Bad Dog!!

Started by Varmit, November 12, 2009, 12:35:14 PM

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Quote from: Mom70x7 on December 12, 2009, 11:00:52 AM
I talked with the man that was bit - he was hospitalized for a couple of days. (Not sure how many - more than one, though.) His daughter was also bit.
First of all if a dogbite requires hospitalization then why wasn't the dog put down and owner jailed? 
Something sounds fishy here.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Ms Bear

If it bit an adult on the leg maybe they are waiting for it to bite a small child in the face.  The owner needs to confine it and take responsibility before that happens.

Diane Amberg


QuoteFirst of all if a dogbite requires hospitalization then why wasn't the dog put down and owner jailed? 
Don't know.
Actually, don't know what happened to the dog at all. I just talked with the guy that was bit.

QuoteNo laws?
Laws - just difficult to enforce when you have only one full-time city officer.


Quote from: Ms Bear on December 12, 2009, 11:23:11 AM
If it bit an adult on the leg maybe they are waiting for it to bite a small child in the face.  The owner needs to confine it and take responsibility before that happens.

I agree, and if he can't keep the dog penned up, then the dog needs to be gotten rid of or put down.  One or the other. 


I wonder if this requires the victims to file charges?  If the charges have to be filed by the victims and they choose not to file the charges, either out of the kindness of their hearts or out of fear of retaliation or fear of adverse opinion from the public, then what else can be done?


The other thing is how does anyone know this was a pit bull running around. Most people can't recognize a pit even if theres one right next to them.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Ms Bear

If a dog bites a person it really doesn't matter what breed of dog it is.  It would be interesting who the person who was bit should report it to and what was done to follow it up. 


Quote from: Wilma on December 12, 2009, 01:57:18 PM
I wonder if this requires the victims to file charges?  If the charges have to be filed by the victims and they choose not to file the charges, either out of the kindness of their hearts or out of fear of retaliation or fear of adverse opinion from the public, then what else can be done?

From what I understand Howard already has vicious dog laws on the books and no, it doesn't take the victim filing charges.  If the police were notified of the bite, then they enforce the vicious dog law, whatever that may be.  And for all anyone knows, the owner may have been given a ticket or fined.   That's generally the laws regarding dog bites depending on the severity and if the dog has prior offences. 


May I ask who owns this dog or is reponsible for it?

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