Message to y'all

Started by pamsback, November 30, 2009, 11:23:30 PM

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Since it's almost the first of December....bout 45 minutes.........I'm wishin yall a Merry Christmas and bowin out of politics until after Christmas. I enjoy y'all, even the ones who rag me :D but somehow politics just don't fit with Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Men if ya know what I mean! I apologize to any I have offended, makin my amends. :)


Quote from: pamsback on November 30, 2009, 11:23:30 PM

Since it's almost the first of December....bout 45 minutes.........I'm wishin yall a Merry Christmas and bowin out of politics until after Christmas. I enjoy y'all, even the ones who rag me :D but somehow politics just don't fit with Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Men if ya know what I mean! I apologize to any I have offended, makin my amends. :)

Too cute!

I may do the same.  I need to spend way more time off the computer totally!  I have a lot of baking I want to do and it sure won't get done with me sitting here. 


As Mr Wagner and others have on occasion commented on in other threads in here....I will say this:
Trust me...............we have a moderator........
2 in fact.. ~~~~~~~~ myself included..
just because I am not verbally on the forum lately.. I'm checking on it...
Don't think for one minute that I don't know whats going on and who is logged on and who is hidden and who is saying and doing what. I have all the keys to all the rooms~~so once again.. I know whats being said.
It gets nasty.. then it settles for a bit.. and then emotions rise to the top again..
To want to be in this have to be made of some tough stuff... You can whine about the "lack of moderating"..
But I've been on forums where censorship is high.. I left.. I hated it.. I have also been on forums where it was so out of hand that there was not ANY ounce of humanity in the posts..  I hated that too and I left.. But it was my choice on both accounts..
There are some "clashing" of personality's in here.. Along with being on different sides of the issues and each passionately believing in their own side. There will be some name calling.. some mad remarks.. some "language"..
That usually goes with the territory of believing in something so much that sometimes the frustration of others NOT seeing it leads to some shit slinging.
I could shut this whole section down... I could go in and slap hands and wash mouths out with soap.. I could turn this Political section in to the biggest socialistic little "you can't say this and you can't say that " section on the website..
((But honestly.. that wouldn't be fair either.... and you liberals wouldn't like it one bit  ;D)
  So~~~~~~~~~~~~as much as it pains me sometimes....
I "allow" everyone to say what they want in here~~ because in this section I don't think there needs to be a muzzle put on anyone..*on either side*... and as far as trying to monitor and adhere to  "politically correct " statements and making sure no ones toes are stepped on.. I'm not going to do it! Very little censorship will be administered in here in this section......
We get enough of that in our government and liberal media.. I'm not shutting it off in this little dot on the map.
If you have the balls to dish it out.. you better have the balls to take it.
So if that bothers any of you and you can't deal with the heat .......I'd say you better stay out of the kitchen..or find a different kitchen that suits more to your way of thinking and your fancy.

Have I made myself clear enough?

All comments to me or about this post  that you don't want posted publicly can be emailed to me at
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


oh yea~~ and early Merry Christmas back at ya~~ ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I belonged to a board once that was heavily moderated and I didn't like it either.  They had a "debate" area and it was voted that there would be very little moderating and that's what they got.  Sometimes it got heated......VERY heated.  So, then there were people complaining about that lack of moderation and that it wasn't fair.   So, heavy handed moderators were set up.  "Mothers" if you will.   Then nothing could be said unless it was said in such a way as to not offend anyone.  Sure made the ones that complained happy, but you couldn't say anything.  I left.  My thoughts on it are is that we make a choice to go into certain areas and read and participate.  shrug  It's not like anyone is holding a gun to a persons head and telling them they MUST get into a heated thread. 


I used to run BBS's back way back.  Ran mine off a 286 witha 40 mb hard drive.   
Maximus software with D'bridge mail tosser frontend.
We used to set up a forum/thread that was flame  area.  This is tame compared to those days.
kinda like comparing black pepper to habeneros
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


As the target of most of the classless despicable name callling, I'm of the opinion that the posters engaging in it have done so because they lack any reasonable argument to support their point and because they have too much idle time to sit around and think about how much they hate anyone who isn't like them.  Frankly i chuckle to myself every time someone tries to attack me.  It's a sure sign that I have gained the upper hand in the argument.

The only complaint i have with regard to the forum moderation is that the person you have left in charge should be an example to the posting community.  Although he has since gone back and deleted his post, he left a spectacular example of how not to act on a forum by laying down a pretty lame cheap shot.

that being said, merry christmas Pam, hope to see you back soon.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on December 01, 2009, 09:22:48 AM
As the target of most of the classless despicable name callling, I'm of the opinion that the posters engaging in it have done so because they lack any reasonable argument to support their point and because they have too much idle time to sit around and think about how much they hate anyone who isn't like them. Frankly i chuckle to myself every time someone tries to attack me.  It's a sure sign that I have gained the upper hand in the argument.

The only complaint i have with regard to the forum moderation is that the person you have left in charge should be an example to the posting community.  Although he has since gone back and deleted his post, he left a spectacular example of how not to act on a forum by laying down a pretty lame cheap shot.

that being said, merry christmas Pam, hope to see you back soon.

I'm sorry Anmar that you have that mislead notion about why people don't care for you... or for the way you have so eloquently ( in your own eyes) have set yourself up on this golden throne towering high above us mere mortals that dwell beneath you. I don't think that is the reason..  
People who actually have narcissistic behavior patterns usually don't see .. will never admit...or really ever understand when the main problem starts shining a less than bright light on the image that they have of themselves..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


The person I have left in charge while I am unavailable is someone who I know and trust... enough said.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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