Give me a break..............

Started by pamsback, November 28, 2009, 04:00:34 PM

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Diane, yes it's today, -and our standards ought to be in line with our standards
of 100 years ago.

By the way, where did you come up the term "personal religion"? 

Diane Amberg

Patriot, too much on at the same time. I've got it set up to record at midnight and I'll watch it tomorrow, thanks! :-*


 there is a thing I have learned in my life..............that is that if EVERYbody agrees with you or seems to like you one of two things is going on......either they are humoring you or YOU are not bein true to yourself...........somethin to think about :D

Diane Amberg

Red, I don't know why "personal religion" puzzled you, but I'll share a little story with you. In 1967 I was teaching 5th grade when it came time in the spring to give the big standardized tests all 5th grade kids took then. All we teachers did was administer them. All kids in all rooms in all the public schools in Delaware took them at the same time.  The day after the reading and language section was given the principal came to see me.She had had an irate call from a parent and she wondered what religious views I had been teaching in class and why would I be giving a test on it. Now she knew perfectly well what test we had given the day before, but after being totally befuddled I finally figured it all out. The one little boy, whose name I still remember, went home telling his mother I had given test questions on the Bible. She hit the ceiling. He told her the questions had to do with "testament".... The light bulb went off and we pulled out the test and looked at the vocabulary section. Sure enough, there was a question, I don't remember exactly how it was worded any more, but the correct answer was "last will and testament." Of course, the mother figured there couldn't be any possible use for the word "testament" except in the religious sense so there I was defending myself over something silly.

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