The purpose is obvious.  The goons in the SEIU and the UAW want to know whom to intimidate, whose kneecaps to bust.  And Obama, whose campaign coffers benefited to the tune of at least $100 million in union dues, is only too happy to return the favor.

The truth is, most people are so easily cowed and so unwilling to deal with confrontation that if it weren't for the secret ballot, something as utterly absurd as same-sex marriage and as immoral as abortion without parental notification for 14-year-olds would probably be legal in all 50 states.

In the first 10 months of Obama's presidency, Andy Stern, president of the SEIU, paid 22 visits to the White House. It sort of reminds you of the old days when only Monica Lewinsky had such easy access to the president.  These days, with Stern running in and out, you can't help wondering who's servicing whom in the Oval Office.

One of the worst things about the House passing Obamacare was having to put up with Nancy Pelosi's patting her own back and gloating, in spite of 39 desperate Democrats who broke ranks in the hope of hanging on to their seats in 2010.

Speaking of Pelosi, considering that it's been a very long time since the Speaker was able to blink her eyes or to look anything but startled, do you think her plastic surgeon ever tells potential clients that he's the schlemiel who did the job?

Frankly, I don't know what it is about California, but they seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office and no other state, including Maine and Washington state, even comes close.  When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington, California is number one.  There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein and Nancy Pelosi... the three evil witches of the west.... they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on "Macbeth".

The three of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of speech.  You don't know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words.  Lord, it makes you wonder what rock these three crawled out from under.

And another thing.... whenever I hear people outside the administration prattle on about how evil and biased Fox News is, I know I am listening to a flock of parrots who have never even tuned in.  As a conservative, I, myself, have a number of problems with the network.  For one thing, I resent Bill O'Reilly's ridiculing those who merely ask for documentation that their president was born in the United States, and I also wish he'd stop defending Obama against charges that he's a Socialist or worse.  If it walks, swims and quacks like a duck, Billo old boy, it's a safe bet that you can pop it in the oven and serve it at Christmastime.

I'd also appreciate it if Sean Hannity would wake up to the fact that a lot of us change the channel the second that Bob Beckel or Kirstin Powers shows up on the not so Great American Panel.

On the other hand, I wish that merely as an experiment a dozen or so liberals could be forced to watch Glenn Beck for an entire week.  I would be dying to know how they would react, what they would say, after watching videos of Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Cass Sunstein, Anita Dunn, Andy Stern and John Holdren, spouting off when they think nobody outside the room will hear about their plans to transform America in ways that would have made Dr. Frankenstein blanch, but put a smile on Karl Marx's ugly mug.

Back in 1990, the police raided Barney Frank's home because his gay lover, Steve Gobie, was running a male prostitution ring out of his condo.  In 2007, the police raided the home of James Ready and arrested him for possession of marijuana.  Ready, who is Barney's main squeeze these days, didn't just smoke the weed.... Farmer Ready was growing the stuff.  The congressman was there at the time of the raid but denied he had any idea that those plants in the backyard weren't rhododendrons.  I believe he told the police that he was perfectly clueless when it came to plant life.  I guess, like Clinton, he never inhaled, either.

Because I am always prepared to grant a liberal politician the benefit of the doubt, I'm sure it's only a coincidence that Barney has long led the fight to decriminalize the use and sale of the narcotic.

On the other hand, considering his sorry track record when it comes to romance, don't you think it's high time that Rep. Frank, who'll be 70 years old in a few months, should start using a reputable dating service and stop phoning every number he finds scrawled on bathroom walls?

Finally, I understand why so many folks are eager to impeach the president.  But that obviously isn't going to happen.  Unfortunately, being a Red and despising America isn't an impeachable offense.  However, there's nothing to prevent people from gathering signatures in order to recall their arrogant representatives.

I suggest we begin with every single one of those ACORN-loving crumbs who voted for the stimulus bill, cash for clunkers and Obamacare.

If their voting against the best interests of present-day American taxpayers, not to mention future generations, isn't reason enough to throw the bums out, I can't imagine what would be.

As with the weather, or at least the way it used to be with the weather prior to Al Gore's turning it into his personal ATM, everyone complains about incumbents, but nobody does anything about them.  Time to get right, people.... time to get right!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


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