A Major Disaster Named Obama

Started by Warph, November 25, 2009, 08:51:51 PM

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         (o o)

When liberals wake up in the morning, what do you think they do first?  Have a cup of coffee and a Danish or check their computers to get their talking points from the White House?  And when they find themselves in a moral bind, do they ask themselves not what would Jesus do, but what would Obama suggest?

Another question that's been plaguing me is whether Democrats regard inconsistency as their birthright.  Or do they really think that when a GOP congressman calls a liar a liar to his face, it's a sin worthy of censure and just possibly a good horsewhipping, but when a Democrat, Rep. Alan Grayson, in defense of Obamacare, insists that Republicans want sick people to die quickly, defends ACORN on the floor of Congress, and, for good measure, calls Linda Robertson, an advisor to Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, "a K Street whore," it's just frank and robust political speech?

Speaking of Obamacare, how essential can it possibly be that Congress immediately passes a bill that won't even go into effect until 2014, but the President refuses to be rushed into making a decision about a surge in Afghanistan?  I realize that Obama's IQ slides about 50 points whenever he's deprived of his beloved teleprompter, but, unlike the nonsense about phantom Americans dying in the streets because of our terrible health care system, surely even he understands that there are actual flesh-and-blood soldiers dying in Afghanistan.  In the meanwhile, Obama takes his own sweet time consulting his Ouija board.  But, then, we all know that members of the military tend to be conservatives, so why should Obama care two figs about their well-being?

Just as a sidebar, doesn't it seem strange that Garry Trudeau, who went so far as to list the names of soldiers who died in Iraq in his "Doonesbury" comic strip, doesn't bother mentioning casualties in Afghanistan?  Apparently, war is only evil when it's being conducted by a Republican president.

Leave it to liberals to push through a trillion dollar stimulus bill that has resulted in unemployment rising from about 8.5% to roughly 10.5% in less than a year and then try to shove through a multi-trillion dollar bill that will bring Castrocare to America five years down the road.  But, these, after all, are the same clucks who insisted we couldn't drill our way out of an energy crisis because it would take 10 years for the oil to get from the ground to our local gas pumps.  Although they never got around to explaining why it would take that long..... was the oil going to spend a decade playing hide-and-seek? ..... the fact remains that had they started drilling back then, the gas would just about be here by now.

But, then, Democrats never feel an obligation to be logical.  Otherwise, they might feel compelled to explain how it is that those beret-wearing, stinky cigarette-puffing, anti-American, left-wing nincompoops in France can manage to get 80+% of their energy from nuclear plants, but we're supposed to make do with windmills and the energy generated by hamsters running on their little wheels.

As much as I disagree with the current administration, I, for one, didn't object to the government's recent decision to move a GM plant from Michigan to Joe Biden's home state of Delaware.  It may not have been a nice thing to do, but I think it's worth it just for the opportunity to hear how the union bigwigs explain it to the UAW members in Michigan, where unemployment is hovering around 15%.  Hey, you poor suckers, how do you feel now about busting your butts, not to mention the union piggybank, to help elect Obama?

Speaking of Michigan, I assume you've all heard the audio on which a couple of women in the Detroit crowd lined up to get government checks were asked where they thought the money was coming from.  It seems they believed the manna was coming straight from Obama. When they were then asked where they thought he was getting it, one of the ladies guessed it was from his stash. The first time I heard it, I had to laugh.  By the second or third time, it occurred to me that they simply assumed that, like every other cheap Chicago hustler, Obama had a slush fund at his disposal for buying votes.  Which, when you stop and think about it, is exactly who he is and, moreover, what the money is.  Those two women and millions more like them are being paid off for past and future favors.  But if you're one of those people who voted for this huckster and didn't get your payoff in Detroit, you're a lot dumber than those ladies.

Getting back to Democrats and their inconsistent ways, doesn't it strike you as peculiar that they cried bloody murder over Nixon's enemy list, but don't say boo about Obama's bungled attack on Fox News; the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; every American citizen who attended a Tea Party or a Townhall meeting; conservative blogs; Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck; the 1st and 2nd amendments; and in fact on everyone and anyone who objects to a single stupid idea concocted by the loony likes of Emanuel, Axelrod, Sunstein, Dunn, Holdren and Jones.  If only Obama waged the war in Afghanistan with the same passion and conviction he wages war on his critics, one day we might actually defeat the Taliban and get to watch Osama bin Laden doing the tango with Rosie O'Donnell on "Dancing With the Stars."

