What are public schools *really* doing?

Started by Patriot, November 27, 2009, 09:52:17 PM

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Diane, just because you have never seen it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen.  My Freshman year in highschool (1991) I attended Goose Creek High School in S. Carolina.  I was sent home for wearing a Confederate Flag t-shirt.  The principle stated that such symbols are offensive and will not be tolerated.  This confused me greatly seeing as how no one was being sent home for wearing Malcom X shirts or african medalions. 

The two mommies thing isn't about non-traditional familes, it is about teaching children that homosexuality is "okay".  Schools never offer oppossing viewpoints on this subject.  Its always "John has two mommies, and its okay because some people are different and we should accept the way they choose to live."  This goes against what quite a few children learn at home. 

Even if a child is raised by two aunts or uncles or whatever that live together, thats not the point.  Teaching children that homosexuality is alright is the problem.  Yes, children should be made aware of homosexual people, however the morality of it should be left up to the parents, not the school.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


When i was in school, nobody taught anything about homosexuality.  I think the reasoning behind it was that people are generally anti-homosexual because of their religous viewpoints.  Opinions and religious viewpoints don't have a place in school, school is about facts.  That goes for everything, just like homosexuality shouldn't be endorsed because its an opinion, the same is true for creationism.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Creation is true.  It's your opinion that it's not.

Diane Amberg

 Varmit, in South Carolina? Sounds like his personal problem unless the state had gotten into it somehow...that's weird. I did make one kid turn his t-shirt inside out one day though. It was a Bart Simpson shirt that said " I'm Bart Simpson, who the hell are you?" I told him I wasn't going to look at that all day... My room, my rules. He never wore it to school again. As far as the homosexual thing, I hate to see such a big deal made of it. To me that's like telling someone it's wrong to be black or Irish or Italian. It just comes with your body. I'm not sure how schools got pushed into dealing with it. Probably not such a great idea. But what is it kids are always told when they are uncomfortable with something? Talk to parents. If that's where the trouble is, talk to a trusted teacher, doctor or minister. You just wouldn't believe the stuff I heard and had to sort out. By the way, why would high school kids wear a Malcolm X shirt in 1991? He died 'way back in 1965...my era, not yours. I don't doubt you, I just think that's weird.


In my opinion the worst thing about the public schools right now. The children have no respect for the teachers, parents have no control and the schools are required to have an alternative school for kids that do not behave. What happened to the day of parents teaching their children right from wrong at home?


Quote from: Jane on November 29, 2009, 03:28:43 PM
In my opinion the worst thing about the public schools right now. The children have no respect for the teachers, parents have no control and the schools are required to have an alternative school for kids that do not behave. What happened to the day of parents teaching their children right from wrong at home?

Of course, in the olden days the school used to paddle the kids too.  I can remember many a child pulled out of class and paddled with a big wooden paddle.  Straightened a lot of them up too and a lot of them would get it again from mom and dad after the parents were called.  There used to be this wonderful thing called discipline.  No body believes in it now and now if you spank your child in public you run of the risk of having Child Services called on you for abuse and then you have the TV shows that are for kids that show nothing but children AND wives being totally disrespectful to their husbands and kids sit and soak all this stuff in and then we wonder why they act like heathens.

Diane Amberg

Why do parents let the kids watch shows like that?  I sure wouldn't. But then some people on the forum insist it's alright for writers to be disrespectful to one another and "stop being thin skinned", put on "big girl panties","deal with it" and on and on. Sounds like a double standard to me. Or is it like a right of passage? At 21 you can be as rude as you want to anybody you want and that's OK? It's no wonder kids are rude if that's the way parents act at home. How can a person be a rude snot and expect their kids to have manners?  Can one put proper behavior on and take it off like a coat?  Perhaps if parents set a better example themselves and stopped bad mouthing others the kids would follow.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 29, 2009, 08:23:58 PM
Why do parents let the kids watch shows like that?  I sure wouldn't. But then some people on the forum insist it's alright for writers to be disrespectful to one another and "stop being thin skinned", put on "big girl panties","deal with it" and on and on. Sounds like a double standard to me. Or is it like a right of passage? At 21 you can be as rude as you want to anybody you want and that's OK? It's no wonder kids are rude if that's the way parents act at home. How can a person be a rude snot and expect their kids to have manners?  Can one put proper behavior on and take it off like a coat?  Perhaps if parents set a better example themselves and stopped bad mouthing others the kids would follow.

Have you sat down and watched kids shows these days?  And I'm on talking on Disney Channel and other kids channels.  This is just a theme of disrespectful kids and it's in subtle ways a lot of times. 

As far as the forums, you know, you really have to take people's "personalities" on forums with a grain of salt.  People tend to act different and take liberties on forums that they wouldn't in real life.  They hide behind the anonymity that forums offer.  Not true of everyone, but generally speaking, people tend to act different and treat other people differently on forums than they would in real life.  Also, a lot of times you're talking to "screen names" rather than real flesh and blood people that have feelings.  shrug  It's easier for people to act like butt-heads online. 


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 29, 2009, 02:56:29 PM
As far as the homosexual thing, I hate to see such a big deal made of it. To me that's like telling someone it's wrong to be black or Irish or Italian. It just comes with your body. I'm not sure how schools got pushed into dealing with it. Probably not such a great idea. But what is it kids are always told when they are uncomfortable with something? Talk to parents.

Diane, I am not going to argue about that, it is your opinion and you are entitled to it.  However, the problem that arises with this issue is when teachers approach the subject with that line of thought and lesson plan.  They teach that homosexuality is as natural as a persons race, I disagree.  Taking that approach to it goes against what I teach my children.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 29, 2009, 02:56:29 PM
  By the way, why would high school kids wear a Malcolm X shirt in 1991? He died 'way back in 1965...my era, not yours. I don't doubt you, I just think that's weird.

Jeez, Diane, where were you in the early 90's?  Malcolm X may have died in '65 but popular music groups like Public Enemy, NWA, IceT have used him as an Icon in their music.  It was through their music and videos that young urban blacks vented their frustration (however misguided it might be) at evil white men for keeping them down. 

Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 29, 2009, 08:23:58 PM
At 21 you can be as rude as you want to anybody you want and that's OK? It's no wonder kids are rude if that's the way parents act at home. How can a person be a rude snot and expect their kids to have manners?  Can one put proper behavior on and take it off like a coat?  Perhaps if parents set a better example themselves and stopped bad mouthing others the kids would follow.

To me that is taking the line of adults treating children as equals, they're not.  My kids have seen and heard me cuss, flip off other drivers, make comments about the president, and even people on this forum.  However, I also tell my kids that no matter how they see me act sometimes they will be polite and use their manners, when they grow up and move out they can act however they want.  But while they are living under my roof they will follow my rules.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


lol.  Is it any surprise that billy is the "do as i say not as i do" type?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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