Bad Dog!!

Started by Varmit, November 12, 2009, 12:35:14 PM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 13, 2009, 01:28:24 PM
Steve I was just being sarcastic!
LOL i was too.

QuoteYou do know its adults, the parents that have insisted on ramping up all the safety rules.The kids sure didn't do it. So if ya eliminate adults, no more problems, right?
Oh i know that. I don't blame kids for any of it. 

QuoteLawyers have pushed for years to have adults make demands on adult accountability...Lawsuits make tons of money. It all started about the same time years ago when lawyers were allowed to advertise again. Then people took off on their own. You couldn't accept that sometimes stuff just happens, somebody has to be accountable. Ok, so then enters the law, the police, the lawyers, the Gov't and the wheel turns once more. We've done it to ourselves.There are so many suits now that the courts don't have time for real problems, they are tied up with junk.
Yeah i know their a wart on the ass of society.

QuoteAs far as kids getting off theri duffs and doing something....who lets them veg out and have all that stuff.... adults! They need to start parenting again and not let those kids run the house. Heck, I know people who are afraid of their own kids! As far as seat belts I have to disagree. I rode the ambulance too long and saw to many cradle cap fractures and gutter burned kids with serious injuries who fell out of moving cars. We just never see those any more, thanks to seat belts.

Hey i fell out of the car when i was 2.  Ole buick. I got in the car and pulled the door and i think my dad just spaced out that one time and when he took off he turned left and off i bounced out of the car on the food giant parking lot.  didn't get hurt at all.  LOL   Scared the * out of him though.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

I'm very glad you were not hurt. Now imagine the same thing at 55-75, miles an hour. :'(


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 13, 2009, 02:06:25 PM
I'm very glad you were not hurt. Now imagine the same thing at 55-75, miles an hour. :'(
You know, stuff happens.  We can't dip em in waterglass and sit them in bubblewrap and foam and keep them from all the possible dangers in the world.   It is out of hand.  Ok carseats can help but aren't a guarantee.   Same thing with seat belts. I still to this day won't wear one because of seeing too many cars involved in headons with steering wheel shafts shoved through the seats where it went through the owners.   At least with the first style of seatbelts, you could avoid something like that but with these shoulder straps and trussing up that it does, it pins you in.   

Uhmm FIghting is another thing that is out of hand.  If two kids get into a fight at school they expell them.  In schools of yonder years ago, if ya got into a fight, they took ya to the coach and put you in the boxing ring with each other and strapped on the gloves.   You worked out your aggression supervised as well as safely.  MOST KIDS that fought that way ended up being best friends.  Go figure huh.   Today, by forcing suppression of their natural agression, it causes more violent tendacies to surface.   

You don't like the way I dealt with my kids i know but when boys become teens, they tend to overstep their limits and get into their pa's face and pa has to set them straight.  Usually cold cocking them one time does the job.  Its a dominance issue.  worked for granpa, worked for dad, worked for me and will work for my son.  Turned out that all of us turned out to be really good folks.   In all cases when your teen is not listening, grandpa had a solution that worked every time.    You see grandpa had this mule.  That mule was as contrary as any mule could get.  One day that ole mule just sat down while grandpa was plowing and wouldn't get up.  Couldn't bribe it, couldn't sweettalk that mule, yelling didn't work, begging didn't work. SOoo grandpa got the brake handle on the hay wagon, and walked up to that ole mule and took a full swing and landed it right between the mules eyes.  That mule was crosseyed for a week i figure. But after that mule got up and staggered around for a minute, he got back to work pulling that plow.  Grandpa told me that he just had to get his attention, then he could give direction to that mule
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I've heard that story forever.  And there are a few people that need it, too.