Some people.... not those folks who cling to their guns and their religion, you understand... but some people look at Barack Obama and, rather than see a radical leftist who has no more business being the commander in chief than I do, see God Almighty.  But I'm afraid they're very much mistaken.  There's a world of difference between God and Obama.  God, you see, believes in free will.  As most people are well aware, I have nothing but loathing for Obama's policies, but even I am amazed by his reluctance to handle what I regard as the easy part of his job; namely, carrying off his responsibilities to be a figurehead, to be the proud symbol of this great and generous nation.

Many people were offended to see Barack Obama once again bowing to a foreign dignitary, the Emperor of Japan.  For my part, I was actually relieved that at least this latest breech of protocol didn't involve his kowtowing to one of America's sworn enemies.

He tours the world on our dime apologizing for our alleged failings and transgressions.  He goes to Denmark in order to lobby for the Olympics, in order that his corrupt Chicago cronies could cash in on crooked land deals, but he doesn't go to Germany to help commemorate the falling of the Berlin Wall.  Next, instead of expressing the grief that every decent American felt over the slaughter of American soldiers and an unborn baby by an Islamic terrorist, this bozo gave a partisan shout-out at a Native American shindig.  Then, for good measure, he warned us not to jump to the conclusion that the Islamic terrorist was an Islamic terrorist.

If someone set out to show his utter contempt for this country and his disconnect from anything smacking of patriotism, including donning a lapel flag, pledging allegiance to the flag or covering his heart at the playing of our national anthem, he'd find it impossible to out-do our president.

I'm sure that a lot of us still recall the silent messages that American POWs sent us in photos taken by their North Vietnamese captors.  They would hold their fingers in different ways to express their defiance of the enemy.  I often find myself wondering what messages Barack Obama is sending, and to whom.

Recently, a friend sent me an email in which it was proposed that the Constitution be improved with a 28th amendment.  It read: "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators or Representatives, and Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and the Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States."

I think that in 2010, any senator or representative, Republican or Democrat, who doesn't sign on to co-sponsor the amendment should have to start looking for another job.  I would also press for my wife's 29th amendment, which states that when America's economy takes a nosedive, the salaries of our elected officials are decreased to the same degree.  After all, they're not supposed to profit from their own corruption or incompetence. I mean, these goofballs work for us, not AIG or Goldman Sachs.

Getting back to Obama... a president who has spent more of our hardearned tax money than any president before him..... how is it that there are still people around who regard him as a great orator instead of just a cheese-head who requires a teleprompter just to say "Hello," and, for good measure, has this really annoying habit of turning.......every sentence into two distinct parts?  But perhaps I shouldn't be too surprised.  After all, apparently there's a sizable segment of the population that is unable to tell that a can of beer is cold unless it turns blue.

I'm also aware that there are a lot of people who refuse to believe that Obama is anything but a regular Yankee Doodle Dandy, as American as Mom's apple pie, in spite of the fact that in "Dreams From My Father," he wrote that in college, "To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. Those friends," he wrote, were "...the more politically active black students.  The foreign students.  The Chicanos.  The Marxist professors and structural feminists."  He also wrote about venturing into the East Village for "the socialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union."  Then, in search of additional inspiration, "I went to hear Kwame Toure, formerly Stokely Carmichael of Black Panther fame, speak at Columbia."

