Started by Rudy Taylor, November 03, 2009, 08:44:14 PM

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Yes!  More heads are better than fewer when those heads are rational and helpful with constructive experiences.  If those head's intentions are to just stir up controversy and trouble at home, then I say, stay out of it.  Present us with sound workable ideas and keep your rants to yourself.


Safe to say that I think there is one thing that we can all agree on here..... Nobody envies the job of the school board members....

I think volunteerism is an excellent idea, but is not a viable alternative when it comes to working on the actual school buildings.  I see many things that have been built or repaired at the school grounds by current and past VoAg students such as landscaping and fencing and even some of the structures on the VoAg farm. 

I also know firsthand the type of licensing and certifications that are needed to work on the actual school buildings themselves.  For example, to work on the roof, a company or individual must be hold a million dollar bond before they even step on the roof.  To work on either grade school, a company needs to hold asbestos abatement certificates, lead paint abatement certificates, and be licensed as such. 

jerry wagner

Quote from: DanCookson on November 04, 2009, 09:24:33 AM
Safe to say that I think there is one thing that we can all agree on here..... Nobody envies the job of the school board members....

I think volunteerism is an excellent idea, but is not a viable alternative when it comes to working on the actual school buildings.  I see many things that have been built or repaired at the school grounds by current and past VoAg students such as landscaping and fencing and even some of the structures on the VoAg farm. 

I also know firsthand the type of licensing and certifications that are needed to work on the actual school buildings themselves.  For example, to work on the roof, a company or individual must be hold a million dollar bond before they even step on the roof.  To work on either grade school, a company needs to hold asbestos abatement certificates, lead paint abatement certificates, and be licensed as such. 



okay, THE MAJORITY HAS SPOKEN.  How I voted is between me and my ballot.  Reading a lot of "how bout we do this?" on here and a lot of name calling, a lot of ideas, some good, some not so good, and if you think you might have a solution to the problem, you need to take it to the school board, not the forum.  They are the ones that have to make the decisions.  As for the asbestos problems, I know FOR A FACT that all asbestos was removed from the Severy Elementary BY CERTIFIED ASBESTOS WORKERS in the 70's, because it was during the 10 yrs. that I worked for the school district.  This was done over the summer months.  Moline, I can't vouch for, but I'd almost guess that they done the same thing there at the same time, or shortly before or after Severy.  There are always going to be losers and winners in any election and jumping down each other's throats will not solve the problems at hand.  Go vent your frustrations on something constructive, or if you like, something distructive, but work together to come up with viable solutions.  Now, I'll get down from my soap box and let the rest of you take a stab at me for posting my 2 cents worth, which may be worth more now if you include taxes, etc.  ;D :angel:


Quote from: Wilma on November 04, 2009, 09:14:56 AM
Yes!  More heads are better than fewer when those heads are rational and helpful with constructive experiences.  If those head's intentions are to just stir up controversy and trouble at home, then I say, stay out of it.  Present us with sound workable ideas and keep your rants to yourself.

Well, I won't claim the psychic prowess to determine with certainty the 'intentions' of those who dissent, because intentions (be it stir trouble or attempt self-enrichment/aggrandizement) are sometimes difficult to ascertain. As for myself, here's a list of potential Plan B options.  Caveat:  These may have been explored, I don't know.  These are just things that come to mind.

1.  Find a way to bring in sufficient portable buildings to house grades K - 6 at the West Elk Campus.  Use available space at the HS building to the maximum extent possible.  Geographically central consolidation of this district seems to make good sense given the costs of maintenance, etc. on the existing elementary buildings.
2.  Close the buildings at Moline and Severy.  If possible deed those properties to the city entities.  The citizens in those towns can perhaps find uses for or bring in business that can find uses for the buildings. Do NOT prohibit the use of the facilities as private schools.
3.  Use the savings from maintenance on those facilities to help fund the new portables in Howard and/or facilitate deferred maintenance on the HS building in Howard.
4.  Do some serious evaluation of the transportation program.  Make bus routes and processes as efficient as possible.
5.  Make any staff reductions necessary to obtain the maximum productivity from the minimum staff/administration.
6.  Keep in mind that extra curricular means just that... 'extra'.  Give weight to expenditures that first enhance the quality of education and second to the 'extras'.

In general, try to do all these things the way any good business approaches such challenges:  Don't leave out all compassion, but make the tough decisions that will give the most effective results at the lowest cost to the owners (read: taxpayers).  Minimize emotion, foregoing desires to placate special interest groups, keeping reason and cost management at the forefront.  And finally, don't rely on schools alone to be the raison d'etre for people wanting to live in Elk County.  In short, there's gotta be some other economic development if the schools are to survive in any form.

Just some thoughts.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Good points, flo....

Though I somehow suspect that posting ideas here on the forum doesn't mean that the board doesn't hear/see them.  I just can't imagine that the board doesn't see these posts.   ;)
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I see that Teresa has not provided us with appluading hands as of yet.  Flo and Patriot, you certainly do deserve to be applauded.  You have provided us with good sensible information and ideas.  Thank you.


I can see that we all don't agree.  But what really needs to be done is supporting one another and get along.  If the communities or people are at each others throats, then nothing is going to be done right.  Flo is so right on this one!!
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


I can't comment because I am not there and can't judge for myself.  What I do want to say is--------------I have never seen so many people on the forum at one time.  It shows that many of you are truly concerned about your community and that is great.  Also, judging by the numbers, there was a good turnout for the election. 

Here is SoCal, rather than build new schools, the existing schools are kept up to code and new portable buildings are added when new space is needed. 

I like the idea of volunteers.  After all, these are your kids and you want the best for them.  So what if you have to put out a little effort.  If you are a craftsman like an electrician, plumber, plasterer, etc., give up some time for a school. 

Like I said, not my business, but I am amazed by the number of folks viewing this forum this morning.

HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


I have stayed out of this too because it does not pertain to me-but---for the ones who voted no---it aint over till the chubby lady sings. We in Longton "soundly" beat a bond issue just a few short years back, but it was made smaller and put back to a vote. Again the masses said no---so it was made smaller once more and too many just threw in the towell and it passed.

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