Sad News

Started by Tobina+1, November 20, 2009, 05:04:54 PM

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How exciting to get to start over again.  Change is always a tad scary but so many new experiences await too and that always makes it exciting.   Have a wonderful Christmas and a wonderful new year in your new home and best wishes for your husbands new endeavour!!!

W. Gray

Wyatt Earp shaped up Ellsworth in the 1870s and was supposed to have shot and killed a mean resident.

There is a DVD out called from Ellsworth to Tombstone.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


I'm so sad you are leaving, but I know you'll be a blessing to any community you become a part of... lucky folks where you are headed  :D  I know people who have moved to the far reaches of Kansas  ;) ~ mostly they love it there so I'm sure you will too.


There will always be a time in your life when you must make a change for your family. Your time has come,you can make it a good change or make it a bad change. I hope you and Chuck will go and make a good change. Rex and I wish you the best and what ever you do, keep that baby safe as she will always be a bright spot in your life no matter what you do or where you go.


Thanks for everyone's good wishes.  We are excited about starting new, but still sad to leave our friends and communities in Elk County.  We will have a house provided, as most ranch jobs provide housing.  We will miss our big new house that we live in now, but we're spoiled.  I'm not too concerned about the weather, as I grew up 3 hours Northwest of there.  Chuck lived there for 5 years before coming down here, so he's used to it, too (as much as a guy from Florida can get used to the cold, anyway).  I'm lucky that my job is able to go with me wherever I go, too.  I'll start back to work after Jan 1, so at least I don't have to worry about moving, new baby, AND job at the same time!

Diane; our cat and dog are outside animals, so they probably don't even notice the addition to the family.  Although the other night when Josey was squalling so loudly, she apparently woke the dog, as he went to barking, too!  Yes, Ellsworth is about 40 miles West of Salina, in central Kansas.  We'll be about halfway between Salina and Ellsworth.

We probably won't have too much Christmas at our new house.  We might not even be unpacked by then!  My brother is getting married the week before, and we'll probably go to my parents' for Christmas.  It will be fun to have a new baby at Christmas, but next year when she's a little older will be even more fun!

Diane Amberg

Whew, you have one full calendar! Planning and packing and wedding and'll wake up on Christmas morning and wonder where you are! What a great adventure lies ahead.


This is sad news!!  But you have to do what you have to do for your family!!  We will miss you!! My best friend lives in Ellsworth, so I just might get up that way!!  I haven't been to see her for awhile, because her dad lives here and she usually comes home to visit him.  But best wishes on your new venture!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Enjoy your move and look forward to each and every day Tobino..
Remember that  we are not on this earth flying by the seat of our pants without a driver...
Things are happening as they should in your life.. all things are for a reason.
Grab this new change with a smile and anticipation.. for you have the 2 most important people with you throughout the journey.. Chuck and Josie...

Keep in touch!~~ :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Rudy Taylor

Tobina, you have been such a positive influence on us. I've always appreciated your common sense. You have been a reminder to all of us that rural Americans are truly the salt of the earth.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Bonnie M.

I'll add my best wishes to you also, Tobina.  I believe that if you're happy where you came from, you'll be happy where you're going, so, continue being happy!

Looking forward to the pictures as your baby grows and changes so much.

Good luck.

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