The fact is that even after college, he was still cherry-picking his friends.  As we all know, they included such various Marxists, Maoists and Mau Maus, as, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Jeremiah Wright, Van Jones, Frank Davis, Anita Dunn, Louis Farrakhan, Raila Ordinga, Cass Sunstein, Andy Stern and Rashid Khalidi.  Frankly, I think he would have come up with a more savory circle of friends if he had made his selection from Wanted posters adorning the walls of the local post office.  That group should tell you all you need to know about this menace who manages, simultaneously, to be a narcissist, a Marxist and as humorless as Joseph Stalin on a bad hair day.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Since Fisker bought the closed Boxwood Road GM plant to produce a new car once they have retooled, (2012) how did that turn in to GM moving a plant here from Michigan?  Fisker will  be making a plug in hybrid, a great many of which will be exported from the port of Wilmington. That project will pump more than 2,000 jobs back into Delaware. A good thing too, since UD just bought the old Chrysler site which took that off the tax rolls and cost The City of Newark about $ 350,000.00, a year, plus they were a big electric customer from Newark's electric co-op. W L Gore will be building a new plant too, but outside the city. More jobs, but no direct taxes for Newark.
   As far as new oil sources go, I think Frank could explain that and the steam processes and unlocking the shale and all. It's not sitting in big caverns for someone to stick a straw in and suck it out.
     Now, I won't be nasty to you because that's not my style, BUT fact checking might be a good idea. By the way, enjoy your Thanksgiving. How many Roadrunners does it take to equal a turkey?  ;D ;D ;D Or maybe a Javelina?  My niece was walking her dog early one morning recently when they came across one. About scared her to death.


Nature abhors a vacuum.  It's no wonder somebody would come in and fill the 'property ownership' voids left by GM, et al.  On has to wonder, however what motivated the need for a relocation to being with.  Party favors, anyone?  This president (and I use the term loosely), has turned most of the traditional protocol in this country on it's head.

Warph, I have to agree with all that you said.

While I realize that politics and political views are sometimes complicated and cover a vast spectrum of 'ideas', I'm catalyzed in my skepticism and dislike of most things 'democrat' when I see their collective oppose spanking an ill behaved child at school while suggesting that the better solution might be to euthanize the little critter in the womb.  The same applies to the logic of continual democrat whining about declining qualities of education and educational outcomes all the while being the very group(s) who push to make sure our young kids get good information about putting condoms on cucumbers,  understanding why Billie has two mommies and learning that little boys and little girls really aren't different, the just have different parts (read: all feminist agendas).  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that when you waste time on the former, you are probably getting less math, science, etc.  And please, don't reply with that worn out drivel about 'parents being responsible'.  That only goes so far.

Some 'fact checking' might show that the 'progressive' label that demoncrats took on some years ago has nothing to do with being in in favor of real 'progress'.  It was and is a contrived label selected by the self described socialists, Marxists and communists in the demoncrat party...  a label that would be 'better tolerated' by the masses.  A label that would make their 'radical control and change'  agenda 'sound better'.  Focus groups... bah humbug.

Do republicans have problem too?  Of course.  There is one saying that tends to apply to all in positions of 'power':  Power corrupts & absolute power corrupts absolutely.  This reality makes it all the more shaming that so many people simply cling to a political party rather than think for themselves, republican or democrat.  But, alas, few seem willing to honestly self examine their party of choice.  The concepts of real conservation (read: to preserve) is that conservatives place little stock in 'party' and are more concerned with 'conservation' of those things that have made our country unique in world history.  Those things that have led to greater properity and innovation than seen by any nation or people in the world.  Those things that celebrate Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  Notice it doesn't say 'Guarantee of Happiness'.  But without life and liberty, there is no ability to pursue.  I only wish more were interested in maintaining their liberties and less concerned with how the government can guarantee happiness or some perceived level of equality for everyone.  Perhaps if we focused on equity and not equality, we might get somewhere.  There is a big difference between the two.  The current powers in Washington seem hell bent on justice that focuses on equality rather than equity.  And that can lead to only one thing:  tyranny.

Both republicans and democrats have their agendas.  Mixed with the sheer size of our economy, both seem to be leading to some form of oligarchy.  Ultimately, both will destroy individual life and liberty.  If the individual ever grows the stones to honestly examine the realities of the status quo, perhaps we can return to growing the real base of this country's past successes:  Individual liberties and unfettered (by government) opportunity for innovation.  Until then, tis the path of greater government/global corporate encroachment on our lives.

The saying goes:  If you aren't a liberal in your twenties, you have no heart.  If you aren't a conservative by the time you're forty, you have no brain.

