Give me a break..............

Started by pamsback, November 28, 2009, 04:00:34 PM

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Quote from: Sarah on November 29, 2009, 07:54:42 AM
No, I didn't come out of the public school system.

Which may help explain why you come across as a sane, level headed independent thinker!   ;D
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

I believe she also stated she didn't like it. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Quote from: pamsback on November 28, 2009, 11:46:41 PM
It's easy to have opinions when nobody knows who you are. That's why there are so many opinionated people on the internet.
You would be surprised to know how many people who read this know EXACTLY who I am.

1.  It's no easier to have an opinion when 'nobody knows who you are' than when everybody knows who you are.  Or even when half the audience knows who you are.  Of course, whether the opinion is well thought out, rationally based in fact and supported by evidence is another matter entirely.

2.  Personally, I'm not surprised at all that many people know who you are.  I have no doubt that you make sure some folks know who you are.

3.  As for me?  I don't want to know who you are nor do I want to know.  I'm here to see the opinions of others, express some of my own and engage in some stimulating discussions.

(Opening Post)  If some of yall get mad and rip me over this don't expect a reply LOLOL

(1st Reply)  no reply means I am not interested in arguing about what I said. It was a statement not a question open to argument (shrug)

(2nd Reply)  When I say I'm not means I really don't see myself changing anything I said and it still holds true for this subject. I DON'T change anything I said.

Uh.... ok.  So were we to take accept your view in the opening post... or the 1st reply... or the 2nd reply?

Jane asks a fine question.  {Patriot passes Pam and Pamsback some capital letters and punctuation marks for her use.}

LMAO.... Now that I've 'gotten mad and ripped you over this', I'll sit back and wait for your non-reply.  Or should I just accept that you were making a statement that wasn't open to argument?  Or should I simply accept that you don't see yourself changing?  Oh, wait!  I forgot that you said you weren't going to reply.

On second thought, how about you give me a break.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 29, 2009, 09:35:52 AM
I believe she also stated she didn't like it. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I may be mistaken, Diane, but it seems that several of your recent posts have alluded to the 'likability' of the school environment.  Is that really what school and education is about.  So by extension, if kids don't like immunizations, we shouldn't administer them?  If kids don't like vegetables,  then we shouldn't even serve the green beans?  I can't agree.  Sometimes the best things for us are unpleasant and not fun.  I challenge anyone to make a squared + b squared = c squared 'fun'.  Some things just need to be 'learned', regardless of our 'feelings' about the topic or the environment.

Now before you present all the 'evidence' that kids learn better in 'positive' environments, I'll stipulate that a positive environment is a good thing and probably enhances the learning experience.  I will not, however, agree that all educational environments must be 'liked' to be effective.  And not all things educational need to be associated with 'warm, fuzzy, fun, positives'.  Sometimes life deals out red ink and checkmarks for wrong choices.  Heck, sometimes life deals out some pretty stiff 'spankings'.

How much money have we spent on education to make the 'learning experience' more pleasant, interesting, fun, etc.?  How does one reconcile all that effort and expense with the continuing fall in overall test results in our country?  Especially when compared to other countries who are more results focused who whip our butts in overall scoring.

In summary, I stand by my comment.  Maybe Sarah didn't like her educational environment.  But the bottom line is that she learned.  And as I said, she appears to have learned well while retaining her ability to think and express herself in a reasoned, clear thinking and independent manner.

Hey, Sarah!  How's it feel to be talked about as an object as if you weren't even here?  Sorry, 'bout that.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

I don't recall saying that an important part of education was to make it fun. In fact, I've often said that some things just aren't fun, like learning multiplication tables and such. You just have to suck it up and memorize them. There are a good many things that do lend themselves to fun learning, especially hands on things in Science and Social Studies. But the goal is learning that sticks, not fun. I never taught high school except as a fire safety resource teacher, so I can't address that with any authority. I know the teachers used to complain they had a hard time competing with TV and all to make things interesting, but now with computers and smart boards and live streaming and videos and You Tube and all, that shouldn't be a problem any longer. It's all spread out before the kids if they'll just dine at the education table. You just wasted your post on me.  ( I'm the old meanie that kept one kid in from recess one day when a boy's mother sent me a note excusing her son from his homework because it was his birthday. He stayed in and did his homework the next day. ;D
I know where Sarah went to school but she can tell about that if she wishes. ;)


No ma'am I was not makin fun of anybody that is my general way of talkin when I'm talkin to people. I can put on the educated thing with the best of em but it just ain't me every day.

Patriot.. it's ALWAYS easier to stick your neck out when you don't figure there are goin to be consequences or repercussions.
People who are better at it than YOU are have tried to cut me down and shut me up LMAO.

I changed my mind about replying to SOME posts. My main position has not changed one bit. I have little use for chaos mongers.

As for people knowin who I am.....I don't make a point of it. It always somewhat surprises me when my family says so and so was readin your post and said they really liked it or NOT for that matter. I look at this as a FORUM.....a place for intelligent discussion and civilized argument. Never really think about who might be readin it but the person I'm talkin to at the moment.

As for my punctuation or grammar......LOL I can speak the kings english with the best of them.......HOWever.....I am what I am and I talk how I want. I don't need your help with that subject thanks :)

You have a good grasp of sarcasm and "oh she's not paht of the club" ( the h is deliberate as a snotty accent by the way) but I ain't sweatin it LOLOLOLOLOLOL


I guess I would rather have people think of me as educated instead of someone born in the hills with no education at all. And all of of your LOL and LMAO, if you have something to say spell it out or leave it out.

Diane Amberg

Testy today? What's wrong? Nobody is picking on you that I saw.


Quote from: Jane on November 29, 2009, 02:30:54 PM
I guess I would rather have people think of me as educated instead of someone born in the hills with no education at all. And all of of your LOL and LMAO, if you have something to say spell it out or leave it out.

Sounds like a personal problem to me...... Laugh My Ass Off Out Loud.  ;D


Quote from: pamsback on November 29, 2009, 03:30:17 PM
Sounds like a personal problem to me...... Laugh My Ass Off Out Loud.  ;D

Give up, Jane.  pammy's meds must have run out.  It seems it prefers to dodge n weave rather than be direct.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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