And back to the topic; I have had experience with Pit Bulls, and as breeders will often tell you, there are traits that certain dogs carry. Agressiveness is as inherited as are brown spots, or eye color, and responsible breeders try to breed that trait out of registered breeds. The problem with large breed dogs such as Pit Bull, and Rottweilers is that should they bite, they can do great damage. I don't think that I have ever heard of a child, person or another animal being mauled to death by a Chihuahua, not because they don't have the attitude, but their equipment is lacking. Pit Bulls do serious damage when they attack, and unfortunately they are the breed of dog many irresponsible people choose. We used to have a neighbor in Wichita who had two Pit Bulls; one was a real sweetie, the other was vicous and would kill any animal that got near. His demise came about when he got loose one day and killed two neighborhood dogs; his owner did the right thing by taking him for a ride from which he could not return. Those two dogs killed in my back yard could have been a small child or an elderly person walking down the street. Neither would have been able to defend themselves. And two families lost their pets that day, even though they should not have been running loose either. I love dogs, cats, and all pets, (see my name). But they should never be able to be inflicted on others, and I do agree that we have a dog leash law as well as a ban on Pit Bulls in Moline.


The United States Marines are banning Pit Bulls, Rotweilers and "Wolf Like dogs from all Marine bases worldwide.


Lyon Co. was considering the same ban a few years ago. The problems that they ran into was mix breeds. What percentage of the dog had to be a pit in order to be banned. They were also including chows in their ban. The reason that these dogs are deemed "vicious" is because they have a locking jaw. They don't physically have the power to release once they bite until their jaw muscles relax. I am a firm believer that any animal can be made to be vicious. I could turn my spoiled snauzer into an attack dog if I wanted to. I don't think banning a certain breed is going to solve the problems. The only thing that is going to solve the problem of "vicious" animals is teaching owners to be responsible and train their animals properly


Quote from: Cheyenne on November 13, 2009, 07:14:27 PM
Lyon Co. was considering the same ban a few years ago. The problems that they ran into was mix breeds. What percentage of the dog had to be a pit in order to be banned. They were also including chows in their ban. The reason that these dogs are deemed "vicious" is because they have a locking jaw. They don't physically have the power to release once they bite until their jaw muscles relax. I am a firm believer that any animal can be made to be vicious. I could turn my spoiled snauzer into an attack dog if I wanted to. I don't think banning a certain breed is going to solve the problems. The only thing that is going to solve the problem of "vicious" animals is teaching owners to be responsible and train their animals properly

Actually, that is a myth.  Pit Bulls, or any other breed, do not have "locking" jaws.  There has never been any scientific evidence to suggest that any dog is able to "lock" their jaws.  They are tenacious and are often trained not to let go.  But they do not "lock" their jaws. 

It is also a misunderstanding that a dog that attacks another dog will then attack people.  There is a big difference between animal aggression in dogs and people aggression.  Pit Bulls have been bred for centuries to be aggressive toward other dogs, but all people aggressive Pit Bulls were always frowned upon and bred against.  The dogs, in the pit, had to be able to be handled by their handlers, the ring referees and bystanders and not show any aggression towards people.  The problem is is that you have a ton of people breeding Pit Bulls with terrible traits and then encouraging bad behaviour in their dogs. 

Once again it comes down to irresponsible people and once again it comes down to if you outlaw that breed, they will simply find another breed until pretty soon you're having to outlaw dogs completely.  Rather teach people to be responsible and accountable for their actions.


So, exactly how do you do that?  :-\


Quote from: sixdogsmom on November 13, 2009, 06:38:52 PM
I don't think that I have ever heard of a child, person or another animal being mauled to death by a Chihuahua, not because they don't have the attitude, but their equipment is lacking.

Okay, so maybe its not a Chihuahua, but along the same lines....

-Although pit bull mixes and Rottweillers are most likely to kill and seriously maim, fatal attacks since 1975 have been attributed to dogs from at least 30 breeds. 

The most horrifying example of the lack of breed predictibility is the October 2000 death of a 6-week-old baby, which was killed by her family's Pomeranian dog. The average weight of a Pomeranian is about 4 pounds, and they are not thought of as a dangerous breed. Note, however, that they were bred to be watchdogs! The baby's uncle left the infant and the dog on a bed while the uncle prepared her bottle in the kitchen. Upon his return, the dog was mauling the baby, who died shortly afterwards. ("Baby Girl Killed by Family Dog," Los Angeles Times, Monday, October 9, 2000, Home Edition, Metro Section, Page B-5.)

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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