Ok, rant over for now.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

So you are saying Fiskers are a bunch of Socialists? and anybody who takes a job when they open must be socialists for taking the job? Seems to me they are very Capitalist in their their thinking and took an opportunity when they saw one. Why come here? A favorable business tax climate and a good shipping port a few miles down the road. It's all ready to ship more cars like it did before. Somehow my correction of our car industry information changed into Democrats complaining about educational decline? The folks on here who do that complaining aren't Democrats, as I'm sure Steve and Red will be happy to remind you. Some of you have mixed up the Democrats and Repubs. and conservatives and the rest so much now, I'm not sure any of you know which is which any more. You agree with"all Warph said?" Then I'm a liar!? Thanks so much! So patriots think kids should be spanked at school? By Whom? Some would have a fit if a teacher spanked someone's kids, that one wants wants to do that himself. Do I see parents leaving work to come to school to spank their kid when the little brat is acting up? Hardly.   You don't want the schools teaching sex ed. but you don't want the parents to be responsible either? Is it up to the streets to teach these kids? The states made those decisions, not the teachers.
    Ranting on here is safe, easy and invisible. It takes more guts to go to your school board. I'm sure they aren't all Democrats! Better yet, run for the board. Do something besides finding excuses why your world is coming to an end and blaming everyone around you. Father Coughin Lives!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 26, 2009, 10:16:19 AM

   As far as new oil sources go, I think Frank could explain that and the steam processes and unlocking the shale and all. It's not sitting in big caverns for someone to stick a straw in and suck it out.
     Now, I won't be nasty to you because that's not my style, BUT fact checking might be a good idea. By the way, enjoy your Thanksgiving. How many Roadrunners does it take to equal a turkey?  ;D ;D ;D Or maybe a Javelina?  My niece was walking her dog early one morning recently when they came across one. About scared her to death.
The shale is not a problem and could be online within a month. The facilities are already built.  Been there for years.  Parachute Colorado was a unocal project and can be fully operational  in 30 days which means oil can be extracted and on its way to processing within 60 days. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 27, 2009, 03:55:55 PM
I'm not sure any of you know which is which any more. You agree with"all Warph said?" Then I'm a liar!? Thanks so much! So patriots think kids should be spanked at school? By Whom?
The day they stopped spanking in school was the day they caused columbine.  No disclipine means no respect. 

QuoteSome would have a fit if a teacher spanked someones  kids, that one wants wants to do that himself.
Not at all. If my kids were in school and the teacher or principal spanked them, they would get another one when they got home.

QuoteDo I see parents leaving work to come to school to spank their kid when the little brat is acting up?
I would.

QuoteYou don't want the schools teaching sex ed. but you don't want the parents to be responsible either?
Not the schools job. 

QuoteIt takes more guts to go to your school board.
Why, unless you cut all ties with the teachers unions, and the Department of Education, its useless to run for school board. You can't effect any change that would benefit the kids with those to entities controlling things.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

So complaining on here makes up for life's tough spots?? Phooey! Parents wanted corporal punishment in school stopped, so it stopped. Fine by me. Never needed it. No hitting does not mean no discipline. At least not in my classroom.  If violence guaranteed respect we'd no longer be in the middle east either.  We've been committing lethal violence on each other over there for many years now and they refuse to be disciplined.
  You missed my point on the sex ed. Go back and read what Patriot wrote. No sex ed in school ( I happen to agree it shouldn't have to be taught there, but....) But he doesn't want the parents held responsible either. What's left? Sunday school? Yeah, right. Shall we all cover our eyes and pretend that none of that stuff happens? No child abuse? No predator priests? No drunk parents? No child pornography?  No child on child violence and abuse?  An awful lot of what goes on in kids lives affects their school performance,not just who the teachers are.
   As far as school curriculum goes, chuck out sports, cheer leading, languages, home ec, shop, all art, drama, plays, music, band, chorus, literature, computer, ( You do know that 6th grade reading level is the grade level most adult books and magazines are written to?) Then just have have 4.5 hours of the bible, the constitution, reading, writing, spelling, grammar and basic arithmetic, have 'em out before lunch and not have to feed them.... no cafeteria needed. Or they could bring a little something from home to eat on the way home. Problem solved.. Cheap, efficient, no frills, generic and miserable!  The sour faced teacher would be equipped with a cattle prod and a stun gun... no discipline problems. That's just the school everybody wants his child to attend.
  Needless to say I'm being sarcastic, but there are a few on here that I really wonder what century they are living in? It's not 1864, or even 1964 as far as that goes.


