Started by Rudy Taylor, November 03, 2009, 08:44:14 PM

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Varmit, I didn't vote for Obama and I voted for the bond to pass.  And your check goes to Elk county yes, but look at you tax statement, where does your school money go?  I think that living in Grenola your school taxes go to Cowley county.  Not sure, but would check on that. 

But what is your suggestion to do with the school?  Put yourself in the place of me who has 3 young girls in this school system.  What would you have done then?  I still say that we need to try the vote again!!  There is no way you, Varmit would bus your children an hour to school, if you lived in Howard.  I won't.  So I am going to get as much information as I can by attending the School Board meeting Monday night.  I have attended several, not all, but do care what happens.  As I stated before in earlier thread, I feel that I as a parent have failed my children.  I have one in preschool, one in 1st grade and one in 6th.  So, it really does matter what happens to the school for me and my family.  I feel like I have not done everything that is possible to insure a proper education for my children.  And my children are very bright girls, with bright futures ahead of them.  I am not going to hold them down, because I can't afford it.  Money is a small price to pay, for the happiness of my childrens future!!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: PrehistoricRez on November 05, 2009, 08:31:32 AM
Certainly I will argue liability issues, and if you do not believe that they would come up then you are dreaming.  For example, in the past the Lions Club had offered to repair pot holes in the City of Howard and were refused because we would have to be covered by the City's insurance policy in case of accident and because of the liability created if we did not do the work properly.

I got a chuckle from this one, "if we did not do the work properly", when does the city do any work properly, we pay for dirty water that smells like chlorine, month after month

QuoteI think your quote should be you dont pay for 2 high schools in a county that only needs 1, because there are some kids that are dumber and need an easier school, so they can only go when they want and still graduate, thats not an education
for those of you that dont know im talking about longton

Speaking of dumber kids...I would like to point out that Jerry was talking about the liability issue that would arise if the Lions Club didn't do the work properly, not the city.  You might want to speak to someone about taking some remedial reading comprehension classes.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Angtown, I have mentioned several ideas on what to do with the school.  For the record, I have 3 kids, 11, 9, and 6 years old.  They spend about two hours on the bus each day.  Doesn't hurt them a bit. 

As for them getting a proper education, I look more for the quality of teachers they have then the building they are in.  As for their future, once they graduate, it is up to them. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


But it is my choice not to make my children ride the bus that long.  I don't want that for them.  And won't let that happen.  As for the quality of teachers, you are right.  West Elk has some of the best in the state. 
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: angtown3 on November 06, 2009, 06:12:21 AM
Varmit, I didn't vote for Obama and I voted for the bond to pass.  And your check goes to Elk county yes, but look at you tax statement, where does your school money go?  I think that living in Grenola your school taxes go to Cowley county.  Not sure, but would check on that. 

But what is your suggestion to do with the school?  Put yourself in the place of me who has 3 young girls in this school system.  What would you have done then?  I still say that we need to try the vote again!!  There is no way you, Varmit would bus your children an hour to school, if you lived in Howard.  I won't. So I am going to get as much information as I can by attending the School Board meeting Monday night.  I have attended several, not all, but do care what happens.  As I stated before in earlier thread, I feel that I as a parent have failed my children.  I have one in preschool, one in 1st grade and one in 6th.  So, it really does matter what happens to the school for me and my family.  I feel like I have not done everything that is possible to insure a proper education for my children.  And my children are very bright girls, with bright futures ahead of them.  I am not going to hold them down, because I can't afford it.  Money is a small price to pay, for the happiness of my childrens future!!!
If they move the school to Howard my kids will have to ride the bus for an hour. Should I have voted yes or no?


That is your choice.  We lived a couple miles outside of town and last year the girls had to get on the bus at 625 or so.  So it's my choice not to do that to them.  Voting yes or no has nothing to do with the location of where the school is going to be.  We are looking at budget cuts.  Do you want them to combine classes?  K-1, and so on?  Do you want your children to have any business classes at the high school.  There will free up money easy the burden of the money if the bond would have passed.  That is my point.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I have to say the reason, I am kind of upset more and more is no one sees the big picture.  I have friends, who have been renting a house in town.  They are trying to decided whether to buy a house and stay, or not because of the school situations.  Many of you have stated that people don't look at this situation to being why are communities are not growing.  But it kind of is.  I mean if younger couples with children come looking in this area, and see the school system in such a mess, would you move here?  I sometimes wish we could move.  Not that I don't like the community and small town, but what will my kids do if this school system gets closed or what we are heading for goes broke?  What will we do then? 
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Heres a solution to the school issue.  If the citizens that voted yes to a bond and a new school want one, then why don't they get together and build one?  They can offer whatever classes they want, hire the teachers they want, have whatever programs they want, etc.  That way, they get their new school, the "no" voters get what they want, its a win-win situation.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: angtown3 on November 06, 2009, 07:00:02 AM
I have to say the reason, I am kind of upset more and more is no one sees the big picture.  I have friends, who have been renting a house in town.  They are trying to decided whether to buy a house and stay, or not because of the school situations.  Many of you have stated that people don't look at this situation to being why are communities are not growing.  But it kind of is.  I mean if younger couples with children come looking in this area, and see the school system in such a mess, would you move here?  I sometimes wish we could move.  Not that I don't like the community and small town, but what will my kids do if this school system gets closed or what we are heading for goes broke?  What will we do then? 

You know I'm sort of torn on the whole situation, but people don't move "just" because of the schools.  We're looking at moving and our main concerns are area as far as work is concerned and property tax.  Those two things are also extremely important and unfortunately, not only does Elk county not have any industry to speak of to offer jobs, but the property tax is really high.  So, that alone will tend to keep people from moving here.  Not all, but quite a few.  Well, that and the no water issue. 
So, the schools are only part of Elk County's concerns.  And it seems that the people in Severy and Moline were VERY against the issue.  The main ones for it were the ones in Howard and so it does seem it's an issue of the county seat against it's own county.  And what about his second high school?  A high school in Longton?  will it be closed too? 


YES! The school is the main reason for our family to stay in Elk County.  We have moved to this area for our kids it is safer and the schools are safer also.  We do have work in Elk County so that should not be a reason to leave the county but we will be willing to drive for a more sound school system if need be.  We love it here and do not want to move.  But we will do the best thing for our kids.  Everyone says nobody is moving to this county to increase enrollment but we might not be much but we have 2 kids

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