Started by Rudy Taylor, November 03, 2009, 08:44:14 PM

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Quote from: Wilma on November 07, 2009, 08:12:08 AM
Howard grade school kids have been riding a school bus to Severy or Moline since the very early 70's.  Severy and Moline high school kids have been riding the bus (if they don't get to drive a car) to Howard for the same length of time.  I thought it was about time that someone brought up that what Severy and Moline kids might be asked to do is only what Howard kids have been doing for so long.  Whose turn do you think it is now?   
huh? Did you not just post we each spend equal time on bus? If we move the grade school to Howard how much time will the Howard kids spend on the bus compared with everybody else?


Where did I post that we spend equal time on the bus.  And yes, Howard kids have been doing since the very early 70's what the Moline and Severy kids would be asked to do if the grade school were located in Howard.  What about that do you not understand? 

I don't remember just what year it was, but I know it was close to 1972 that Severy high school kids were moved to Howard.  Howard junior high was bussed to Severy.  Howard grade school kids were bussed to either Moline or Severy.  This past year Moline kids up to the mid grades are bussed to Severy and Severy grade school from mid grades to junior high are bussed to Moline.  Doesn't it make sense to centralize the grade school?  Should Severy have to go to Moline or Moline to Severy?
That is about 12 miles too much bussing twice a day.  Is it asking too much that what Howard kids have done for 30 some years be shared by the other communities?


After reading this discussion  I have to wonder what the children are being taught outside of school.  I understand as much as anyone what an emotional subject this is, but being for it... or against it... I have to wonder what will happen to the children being exposed to the attitudes from both sides.  How many will carry these ideals to school, and into their groups of peers?  How many will bicker, argue, with their friends  because their families are "for it" or "against it"?  ???

I sincerely hope that all who are so emotionally wrapped up in this that they see fit to write some of the nasty posts aren't teaching their children by example (that is the fastest way the pick things up in my experience!) It would be a shame to drive wedges between children over matters they have no control over.   :-[

This is all supposed to be for the kids!  Maybe we could all take a deep breath and portray an acceptable example for the younger ones who are watching and learning. (They ARE listening, watching and learning!)  I know of several older students who actually read this forum!

No matter what side of the issue we are on... we MUST set a positive example until this matter is resolved.  I truly don't believe that mud slinging will help anyone's cause no matter what your views are.... My grandad always said "you catch more flies with sugar then vinegar"........... If you're trying to change the opinion of others those might be good words to consider........ 

Nothing wrong with teaching the kids how to stand up for a cause..... Let's just do it in a positive respectable manner!!   :)




Quote from: Wilma on November 07, 2009, 01:50:01 PM
Where did I post that we spend equal time on the bus.  And yes, Howard kids have been doing since the very early 70's what the Moline and Severy kids would be asked to do if the grade school were located in Howard.  What about that do you not understand?

Y'all have about got me convinced that I don't know what I'm talking about.
A Moline child stays in Moline for grades kindergarten through 6th grade(7 years) then he buses to Howard for grades 7 though 12(6 years).
A Howard child buses to Moline or Severy for grades kindergarten though 6th grade(7 years) then stays in Howard for grades 7 though 12(6 years).

Howard kids bus for 7 years
Moline kids bus for 6 years

Put the grade school in Howard
Howard kids stay in Howard for 13 years
Moline kids bus for 13 years




Agreed!  :D

We should just leave it the way it is.

momof 2boys

I was just wondering how you feel about Moline students being bussed from Moline to Severy, if Moline were to be closed?  Just curious, not trying to start anything.

momof 2boys

Actually that is happening right now.  Grenola, Elk Falls, Belknap, and Moline 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders are bussed to Severy.  While Severy, Fall River, and Piedmont 4th, 5th, and 6th graders are bussed to Moline.


Yes, that is what is happening now.  I was talking about how many years students from Howard have been bussed, not just the years each student is bussed.  The first students to be bussed are almost old enough to be grandparents now and if it continues like this, their grandchildren will be bussed as they were.  I just feel that the people in Howard have had their children bussed to another town while the people in Moline and Severy have not.  Isn't it time to change this?  A centralized grade school would be the least amount of bussing.  Granted the Moline and Severy children would still be bussed, but wouldn't it be better for them to be bussed to Howard than some Moline children to Severy and some Severy children to Moline?

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