Its quite obvious Diane that your way of no corporal punishment isn't and hasn't worked for decades.  Can't argue with the data of increased violence in schools and increased disrespect.    The facts speak for themselves.

A few years ago there was a young girl that wouldn't abide by their parents rules.  OF course timeouts don't work, grounding isn't going to work when said child sneaks out at night and stays out all hours of the night. So her daddy fixed that problem.  He put a shackle on her ankle with a chain to the bed.  Gave her enough to get to the bathroom shower and back to her bed. 

Some bleeding heart group learned of it and it ended up in court.  His argument was that if he couldn't stop her from sneaking out at night on her own then he would make her stop getting out. That if he didn't do it he was abusing her if he didn't do this and she ends up killed, raped or something else or even landing in prison.   The courts upheld his method as a non abusive way of controlling his daughter.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 27, 2009, 07:03:06 PM
So complaining on here makes up for life's tough spots?? Phooey! Parents wanted corporal punishment in school stopped, so it stopped.

Perhaps the 'liberally challenged' parents did.  I'm not sure all parents did.

Quote from: Diane Amberg
Fine by me. Never needed it. No hitting does not mean no discipline. At least not in my classroom.  If violence guaranteed respect we'd no longer be in the middle east either.  We've been committing lethal violence on each other over there for many years now and they refuse to be disciplined.

I never advocated violence against children.  Only a liberal whiner would think I was.... of course, as I recall it was overreacting liberal whiners who fought against corporal punishment in schools and now advocate that it's a bad thing at home too.  Spare the rod, spoil the parent.  :)

Quote from: Diane Amberg
You missed my point on the sex ed. Go back and read what Patriot wrote. No sex ed in school ( I happen to agree it shouldn't have to be taught there, but....) But he doesn't want the parents held responsible either.

How about you go back and re-read, Diane. I simply said that constant drivel about 'blame the parents' gets real old.  It seems we hear a lot of that from educators.  I never said parents hold no responsibility in re discipline.

Quote from: Diane Amberg
What's left? Sunday school? Yeah, right. Shall we all cover our eyes and pretend that none of that stuff happens? No child abuse? No predator priests? No drunk parents? No child pornography?  No child on child violence and abuse?  An awful lot of what goes on in kids lives affects their school performance,not just who the teachers are.

And here's a perfect chance to apply what I said about equity vs equality.  In equity, how many waking hours are kids in school vs with their parents, preachers, etc.?  Gee, looks like the bulk of what our kids now get, they may well get in the school environment.  No?  But, I'm becoming used to educators deflecting and blaming.  Rather than "an awful lot of what goes on in kids lives affects their school performance', one might say, "an awful lot of what goes on with kids in the school environment affects who and what they do and are elsewhere."

 As far as school curriculum goes, chuck out sports, cheer leading, languages, home ec, shop, all art, drama, plays, music, band, chorus, literature, computer, ( You do know that 6th grade reading level is the grade level most adult books and magazines are written to?) Then just have have 4.5 hours of the bible, the constitution, reading, writing, spelling, grammar and basic arithmetic, have 'em out before lunch and not have to feed them.... no cafeteria needed. Or they could bring a little something from home to eat on the way home. Problem solved.. Cheap, efficient, no frills, generic and miserable!  The sour faced teacher would be equipped with a cattle prod and a stun gun... no discipline problems. That's just the school everybody wants his child to attend.
  Needless to say I'm being sarcastic, but there are a few on here that I really wonder what century they are living in? It's not 1864, or even 1964 as far as that goes.

I'm pleased that you're being sarcastic... because otherwise that would have been pure drivel.  And perhaps if we returned to some of the processes and values of 1864 or maybe even 1964 we might see a considerable change toward the positive.

So you are saying Fiskers are a bunch of Socialists?

No, sirry roman.. I'm saying that perhaps the socialists involved in taking over a private corporation should have kept their hands out of it to begin with.

Somehow my correction of our car industry information changed into Democrats complaining about educational decline?

