To All Forum Members

Started by Varmit, November 20, 2009, 12:31:14 AM

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wow billy, i thought better of you.  Remind me about that comment next time I ask someone to respect your authority. 
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Well, the Varmit certainly managed to throw his trash in here.  I guess  his statement falls under that old  "Do as I say not as I do".


You both competely missed the point of what I was getting at.  The bit about Anmar was an example of what should NOT be posted because of the personal nature of the statement.  The other was an example of an opinion, however crude it may be, that people are free to express.  However, if you are under the impression that personal attacks should continue and opinions be supressed, let me know, and I'll run it by teresa and the rest of the forum member and see what they think about it.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Billy, i think thats a pretty pathetic explanation and a cheap cop out.  I think you either really suck at expressing yourself, or you don't have the balls to just say what you mean in an open manner.

If your too dense to understand your problem, you probably shouldn't be moderating these forums.  If you're being a smartass about it, you also shouldn't be moderating these forums.  Its difficult to tell without seeing your facial expression or hearing inflections in your voice.

If i were the only one that saw a problem with your post, I'd probably just shrug it off, thinking maybe its just a misunderstanding.  But when multiple people PM me about your post and others reply on the thread, its painfully obvious that something is amiss.

I imagine that Teresa made you a moderator to help alleviate some of the headaches of moderating this forum.  It seems to me like you are part of the headache.  At the start of this thread, it was my intent to support you in your role as a moderator but you appear to have allowed your personal opinions to interfere with your duties. 

I may not live in Elk county currently, but I feel like a part of the forum community.  Many here have welcomed me whether or not they agree with my opinions.  They have shown the true american values of hospitality, tolerance for debate, and every once in awhile, the ability to stand up and proudly say "I was wrong."  I've even seen Warph say it, and I respect him for it.  Where is the "polite manner" you spoke of in your first post.  You posted this same thing a month ago in a much more diplomatic and fitting manner, what happened to that?  (,8621.0.html

I could rail on and on about you and the way you live your life.  Anyone could do the same about anyone else on these forums.  People don't because they have class.  There's nothing stopping us but our own moral standards.  Where are yours?  Where are the standards of certain forum members who PM me threats and insults.  I hate to be the one to break it to you, but morals don't just happen on sunday mornings.

Which reminds me, for all the ignorant fools who think the term rag-head is an insult.  Jesus wore the same clothes, the same rags on his head, that the modern day arabs wear.  Jesus was a semite, just like arabs are. 

I think trying to take your case to Teresa probably won't be very helpful.  If you want to be helpful, do the job you have volunteered to do, don't make it worse.  If you can't do that, get the hell out of the position.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on November 22, 2009, 12:57:27 AM
Billy, i think thats a pretty pathetic explanation and a cheap cop out.  I think you either really suck at expressing yourself, or you don't have the balls to just say what you mean in an open manner.

As for it being a pathetic explanation and a cheap cop out...well, that is your opinion and you are entitled to it.  As for expressing myself, and having the balls to do so, that is not a problem.  I have said what I mean many times.  I have expressed my personal opinion of you in other threads.  I should not have done that, as it was not part of the thread, nor helpful in the conversation.

Quote from: Anmar on November 22, 2009, 12:57:27 AM
If your too dense to understand your problem, you probably shouldn't be moderating these forums.  If you're being a smartass about it, you also shouldn't be moderating these forums.  Its difficult to tell without seeing your facial expression or hearing inflections in your voice.

Thanks for the concern there Dr. Freud, but I don't think I have a problem.  And last time I checked there was no law against being a smartass.  If Teresa has a problem with the way I moderate then I am sure she will let me know. 

Quote from: Anmar on November 22, 2009, 12:57:27 AM
If i were the only one that saw a problem with your post, I'd probably just shrug it off, thinking maybe its just a misunderstanding.  But when multiple people PM me about your post and others reply on the thread, its painfully obvious that something is amiss.

You are absolutely correct, there is a problem.  If people have a problem with my post then they should let me know. 

