AARP shows its true colors

Started by Patriot, November 05, 2009, 02:10:32 PM

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"The chief source of problems is solutions"


I guess that kind of depends on your definition of illegal.  For example, if the folks that are here illegally obtain a "path to citizenship" like canidate obama said they should would they be covered?  If they are, then in my opinion, it does cover illegals.  Seeing as how their citizenship would be based on an illegal act.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


There is no such law.  Its not even being proposed or talked about.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on November 08, 2009, 11:41:48 PM
woohoo, another lie

Geez, anmar... you're like a 12 y.o. kid that just discovered puberty.  You must be referring to: "***Permits federal taxpayer funding of abortion services, above and beyond the status quo of current law." 

This was struck down, as your article says, but it was still in the bill saturday.  They voted to take it out right before they voted on bill 3962.  So at the time I was putting this together, the House voted it out.  So really mooncalf, it wasn't a lie.  I guess you didn't want to bring that out and explain what really happen to the Abortion Adm.... tsk tsk...

Remenber what Slappys granny said: "...tell that poor boy that we all have what we's calls OSN or what my gran mammy used to call "old sinful nature."  She used to say, "Doing things on purpose will lead youse not to do things for the right reason,son... It means youse have to do things right instead of doing wrong things just to pleeze youse.  Thars are things that seems so right for us but not really right in the foist place.  Guard your heart, little man and listen to that still small voice and dare to do things right."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


As far as the abortion part goes, It has in HR3200, which was proposed about a week before your list of lies.  So yes, its still a lie no matter how much you backpeddle or try to spin it.

Its unfortunate that the link didn't work, and before i fix it, let me try to take the opportunity to teach you how not to lie.  You see, any tool with a keyboard can come to a forum and make a bunch of assertions.  As you have demonstrated, they need not be true in order for someone to type them.  Here's an example...

A bill was passed in congress today  According to this bill

-All NFL offensive linemen must wear pink skirts while warming up for games
    - The official language of Rhode island is now mandarin
    - kuwait is now the 51st state, sorry puerto rico
    - Anchovies can no longer be sold as a pizza topping
    - All witches shall be burned at the stake, back to the dark ages!

Then, that would be the end of my post and I would expect everyone to believe it because they all think I have some credibility, because the hear the same thing on the news, and because i know they probably won't check on their own.  Just to be sure, I won't give the name or number of the bill, i won't link it and i won't quote any of the actual language.

Unfortunatly, There's always that one little whippersnapper who cares enough to go read the bill.  Then you get caught.  You know the worst thing about being caught?  eventually, people stop believing in your credibility.  Soon, people don't believe you anymore and then a higher standard starts to take form.  Now you are going to actually have to be able to support what you say with facts instead of just spouting off whatever comes to your head.

So... back to the topic at hand, health care.  Here is a link to the actual bill

The link I posted was to section that bars illegal aliens from recieving health care benefits.  You claimed that the plan forces the government to insure illegals, and you gave a section number.  Here is what the section says...

QuoteSection 152 includes a generic nondiscrimination clause, which says insurers may not discriminate with regard to "personal characteristics extraneous to the provision of high quality health care or related services."

I don't see anything there about citizenship, but i do remember someone saying something about this in the news, so i think i'll look it up myself.  Section 246 expressely bars illegal immigrants from being covered.

I did a little mroe research and i found that the list you posted has been going around as a chain e-mail.  The thing about chain e-mails is that they are almost never true.  I can't believe someone as smart as yourself hasn't figured that out yet.  Did you also send 2 million dollars to the friend of the Nigerian oil minister?

Fortunatly, i found someone with enough time to go through the whole list, and they said it was a pile of BS.  Here's the link
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Mooncalf, I hope you don't take this wrong but, you are one dumb SOB.... using the St. Petersburg Times as your research.... probably the number 4 worst far-left newspaper in the nation.  I'm surprised you didn't throw in somemore liberal lies from the Palm Beach Post while you were at it.  How dumb was that.  The is Owned Lock, stock and Barrell by the St. Pete Times, dummy.  I posted a couple of articles last year on how far left they were.  You cannot get more far-left liberal in the newspaper business then this.  By quoting it sure brings out your political views, leftie.

BTW mooncalf... I was quoting hr3962, NOT 3200 and I standby what is wrong with it.  You seem to be stuck on 3200... it doesn't exist anymore, get over it.... and now that 3962 has moved to the senate, 3962 won't exist anymore once they get through with it.  With Slick Willy coming on board to talk with the senators and the promises he has in his back pocket (from Obama) to bribe the shaky ones, no telling what the next bill will look like.  I can see it now.... Slick Willy:  Now come on senator, what kind of pork does your state need back home that the big Zero can do for you to get your vote on this healthcare bill?....  Bridges, new highways, what?  Now if you sign here, senator.... ol' slick willy at work... what a salesman.

Oh yeah.... before I forget it... your little petty-girl remarks might work for you at the limp-wrist pinky bars in San Fran.... they don't work for me, numb nuts!  Get a life creep.