I realize the general theme of my post might have been difficult for some to follow.  My apologies.  It was a flow of thought based on the observations that our government has slipped decidedly to the far left with agendas that are anything but conservative.  And that much of that can be seen in the direction our societal perspectives of 'education' have taken in recent years.

...Some of you have mixed up the Democrats and Repubs. and conservatives and the rest so much now, I'm not sure any of you know which is which any more.

But just so I'm clear... you *do* know.. right?

So patriots think kids should be spanked at school? By Whom? Some would have a fit if a teacher spanked someone's kids, that one wants wants to do that himself.  [/quote]

We all face difficult challenges daily.  Guess we could hire another administrator to sort it all out.  (Read:  sarcasm)

Do I see parents leaving work to come to school to spank their kid when the little brat is acting up? Hardly.   

When was the last time a parent was called to come and get their little brat out of the building so the other kids could benefit from a quality educational environment?  Maybe we need a small room where they can wait for mommy or daddy to arrive and take them off the school grounds.

You don't want the schools teaching sex ed. but you don't want the parents to be responsible either? Is it up to the streets to teach these kids? The states made those decisions, not the teachers.

Oh bullspit!  I never said parents should not be responsible.  No, it shouldn't be up the the 'streets' to teach kids.

As for the states making those decisions, I'm sure the lobby afforded by the 'non-partisan' teachers unions and other special interest groups had nothing to do with those 'decisions', did they?  Once again, deflection and blame.  But, c'est la vie.

Hope this clears up some obvious misconceptions about my previous post, Diane.

Ranting on here is safe, easy and invisible. It takes more guts to go to your school board. I'm sure they aren't all Democrats! Better yet, run for the board. Do something besides finding excuses why your world is coming to an end and blaming everyone around you. [/quote]

Typical liberal answer:  Why don't I support the system 'from within the system' by joining the system.  Bunk!  I pay taxes, I have expectations and I vote.  As for 'finding excuses' for why my world is coming to an end and blaming everyone else???  I don't think I said my world was ending.  I do find it interesting that some folks (esp. educators and other taxpayer supported entities) tend to think anyone who disagrees with their course are accused of 'making excuses' or 'not participating'.  And with respect to 'blaming everyone'?  Don't think I did that either.  But, if you feel blamed and singled out... it's a free country.  Use your liberty to feel 'blamed'.  It wasn't my intention to lay any individual blame.

As someone else pointed out... If the educational trends over the last three decades or so are so great, then why are scores falling, kids failing, dropout rates at all time highs.  As I understand it, even the SAT/ACT scoring models were adjusted to give kids these days higher scores with less actual retained knowledge.  Rather than just lower the bar and move on, why not do some honest examination of where education has been, what has been changed, what the real outcomes have been, and see if the mark wasn't missed somewhere.

Now, take this one on:  The US government public education system was NOT set up with the intent of creating 'well rounded, independent thinking, well educated' children.  It was created with the intent of creating group thinking, easily led 'citizens'.  Big difference.  Perhaps this might make a good new thread.  I'll see what I can do.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

So anybody who has a different opinion from yours must be a liberal, there can't possibly be any other reason. Sounds just like the people who say any black /white dispute has to be racism...can't be any other reason. Poppycock. So if these millions and millions of parents across the country are dissatisfied with the public schools, why aren't they taking their kids out by the bucket load?   Could it be a case of everybody is out of step but John? Where is the education version of the tea parties?  Oh, sorry, those parents are busy checking over their kid's home work. Never mind. Every single day of the school year parents can go to school and see how things are, or look over their kids school books or object to the kid's lessons and home work. You want changes? If you really think NEA is that strong ,go public, do something. Complain, write letters to the editor of your bigger newspapers. Picket the schools. Embarrass your kids, make fun of their favorite teacher. Rip up the papers they bring home. Be as uncooperative with the school as possible. That'll show 'em!  By the way, spanking IS violence. To have the "desired effect " you have to hurt the child enough to modify their behavior,or so I'm told. Why hit if there are other ways to change their behavior? Or do you and Steve disagree? He thinks kids should be hit hard enough to teach 'em a lesson. That's pretty subjective if you ask me. One man's swat could be another man's shaken baby, that dies.

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