Bad Dog!!

Started by Varmit, November 12, 2009, 12:35:14 PM

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That is true Flo.  I don't seem to have a problem around here at the daycare, but have heard of people having problems with them. 
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: flo on November 12, 2009, 04:44:54 PM
I have a first-hand reply to this.  Since I live just two blocks from the dog that bit their neighbors, I am sure that it is the same pitbull I seen just a couple weeks before that in MY yard.  It was with another large dog that appears to be a mixed breed of some sort.  They both eye-balled me when I started out of my house and I just went back in and called the sheriff's office.  By the time they got here the dogs had gone on south.  Howard does have a leash law and why won't people obey.  Either keep them tied up or penned up.  I have a house dog that stays in a fenced yard when she's out or on a leash if I take her for a walk, but I am tired of cleaning up after other dogs in my yard.  Keep them at home and restrained and there won't be the problem.  I have everything from tiny dogs to humongous dogs running loose thru my yard, and they are not the responsibility of the law officers to take care of.  It is the responsiblity of the owners, whether they are vicious or puppy dog tame.

Actually Flo I totally agree with you.  Irresponsible owners cause a lot of trouble, but is it fair to the law abiding citizens to punish everyone equally?  You say the city already has leash laws...good!!  Enforce them!!  You don't put more laws on the books when you're not even keeping up with the ones you've got, especially one as wide sweeping as this one as it's basically "racial profiling" for dogs saying that just because it's a particular breed, then it's no good.  

We live way out, but I do keep our dogs penned up.  I don't like them running loose for fear of them getting hit by a car or shot or whatever.  I love my dogs.  They're like my babies.  Once in awhile they do get out and I am usually hot on their heels bringing them back and when we're not home to supervise them they all go in the house in crates.  Responsible owners make sure their dogs do not become a nuisance to other people and it's very irresponsible to own a dog, especially a Pit Bull, that you know has a propensity to human aggression and it's very irresponsible to let it run loose.  This breed faces enough challenges without adding to it..  

But I've fought for this breed for 20 years, been to quite a few city meetings on this breed, will fight to show people their qualities they have when owned and trained right and I will continue to do so.  


There are a lot of alternatives to BSL (breed specific legislation).  First of all, since the city already has laws on the books regarding dogs running loose and so these need to be enforced.  If people's dogs are properly restrained, then there should be no bites.  That means hefty fines for multiple offenders with loose dogs.  Secondly, I'm sure the city already has laws in place regarding vicious dogs.  Most cities do.  And if they don't, then get them and ENFORCE them.  Dogs don't reason nor are they the logical thinking part.  If you don't punish the people, but take away their dog, they'll go get another dog and be just as irresponsible with it. 
Next, maybe the city ought to think about letting volunteers hold puppy socialization classes and obedience classes and also, give a few classes on avoiding dog bites.  These classes are especially good for children.  I'm sure there's people that would teach these classes voluntarily.  I know I would. 


You said it, Flo.  Do you know who these dogs belong to?  If you do, you should tell the sheriff's department or the city, then let them take it from there.  Also, report the dogs everytime you see them.  Take a picture of them in your backyard so it can't be said that they weren't loose.


This is from my husband.....he says he locates in Howard and he's yet to see a dog that isn't friendly and it surprises him and he says he's been in a lot of backyards and he has seen some Pit Bulls in Howard, but that they're all real friendly dogs.


I'm not saying I'm for any ordinance, but when we lived in Howard, dogs would run around quite often.  I didn't know Howard even had a leash law; I just assumed they didn't by the amound of dogs running wild around town.  Also, when I would walk around town, there were certain places I avoided because of the viciousness of their dogs... yes, they were in the yard, but some places I thought they'd break through the fence to get to me!  But breed-specific... most of the nastiest dogs I saw like that were actually the little dogs!
Remember; this is a CITY ordinance.  Most cities have ordinanaces against vicious dogs, or even breed specific.  Wichita has recently passed a law and they have to be micro-chipped and spayed/neutered. 


I may need to eat my words about a leash law.  I was TOLD there was one.  Guess I should have asked when I bought Lucy's tag, but wasn't concerned about it because knew she would not be allowed to run loose, which brings another question to mind.  Some of these at-large dogs do not have collars and therefore are showing no city tag.  Maybe the owner, if they bought one, has them hanging on the wall at home, but I thought they were supposed to be on the dog.


Oh yes, Howard has a leash law. The city police is also the animal control officer. We do have a dog pound and every once in a while you will see a flyer showing a dog that is there that needs a good home. Doesn't it all come back down to personal responsibility. If you can't take care of an animal, don't get one.


Quote from: flo on November 12, 2009, 07:38:08 PM
I may need to eat my words about a leash law.  I was TOLD there was one.  Guess I should have asked when I bought Lucy's tag, but wasn't concerned about it because knew she would not be allowed to run loose, which brings another question to mind.  Some of these at-large dogs do not have collars and therefore are showing no city tag.  Maybe the owner, if they bought one, has them hanging on the wall at home, but I thought they were supposed to be on the dog.
Tags can be lost easily as well as collars. The collars are supposed to be 3 fingers tight that is you should be able to slip 3 fingers comfortably between collar and neck.  This is to ensure that you get a tight enough collar to use for walking on a leash as well as keep it on them during normal activities but allow for a means of escape from the collar if they happen to become snared by something out there like a fence or something. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Frankly, I am not a fan of Pits or Dobermans, not because they are dangerous or anything, I was just wondering were the Council got their info.  If they are going to ban so called dangerous dogs then they need to get their facts straight and include breeds like Dalmations, Chow Chows, Huskies, Malamutes, Schnausers, and Dashounds.  Most dog bites come from little dogs but since the damage isn't that bad most go unreported.  The problem is not the dog but the dog owner.  As for cleaning up after others dogs, you might try talking to the owner before you call the cops.  Afterall, thats what neighbors do.  I think that breed specific laws are just a product of paranoia caused by mis-information.

And no Anmar, I don't own a three legged dog.
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