Quote from: Anmar on November 22, 2009, 12:57:27 AM
I may not live in Elk county currently, but I feel like a part of the forum community.  Many here have welcomed me whether or not they agree with my opinions.  They have shown the true american values of hospitality, tolerance for debate, and every once in awhile, the ability to stand up and proudly say "I was wrong."  I've even seen Warph say it, and I respect him for it.  Where is the "polite manner" you spoke of in your first post.  You posted this same thing a month ago in a much more diplomatic and fitting manner, what happened to that?  (,8621.0.html

So, the respect you say you show Warph, is that the same respect you use when you call him a liar, or make your snide little comments with? Or when you ask him if he is a Jew? Is it the same polite manner you're talking about here?  Because so far in this thread the only thing I have posted was an example of what NOT to say, was it exterme...yes.  But so what? 
And by the way...I have no problem of standing up and proudly saying, "You're wrong."

Quote from: Anmar on November 22, 2009, 12:57:27 AM
I could rail on and on about you and the way you live your life.  Anyone could do the same about anyone else on these forums.  People don't because they have class.  There's nothing stopping us but our own moral standards.  Where are yours?  Where are the standards of certain forum members who PM me threats and insults.  I hate to be the one to break it to you, but morals don't just happen on sunday mornings.

Moral Standards...?  Are those the same standards you use when you call people "ignorant fools" or "racists"?  And, No, you can't rail on and on about how I or anyone else lives their lives unless you personally know that person and how they live.

Quote from: Anmar on November 22, 2009, 12:57:27 AM
Which reminds me, for all the ignorant fools who think the term rag-head is an insult.  Jesus wore the same clothes, the same rags on his head, that the modern day arabs wear.  Jesus was a semite, just like arabs are. 

The first person I can remember pointing out that the term rag-head was as insult was you. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


I don't believe persoal attacks should have ever been started.  I also don't believe your example should have been personal or had anyone's namw attached to it.


     I rarely post on this forum, but I read it all the time. It frustrates me. I want to read about issues and concerns, but it always turns to personal attacks. It seems no one wants to be disagreed with. People only want to hear their own opinion repeated back to them, and if someone disagrees they are instantly belittled. Are our positions so weak that they cannot withstand dissent? This trend scares me, because it is rampant across the nation. I have never seen two sides so intent on destroying each other.  This nation is crumbling from the inside because we cannot meet in the middle. We are giving the terrorists that want to see this country fail exactly what they want.

    Billy, with respect, you started this thread well, but then you got caught up. When you called Anmar all those vile things as an example of what not to do, it was wrong. You have tried to justify it as an example, but it was aimed directly at him and it was a cheap shot. Be the man I think you are and simply apologize. Let the pride and ego go and admit when you are wrong. What a great example that would be to all forum members.


I don't understand why everyone is upset with Varmits post. I fully understood he said it as an example and probably used Anmar just to get a little dig in, but read Anmars posts all you will see he gets his digs into Varmit every chance he gets.
Now Anmar will you tell the fine folks that you aint one bit upset with Varmits post. You love  it when people jump on Varmit or warph and you are sitting out there high fiving yourself. You have thicker skin than to really let this upset you. Now aint I right ? :)


It is amazing to me and is often pointed out by other members of this forum, that a lot of the subjects in the Politics section turn into ugly debates and name calling making the original thought moot while everyone tries to outdo each other in name calling.  That turns off many of us as to reading posts by certain people.  In fact, I believe I have seen a mention by one forum member that he or she doesn't even go to the Politics Section. 

What is amazing here is-------------------the moderator has posted his requests for not being obscene or threatening or calling names.  Understandable request as far as I am concerned.  He posted an example of what he thinks is unacceptable using a forum member as an example.  So, he has said, we have read, maybe he didn't do it correctly.

The amazing part--------------as with all subjects posted here, this one became open to debate and name calling...................

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


which is why I pretty much just stay over here under my rock most of the time anymore............I've twisted off a few times myself and I've been wrong a few's got pretty ridiculous in here third grade on the playground :P

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