Fort Hood - A Deliberate Act Of Terrorism!

Started by Warph, November 09, 2009, 11:41:24 AM

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I'm with you, Jarhead, just take him out to main street and put him on a platform with a noose around his neck.  And, just before they drop him, have 72 virgins stand in a line in front of him and holler, "Hey, too bad.  We won't be there for you.  That virgin thing is just a joke.  Bye Bye now."

Anmar, I usually take what the media says lightly and like you, wait for an official report.  However, here are the facts:

This guy did the shooting.

Soldiers were killed and wounded.

I don't care what race, color, nationality, or religion he is.  He is a killer.

Nothing to argue there.


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry, I agree with those facts.  I just don't know anything else about it.  I'm a bit surprised that people have already decided that they want to politicize the issue before the victims are even laid to rest.  Frankly I'm trying to stay out of this subject for that reason. 

The deaths of our soldiers shouldn't be used for politics.  Neither should their lives for that matter.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Yeah - it is kinda difficult to figure out............................................

Diane Amberg

Ok Jar...hanging, but which knot? The strangle asphyxiation knot, or the snap the 2nd vertebrae neck stretcher knot.

Ms Bear

I hope we get to find out in our lifetime.  I am sure this will be drug out for some time.  There are so many victims here and it is sad to know how much less safe and secure our military families are going to feel now. 


Ms Bear, I read that it's been a fair spell since the military executed anyone but this "terrorist " will probably get it. Might be 15 -20 years though.
Diane, I've changed my mind on hanging. It's too quick and not enough pain. I see where this terrorist liked to go to strip bars and pay for lap dances so he likes sex. So what I propose is tie his wrists to his ankles------naked------give a big ass Silver back Gorilla 4 viagra's and a jar of alum !!! No he might enjoy that so I'll try and think of another way. Sarge you got any ideas ?


Jarhead, while I appreciate your feelings on the subject I really wouldn't spend that much time on the S.O.B Just put a bullet in his head and be done with it. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Aw Varmit, you never want to have fun anymore !!!!. :) Just rerad where they executed that DC sniper tonight. He did his killings 7 years ago and got fried. Why do some murderers sit on death row for 20-25 years and some get the axe in 7 years ? Anyone ???


Are you related to anyone in Howard or did you just surf the internet and find the forum????? ??? ??? ???

Diane Amberg

That sniper was a little to close to home for me. It had this whole area upset for quite awhile. I'm glad he's finally gone.

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