What Gets You Into the Christmas Spirit?

Started by Wilma, November 18, 2009, 09:51:34 AM

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I have always enjoyed the Christmas Season, but as I get older and less able to prepare for it, it has been less enjoyable.  So, I am wondering, what gets you into the Christmas Spirit?  I realized this morning that Christmas music has a lot to do with mine.  I love it, and hearing it in commercials, etc. is making me feel like Christmas.  That and the lovely snow we had this week.  What is your starting point?

Teresa, is it too early for Santa happy faces?

Bonnie M.

Wilma, I also love the Christmas music.  And, the Christmas message.  Since our activities mostly revolve around our Church, we look forward to this time of special music, special programs, and the sprit of togetherness as we come together with our different groups to celebrate the birth of Christ.  Christmas is a "sentimental" time for me, also.  Remembering the days, when our children were all home, and we all had so much fun, going out and cutting down our Christmas tree, decorating the tree, Christmas programs at Church and School, caroling, etc., etc.!  What a good life we have had, and continue to have!

Diane Amberg

I have to get past Thanksgiving first. The giving thanks part always leads me into who we are giving thanks for at Christmas, as well as all the usual reasons. Just my take on it.


I LOVE this time of year!!  Thanksgiving is special, since I was born on that day!  Love the family dinners and this year will be helping Mom at the church on Thanksgiving Day serve a dinner for anyone that wants to come.  We'll have family Thanksgiving on Sunday with everyone that's able to get here. 

Hanging of the Greens at Church is the time I really get in the Christmas spirit.  There's just something about everyone working together to decorate that gets me fired up.  We play Christmas music and eat (of course).  The young kids have their tree in the fellowship area that the decorate and there's a tree in the sanctuary with crismons, wreaths and swags with lights and white withgold trim bows, poinsettias for the alter.  It's beautiful when everything is done!

I like to decorate inside my house but don't do much on the outside.  Ladders and I are not friendly.  I've been getting out my snowmen and some other stuff that can stay out all winter.

Jo McDonald

 I love everything about it, the reason for the season and the season itself.  I enjoy decorating, the baking, the family gatherings, the music,
hopefully the ground will be white, but just enough to enjoy, not too much that people must not be with their loved ones.  

 Thanksgiving is a blessed holiday, but I took my Daddy to the hospital on Thanksgiving day, and didn't get to bring him home alive, so the holiday is not a favorite of mine.

My birthday is the day after Christmas, so I have crammed all of my Yipppeees into Christmas time!


Diane Amberg

My Christmas hasn't been quite the same since 2003 for the same reason. Daddy collapsed here Christmas morning and died at the hospital January 9th. It's never been quite the same since, but good none the less. He wouldn't have wanted us to have that bad memory, but it's there anyway. Al's birthday is Nov. 25, so sometimes he catches Thanksgiving too. Rhonda, happy birthday early!

Rudy Taylor

I'll get into the Christmas spirit when I finish my birthday, which is Dec. 24.  And this year, I'm fully expecting a Jo McDonald chocolate pie with real meringue and itty bitty dark chocolate shavings tossed on the top.

THEN I will experience a real Elk County Christmas!
::)  ::)  :P  :P :'(  :'(  ;D  ;D
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Rudy Taylor

Hello?  Hello?

Dang it, this thing's not working.

It truly is "a wonderful life."


I usually get into the Christmas spirit the weekend after Thanksgiving.  I usually decorate my house that weekend and that really gets me into the spirit.  I put my Christmas decor up, as well as the snowflake decor that stays up until the grass greens up in the spring.


I'm kind of in the Christmas Spirit all year long. I buy gifts throughout the year and save some of them for Christmas.

As far as decorating - I really like to wait until after Thanksgiving, don't like the rushing of the seasons. However . . . I was in El Dorado Tuesday and some of the stores are already decorated. The windows displays were absolutely beautiful. I'm ready to enjoy the season.

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