Videos of how wind energy has helped Sweetwater,Texas Economically

Started by unruhj, November 12, 2009, 11:19:44 AM

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First Video:

second video:

Third Video:

There are things that I believe that I will never say, but I shall never say the things that I do not believe- Immanuel Kant


we go to Sweetwater  at least once a year to see an ol Nam buddy. Sweetwater is booming. Anyone that wants a job has one and usually good pay. It seems like half the people have either a welding truck, back hoe or skid loaders and between the wind farms and oil fields they got all the work they want. Sweetwater is also home to the worlds biggest rattle snake round-up


Yeah the wind industry has turned that county into something that people probably thought was impossible....

The organization that did this video were the ones that actually got the air quality permits denied for the Holcomb coal-fired power plant. The organization is called GPACE. They are all about clean energy for Kansas and improving air quality....
There are things that I believe that I will never say, but I shall never say the things that I do not believe- Immanuel Kant


According to the The 43rd Edition Kansas Statistical Abstract, The population of Elk county in 2000 was 3,261. In 2008 they estimated the population of 3,042. That's a loss of over 200 people,a loss of 25 every year. That don't sound too bad but the years start adding up.... The Kansas Statistical Abstract also projects that in 2020 the population will only be 2,701.....

Like Mark Hall said we got to move forward and grow/improve our county but we need to get more businesses into Elk county.... Take Sweetwater, Texas for example. They were as good as a dead town until all those wind farms were installed.  People started coming to their community and county because there are jobs there. New businesses went up because of the wind industry. Now they got money to spend to pay for schools and purty much whatever they want too.

This to me is an excellent way to help Elk County get back up on its feet and to start Improving and growing.....
There are things that I believe that I will never say, but I shall never say the things that I do not believe- Immanuel Kant


Bravo!!!  Excellent information and insight into this!!!  Thanks for posting it!

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