Judge David Kithil on Obamacare

Started by Jo McDonald, December 02, 2009, 02:46:24 PM

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Diane, you are trying mix apples and onions, I have never seen anyone on the forum advocate no health care in accidents that result in emergencies. The health care that most are opposed to is non-accident sickness or normal health problems. In west Texas our hospital was losing Millions of dollars every year as the illegals would pour over the Border and come to the Emergensy rooms  ready to have a baby, it served two purposes for the illegals, they got free health care and the baby was a U.S. Citizen. That must be stopped at the Border. Why should we provide Health Care for illegals.


Frawin, I agree with your point.  Here, our emergency rooms are not only flooded with emergencies, but they come to emergency rooms with routine ailments.  They know the system, they know the holes, and they will continue to take advantage of them as long as the holes are there.

Imo, this bill fixes that hole.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

Diane Amberg

If Varmit and Steve and a few others say it, I'll believe it. I'm sure it's a real problem for the border states. But again, HOW does it get enforced? How does it get paid for? I don't see a lot of "no health care except in emergencies" comments. Who decides what an emergency is?  If 911 dispatches us we go, no questions asked, even if we find out it's not what we call an emergency once we get there, we can't refuse. It's just not that simple for us. Also hospitals don't want to be sued. Besides, apples and onions are really good in the turkey stuffing. ;) I hope they can close the loop holes for all people who abuse the ER, not just illegals.


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 03, 2009, 04:35:16 PM
If Varmit and Steve and a few others say it, I'll believe it. I'm sure it's a real problem for the border states. But again, HOW does it get enforced? How does it get paid for? I don't see a lot of "no health care except in emergencies" comments.

Who decides what an emergency is? [/quote]
Is death imminent if treatment isn't given?  Then give them treatment to stabilize.  Its the same thing they do to us if the American Citizen comes in with no insurance and no money.   If i went in with a heart attack they would stabilize and move me to someplace like a hospice. 

QuoteIf 911 dispatches us we go, no questions asked, even if we find out it's not what we call an emergency once we get there, we can't refuse. It's just not that simple for us. Also hospitals don't want to be sued. Besides, apples and onions are really good in the turkey stuffing. ;) I hope they can close the loop holes for all people who abuse the ER, not just illegals.
Its ok, i understand and agree that 911 you roll.  But taking them to the hospital and then stabilization.  From there they can move accordingly.   Ever heard the saying membership has priviledges?

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Steve, you just gave me the shivers and you don't have to answer, but you'd be sent to hospice if you have another heart attack? Did you mean what you said?

Diane Amberg

Yes, I know how to triage an emergency, but I don't work in the cashiers office and make up the bill either! I wish people would go over their bills line by line and be sure you and /or your insurance company pay only for care you actually got, not "whatever is customary". The cashiers will work with people to set up payment schedules and knock down prices if people are persistent enough. Of course I understand about privilege. as a volunteer I am well taken care of even though I've never asked for any special treatment.


I'm against Amnesty for illegal aliens.  I think the most recent poll i saw was that 74% of the country is against Amnesty.  Democrats want it done because they want more voters and Republicans want it done for the cheap labor, but I think if they ever try to push it through, the backlash will be so loud, the congress will have no choice but to vote it down as was done when McCain tried to push it through at the end of the Bush administration.

That being said, there are no current Amnesty proposals.  You are posting unsourced rumors.  Show me a bill, white house document, or presidential speech advocating amnesty.  My contention is that there are none.  

It may have been a campaign promise, i don't know.  What i do know is that campaign promises aren't worth anything.  The health care bill broke one promise already.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 03, 2009, 05:53:02 PM
Steve, you just gave me the shivers and you don't have to answer, but you'd be sent to hospice if you have another heart attack? Did you mean what you said?
If i were an illegal i would expect as much.  You see the only reason anyone comes here illegallly is because they know they can get all this.  If you start sending them back, stop giving them everything, they will stop coming illegally.

I have been turned away before and I had medicare.  They sent me from that hospital to the one downtown atlanta. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on December 03, 2009, 06:11:03 PM
Yes, I know how to triage an emergency, but I don't work in the cashiers office and make up the bill either! I wish people would go over their bills line by line and be sure you and /or your insurance company pay only for care you actually got, not "whatever is customary". The cashiers will work with people to set up payment schedules and knock down prices if people are persistent enough. Of course I understand about privilege. as a volunteer I am well taken care of even though I've never asked for any special treatment.

I've yet to get an itemized bill from a hospital.  They're bad about that. 

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