Started by Rudy Taylor, November 03, 2009, 08:44:14 PM

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I just wish this West Elk community could stop worrying about Howard vs. Moline vs. Severy.  Let's stand united!  Let's work for what is best for ALL the kids!!!!!!


My point was Howard kids are bussed to and from the school in Howard.


Quote from: Wilma on November 07, 2009, 06:38:51 PM
Yes, that is what is happening now.  I was talking about how many years students from Howard have been bussed, not just the years each student is bussed.  The first students to be bussed are almost old enough to be grandparents now and if it continues like this, their grandchildren will be bussed as they were.  I just feel that the people in Howard have had their children bussed to another town while the people in Moline and Severy have not.  Isn't it time to change this?  A centralized grade school would be the least amount of bussing.  Granted the Moline and Severy children would still be bussed, but wouldn't it be better for them to be bussed to Howard than some Moline children to Severy and some Severy children to Moline?
I moved to Moline in the fall of 1978, my senior year. Had to ride the bus to Howard everyday.
I don't know if this is correct or not but, haven't Moline 7th though 12th grade kids been bused to Howard for as long as Howard kids have been bused to Moline?


Not to change the subject, but, is the school district obligated to provide transportation for the students to and from school?  I can remember a time when there were no school buses.

momof 2boys

What I don't understand is what the past has to do with the issues we face now.  What has happened over the past thirty-some years will not continue.  We have to accept that and move on to decide what will be best for students now.  There is no even trade off.  No one is going to get exactly what they want.  I don't know if one or both grade schools will be closed, but whatever happens we need to be positive about it and do what is best for our kids. 


Quote from: gina on November 07, 2009, 08:07:58 PM
  There is no even trade off.  No one is going to get exactly what they want.  I don't know if one or both grade schools will be closed, but whatever happens we need to be positive about it and do what is best for our kids. 

Good attitude gina...  :)


Quote from: Wilma on November 07, 2009, 07:50:15 PM
Not to change the subject, but, is the school district obligated to provide transportation for the students to and from school?  I can remember a time when there were no school buses.
Certain students are provided with busing by law.  Prek and Kindergarten must be pickup up.  I think students with special needs must be provided with appropriate transportation. Any one over 2.5miles from the school building. We also must have a bus large enough to carry every student that is on the route whether or not they ride that day or not.  That is why you see half full buses.

We get funding for transportation from the state and fed.  We own the buses.  We spend capital to purchase them that could be spent on other programs.  Do we really need to?  We just spent 150k to replace three out of date units. We paid for them up front but that investment has a $7500 dollar a year principal cost. But what is the opportunity cost of that funding?  What else could we have used it for?  We got rid of three, down sized to two smaller busses, and now we have another 20 years to drive the new ones.  You can't drive a school bus after it is twenty years old.  But how old is the rest of the fleet?  What is the current value of the bus fleet?  If it is funded by the mile should we be purchasing it by the mile?  What does it cost to operate?  Would a bus service provide the same service for more or less money?


Thank you, PEP.  So we are required to provide transportation to all the students.  Very few of them live within that 2.5 miles.  So bussing isn't something that could be cut.  Better just get used to the fact that the students are going to be riding a bus.

Next question.  Are there regulations as to how long or how far a student has to ride a bus?


I have a question, (hope someone answers it). Does the school bus pick up children in the city limits of Howard to be taken to the high school?


I know that this is a serious matter for all of you and I can appreciate that seriousness.  As you know, I like to see humor in all things, so don't be offended by my offering the following:

Another quote from Mr. Bill Cosby.

When talking to his children about attending school, he said:  "I had to walk to school in the snow, barefoot, uphill, both ways!"

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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