And you better heed Slappy's granny when she said, "....tell that poor boy that we all have what we's calls OSN or what my gran mammy used to call 'old sinful nature.'"  She used to say, "Doing things on purpose will lead youse not to do things for the right reason,son... It means youse have to do things right instead of doing wrong things just to pleeze youse.  Thars are things that seems so right for us but not really right in the foist place.  Guard your heart, little man and listen to that still small voice and dare to do things right." ..... or she might put a curse on you.  LMAO at you, mooncalf!  Tebbi and Slappy say "Hi".... (quit laughing, guys)

(Hmmmm..... let see now... yep , I think I've used up all of my "off-the-wall" words for the day).
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Oooo you're really riled up today.  I guess it doesn't feel good when you get exposed for what you really are. 

Spin it however you want, cry about the sources, complain about different versions of the same bill.  You are lying about both of them anyways.  Its funny that you tell me to "get over it"  I see you are back to projecting your personal issues on to others.  The bill passed, I'm not the one with a flaming need to lie, manipulate and cajole people into thinking this bill is something that its not, that would be you. 

You also now are trying to accuse a newspaper of lying.  Again, i posted the links to the bills, they article quotes the bill and gives section numbers.  If you or anyone else things its a lie, it's pretty easy to check.  You see, when I see something thats not true, I go out and prove it.  You just sit there and expect everyone to take your word for it.  You've proven here and in other threads that you are not reliable and that you are willing to lie for your own political interests.  If you make an accusation, you should bring some proof next time.

You should probably also think about playing nice, you may have to get warned by the forum mods for the third time this fall.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Quote from: Anmar on November 11, 2009, 03:50:24 PM
Oooo you're really riled up today.  I guess it doesn't feel good when you get exposed for what you really are. 

Spin it however you want, cry about the sources, complain about different versions of the same bill.  You are lying about both of them anyways.  Its funny that you tell me to "get over it"  I see you are back to projecting your personal issues on to others.  The bill passed, I'm not the one with a flaming need to lie, manipulate and cajole people into thinking this bill is something that its not, that would be you. 

You also now are trying to accuse a newspaper of lying.  Again, i posted the links to the bills, they article quotes the bill and gives section numbers.  If you or anyone else things its a lie, it's pretty easy to check.  You see, when I see something thats not true, I go out and prove it.  You just sit there and expect everyone to take your word for it.  You've proven here and in other threads that you are not reliable and that you are willing to lie for your own political interests.  If you make an accusation, you should bring some proof next time.

You should probably also think about playing nice, you may have to get warned by the forum mods for the third time this fall.

Quote from: Anmar on November 11, 2009, 03:50:24 PM
Oooo you're really riled up today.  I guess it doesn't feel good when you get exposed for what you really are. 

Spin it however you want, cry about the sources, complain about different versions of the same bill.  You are lying about both of them anyways.  Its funny that you tell me to "get over it"  I see you are back to projecting your personal issues on to others.  The bill passed, I'm not the one with a flaming need to lie, manipulate and cajole people into thinking this bill is something that its not, that would be you. 

You also now are trying to accuse a newspaper of lying.  Again, i posted the links to the bills, they article quotes the bill and gives section numbers.  If you or anyone else things its a lie, it's pretty easy to check.  You see, when I see something thats not true, I go out and prove it.  You just sit there and expect everyone to take your word for it.  You've proven here and in other threads that you are not reliable and that you are willing to lie for your own political interests.  If you make an accusation, you should bring some proof next time.

You should probably also think about playing nice, you may have to get warned by the forum mods for the third time this fall.

Mooncalf, you seem to be getting dumber with each post.  You cannot seem to understand the difference between the two bills... and nobody understands what you are talking about when you try.. yes, I said try.... to quote something from them.  Then you go off jabbering in circles about some chain letter going around that I haven't seen you produce yet, why is that?  The St. Pete Times is a very liberal newspaper.  They are like the daily kos... huffington post... move on dot org... all who stretch the political truth, mooncalf.  Of course you being a liberal cannot comprehend that and anything I say or what a conservative says, you jump up from your little box and label them as lies... kinda like OlberClown does.  And I didn't realize that I had been warned by the forum mods.  Would like to point those warnings out so everyone on the forum can see what you're sputtering about ???  Mooncalf, let me help you out abit.... I hate to say it but, your boring, very boring.  You have no personality in your posts.  They all come out... rather juvenile.... you whine too much... you never post anything of substance, you just make snide remarks to everyone.... you accuse everyone of lying when a post  doesn't suit you.  It's like you've never grown up.  I dunno, I guess you have to work it out the best way you can.  We'll just have to "consider the source."

Oh yeah.... Slappy said to not forget about what his granny said.  Here, let me remind you, "....tell that poor boy that we all have what we's calls OSN or what my gran mammy used to call 'old sinful nature.'"  She used to say, "Doing things on purpose will lead youse not to do things for the right reason,son... It means youse have to do things right instead of doing wrong things just to pleeze youse.  Thars are things that seems so right for us but not really right in the foist place.  Guard your heart, little man and listen to that still small voice and dare to do things right."

He said she'll hold off on the curse for awhile and wait to see if you get all your ducks in a row.... whatever that means.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


You're a way smarter man than me so maybe you can find what Judge Andrew Napalitano, a constitutional law scholar, says about illigals getting free health care under the Osama Obama plan. Something like no matter what the bill says,if it becomes law, the illigals will be included because law forbids keeping one group of people from getting what the rest gets. Been tested in Cailfornia courts

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