"THE BLIND SIDE" - movie

Started by patyrn, November 27, 2009, 11:14:34 AM

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I just wanted to share that the movie, "The Blind Side", is such an awesome show.  If you get a chance to see it, GO!!!  It's based on a true story and is really heartwarming!!!


Haven't seen it, but everything I've heard about it is good.


My wife and I went to see it when it opened last Friday.  This is the first movie that we have seen in a theater in three years.  We went because of the advertising and thought it sounded good.  If Sandra Bullock doesn't win an Oscar for this one, there is something wrong with the system.  This is a "definitely need to see" movie.  Don't miss it.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


My husband and I went and saw it and it is great.  We both really really liked it.  I had to use a few puffs to dab at my eyes...but it was a happy cry for sure. 


This movie about made me bawl.  In my lifetime, there have been two different students that I would have adopted in a heartbeat...Both at-risk, high needs individuals...There is no nobler cause in this world than the unselfish giving of an opportunity to succeed.

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