Message to y'all

Started by pamsback, November 30, 2009, 11:23:30 PM

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Quote from: Teresa on December 01, 2009, 06:19:06 PM
I'm sorry Anmar that you have that mislead notion about why people don't care for you... or for the way you have so eloquently ( in your own eyes) have set yourself up on this golden throne towering high above us mere mortals that dwell beneath you. I don't think that is the reason..  
People who actually have narcissistic behavior patterns usually don't see .. will never admit...or really ever understand when the main problem starts shining a less than bright light on the image that they have of themselves..

ROTFLMBO  Eloquence at its best!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Really?  how would you explain the inability of any of the people in your group to formulate legitimate arguments based on facts to discuss positions.  Do you think you're telling me something new when you say that I'm full of myself?  I've already posted that i know its true.  So what?  Someone called me a whippersnapper a few months ago.  I'll gladly accept that title too.  If it weren't for a bunch of whippersnappers bucking the conventional thinking 230 years ago, we'd all be British subjects.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on December 01, 2009, 09:22:48 AM
As the target of most of the classless despicable name callling, I'm of the opinion that the posters engaging in it have done so because they lack any reasonable argument to support their point and because they have too much idle time to sit around and think about how much they hate anyone who isn't like them.  Frankly i chuckle to myself every time someone tries to attack me.  It's a sure sign that I have gained the upper hand in the argument.

The only complaint i have with regard to the forum moderation is that the person you have left in charge should be an example to the posting community.  Although he has since gone back and deleted his post, he left a spectacular example of how not to act on a forum by laying down a pretty lame cheap shot.

that being said, merry christmas Pam, hope to see you back soon.

Quote from: Anmar on December 01, 2009, 08:36:39 PM
Really?  how would you explain the inability of any of the people in your group to formulate legitimate arguments based on facts to discuss positions.  Do you think you're telling me something new when you say that I'm full of myself?  I've already posted that i know its true.  So what?  Someone called me a whippersnapper a few months ago.  I'll gladly accept that title too.  If it weren't for a bunch of whippersnappers bucking the conventional thinking 230 years ago, we'd all be British subjects.

Interesting that you should bring up facts.  Unless I am mistaken a "fact" is something that is true.  You say that the people in Teresas "group" (whatever the hell that is supposed to mean?) lack the ability to base arguments on facts.  Yet you accuse me of deleting a post, something I have never done.  I fully admit that I went back and edited the original post in the interest of trying to make amends, I DID NOT DELETE IT.  I explained this in the thread "message to all forum members".  Perhaps it is not Teresas "group" that need check its facts.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Pam, sorry.  What started out as a nice thread turned into something political.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


My dear~~~ I have to talk to you in my gentle Mothers voice...
What I think you need right now is someone who you can care about more than you do yourself..You are young and full of  high ideals about yourself.. .. You are not stupid by a long shot.. but neither are you the brightest shiniest tack in the box.. even though you believe that you are.. You have a long way to go and many many things to learn in the process that you will not find in all the books you have surrounded yourself with.
Bless your heart~~~ you absolutely really DO believe that you are the only one in here that gives relevant informative posts don't you~~?
amazing...... just totally amazing.........
I mean I've meant people that are so self absorbed that they absolutely can't see anything but their own glorious aura that they have surrounded themselves with. You are right up there at the top of the book list titled..
" I Love Anmar Becasue He Is So Smart And Wonderful".
written by.....who else??
So sad~~~ it must get lonely sitting up there so high on your throne... all alone.. admiring only yourself.
If it wasn't so pathetic.. it would be funny....But I'm not laughing... I AM smiling dear boy.. but it is totally out of pity..

Whats more sad to me is that you don't really see what others see do you? You say you don't care if anyone likes you ??
Oh yes you do.. or you wouldn't act the way you do.. Like a child always needing to be the center of attention .. Always cutting everyone and whatever they say down so you feel better and smarter inside about yourself..

As far as 'bucking the conventional thinking"... ? There are many in this small meeting place that buck the system..They have stood on the battlefields and on enemy front lines bucking the system so people like you and me
can say what we want to in the manner we want without fear of repercussion..
It would do you good to chill out and actually listen to what they say on occasion.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Varmit on December 01, 2009, 09:13:43 PM
Pam, sorry.  What started out as a nice thread turned into something political.

It turned political Billy because it was posted in the politics thread.. with a hint of politics attached to it..
Nice post yes.. but political undertones non the less..
If you don't want your posts to take on a political theme.. then post them in other sections..  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Went back and re-read it, I see what you mean.  I must've been blinded by my glorious aura the 1st time. ;D
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Teresa on December 01, 2009, 09:23:05 PM
My dear~~~ I have to talk to you in my gentle Mothers voice...
What I think you need right now is someone who you can care about more than you do yourself..You are young and full of  high ideals about yourself.. .. You are not stupid by a long shot.. but neither are you the brightest shiniest tack in the box.. even though you believe that you are.. You have a long way to go and many many things to learn in the process that you will not find in all the books you have surrounded yourself with.
Bless your heart~~~ you absolutely really DO believe that you are the only one in here that gives relevant informative posts don't you~~?
amazing...... just totally amazing.........
I mean I've meant people that are so self absorbed that they absolutely can't see anything but their own glorious aura that they have surrounded themselves with. You are right up there at the top of the book list titled..
" I Love Anmar Becasue He Is So Smart And Wonderful".
written by.....who else??
So sad~~~ it must get lonely sitting up there so high on your throne... all alone.. admiring only yourself.
If it wasn't so pathetic.. it would be funny....But I'm not laughing... I AM smiling dear boy.. but it is totally out of pity..

Whats more sad to me is that you don't really see what others see do you? You say you don't care if anyone likes you ??
Oh yes you do.. or you wouldn't act the way you do.. Like a child always needing to be the center of attention .. Always cutting everyone and whatever they say down so you feel better and smarter inside about yourself..

As far as 'bucking the conventional thinking"... ? There are many in this small meeting place that buck the system..They have stood on the battlefields and on enemy front lines bucking the system so people like you and me
can say what we want to in the manner we want without fear of repercussion..
It would do you good to chill out and actually listen to what they say on occasion.

Sounds like he hoisted himself with his own petard.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


ROTFL   Oh I do get a kick out of this section of the board!!   ;D ;D


You are so right, Sarah.  Sadly, though, what started out as a nice card and a nice Christmas wish (making amends) from a very nice young lady turned into something I think is a terrible shame.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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