A Major Disaster Named Obama

Started by Warph, November 25, 2009, 08:51:51 PM

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Diane, where have you been the last 10 years??  Private school enrollement and homeschooling have gone through the roof.  If our public school system is so wonderful, why then, when parents are given the choice to move their children from public schools to charter schools, do they line up in droves?

Why is it always an issue of the parents being uncooperative with the schools?  Parents have voiced their concerns for years to no avail.  The schools and the Teachers Unions don't listen.  All we ever hear from the teachers and school boards is "well, the parents aren't involved enough with their kids education".  Of course, their definition of "involvement" is for parents to keep pressing into the childs head the progressive nonsence that the teachers, unions, and schools boards want the children to learn.  Well to hell with that.  It is time to abolish teachers unions and hold accountable the teachers for our failing schools.  In other words, teachers that fail to produce get fired.  There is absolutely no reason for K-12 teachers to be tenured. NONE. 

By the way, spanking works.  It is punishment for rules broken.  Works a hellva lot better than "time out" making a child stand in a corner, grounding etc.  And the whole "ones mans swat could be another mans shaken baby..."  is a complete load of bullshit.  No one on this forum or anywhere else is advocating beating a child black and blue. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.



1.  Varmit makes the point very clear:  No one here is advocating 'beatings' in the destructive sense.  Corporal punishment is a 'pride bruiser'.  Pride and a overt sense of 'self esteem'  is oft at the heart of misbehavior.  Wait.... doesn't pop psychology and post-modern educational method seek to increase 'self-esteem'????  Hmmmmm

2.  No, everyone who may disagree with me isn't automatically a 'liberal'.  If, however, their disagreements are routinely based on easily discerned principals of liberal philosophy... well, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.

3.  It is no surprise to find so many who are not aggressively or openly screaming about the mess that is public educational system.  No, they aren't 'sitting home checking their kids' homework.... they are likely the subjects of one of the greatest social behaviour modification experiments in American history.  See my post:  'What are the schools *really* doing?'  elsewhere on this political forum.  Given the top down changes in the system of teaching teachers that began in the 1960's, it is no surprise why teachers at large don't see any problems within the system either.

4.  Back to the thread:  I'm sure our mess of a president (perfect evidence of 'outcome based education') doesn't see the problems being addressed here either.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 27, 2009, 11:32:58 PM
He thinks kids should be hit hard enough to teach 'em a lesson. That's pretty subjective if you ask me. One man's swat could be another man's shaken baby, that dies.
Spanking is done in measures that is age appropriate.  The little 1 year old that has just started walking good and is getting into everything only needs a swat on that diapered butt a few times or a slap on the hand to deter them from getting into the no no items.   The 3 year old only needs a couple swats on the bare behind to correct his acts of defiance and disrespect.   7 year old will take a little more than that but all of it is in a controlled environment. 
It never hurt any child to get a switch to the legs.  Vast difference between that and shaking a infant til it kills them.  SOrry but your comparison is way off and doesn't hold water. 

I spanked my kids, and i will spank my grandkids if i need to based on the authority and the charge given to me by God.  IF you don't instill in them respect and the knowlege of right and wrong by the time their 7 years old, you will lose them as adults both spiritually and in society.   
you can't argue with the word of God.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Varmit on November 28, 2009, 08:28:03 AM
Diane, where have you been the last 10 years??  Private school enrollement and homeschooling have gone through the roof.  If our public school system is so wonderful, why then, when parents are given the choice to move their children from public schools to charter schools, do they line up in droves?

Why is it always an issue of the parents being uncooperative with the schools?  Parents have voiced their concerns for years to no avail.  The schools and the Teachers Unions don't listen.  All we ever hear from the teachers and school boards is "well, the parents aren't involved enough with their kids education".  Of course, their definition of "involvement" is for parents to keep pressing into the childs head the progressive nonsence that the teachers, unions, and schools boards want the children to learn.  Well to hell with that.  It is time to abolish teachers unions and hold accountable the teachers for our failing schools.  In other words, teachers that fail to produce get fired.  There is absolutely no reason for K-12 teachers to be tenured. NONE. 
Teachers should be hired and paid based on performance.  Grade them like you grade a test. If your class fails, you get fired.  I love the way bill gates busted the teachers union and tenured teachers in washington state. He donated computers to the schools and they passed a law that all teachers had to certify on them and be proficient.  That opened the door for teachers that are paid based on performance.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Don't you think Bill Gates is interested in selling computers? 
He's looking to expand his market plus he has an agenda by and
thru his foundation.   By the way, how much more gov't money
will it take to incorporate the agenda(s) of his foundation?
Looky here:


Quote from: Patriot on November 28, 2009, 09:01:24 AM

1.  Varmit makes the point very clear:  No one here is advocating 'beatings' in the destructive sense.  Corporal punishment is a 'pride bruiser'.  Pride and a overt sense of 'self esteem'  is oft at the heart of misbehavior.  Wait.... doesn't pop psychology and post-modern educational method seek to increase 'self-esteem'????  Hmmmmm
Agreed.  God made a place to administer spankings and it is quite muscular and doesn't injure.  Secondly Along with pride humility must be learned also. That is the check and balance against pride. Pride not only comes before a fall but can lead to other devestating things.  A whole lot of folks out there are very prideful and would walk down the road to hell itself  taking their families with them before they would be humble.  

3.  It is no surprise to find so many who are not aggressively or openly screaming about the mess that is public educational system.  No, they aren't 'sitting home checking their kids' homework.... they are likely the subjects of one of the greatest social behaviour modification experiments in American history.  See my post:  'What are the schools *really* doing?'  elsewhere on this political forum.  Given the top down changes in the system of teaching teachers that began in the 1960's, it is no surprise why teachers at large don't see any problems within the system either.
The Government schools have been very successful in that no resistance from parents indicates that they too are a product of the Government school system.  When a parent can't see the indoctrination that goes on then they have been successfully indoctrinated.

Quote4.  Back to the thread:  I'm sure our mess of a president (perfect evidence of 'outcome based education') doesn't see the problems being addressed here either.

Well given that he can't make simple decisions like sending enough troops to get the job done, can't get his own party to stand with each other, and can't even hire the right people to handle his security at parties, his Government education has certainly done him no favors.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on November 28, 2009, 09:39:10 AM
...you can't argue with the word of God.

To be honest, MANY will argue with it.... few have taken the time to really study it and see how true the application of it is in daily life. 

Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Teach a child the way of the Lord and when he is old he will not depart from it.
The heart of man is continually devising evil.

Of course, that stuff is pre-modern.  How much good can be derived from 4000 year old teachings.  Teachers and 'experts' (read: drips under pressure) have a better way.  No?  LOL
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


SrKruzich, how does it feel to know that you've failed your indoctrination?

As for me, I'm enjoying it for evermore.


Quote from: Patriot on November 28, 2009, 09:58:38 AM
To be honest, MANY will argue with it.... few have taken the time to really study it and see how true the application of it is in daily life. 

Spare the rod and spoil the child.
Teach a child the way of the Lord and when he is old he will not depart from it.
The heart of man is continually devising evil.

Of course, that stuff is pre-modern.  How much good can be derived from 4000 year old teachings.  Teachers and 'experts' (read: drips under pressure) have a better way.  No?  LOL
The way of a fool [is] right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel [is] wise
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



I like your term "pre-modern".  I once heard a preacher say that the Bible
is more up-to-date than the morning newspaper.  

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