Started by Rudy Taylor, November 03, 2009, 08:44:14 PM

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Quote from: okiemon on November 06, 2009, 06:34:15 AM
If they move the school to Howard my kids will have to ride the bus for an hour. Should I have voted yes or no?
What time does the elementary school day stop now?   I can't make my employees work from 7:30 to 5 five days a week legally without paying them overtime but my kids are at school longer than a normal business day.  Have you heard one word about the safety of my children driving on the highways everyday?  Why is driving north any different than driving south?  How is it better one way than the other?  My kids get home at almost 5. They are not on a rural route.  They would have to get on the but at 6:15 or 6:30 now.  We drop them off at the High school to catch the bus by 7:30.   Who cares how you voted?  I assume you are don't live close to the high school.   Do you plan on your kids stopping their education at 6th grade?  If not to stay in this school system they will have to ride a bus to school.  With or without a different facility that will not change. If you are going to allow them to drive to school then that blows your entire saving money because of the down economy rant. 


Quote from: flo on November 06, 2009, 07:26:37 PM
by double standard, i meant srkruzich didn't think that education needed to by "bought" with government money, after all he paid for his own, but it is okay for his son to take government money to pay for an education. 
Excuse me he doesn't take,he earned it. There is a difference between taking money without preforming a service like Pell grants, and other government giveaways and actually working for that money.
Sorry you can't even compare the two.

QuoteYes, he is in the service of his country, but it's still government money. 
No its a paycheck not a entitlement. 

QuoteHe is saving all his money for his education, but who is paying for his keep while he's serving his country? 
Again, the military is a constitutional function of government, and they are employers in that constitutional function.

QuoteThat's what that money is for.  I am very proud of every American who serves and I thank hiim for that and I don't begrudge him anything he is paid.  I also do not begrudge an American who has a brain and wants to use it for higher education, to apply for any government money he is entitled to.
Again he is NOT entitled to anything, he Works for his money.
There is a difference

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on November 06, 2009, 08:16:40 AM
Got a question wasn't there supposed to be a nice windfall from the windfarms being built in elk county?  Shoot you could fund not only the school but actually bring in water into the county to attract more industry.
Why are you for wind farms and water lines if you want smaller less intrusive government.  Who do you think is funding these proposed projects?  Why is government bad if it helps your neighbor but the best thing on earth if it helps you and yours?  You have stated thousands of time the big govt is the root of all evil yet the two things in this one single sentence that you are promoting are funded entirely by government or only financially viable by government  subsidies and tax abatement's.

I am for smaller government by eliminating the wasteful spending of local, state, and federal dollars in keeping three schools open when two would serve the purpose more efficiently and without degrading student achievement.  Why is a teacher part of an indoctrination government giveaway but a US soldier works for the exact same green back/direct deposit from the exact same treasury?  Government funding is government funding.  If you get a vision card. You are tax supported.  If you kid goes to public school you are tax supported.  If you wear a uniform you are tax supported.  If you drive on county roads you are tax supported. 

I am for wind farms because even though the government subsidy is the only reason we are seeing growth in the sector, I believe it is the biggest green power booster for rural Kansas.  It works better than solar here as we have more wind than sun.  It is centrally located and wide open.  There is no other industry that has even offered to come to our area besides solid waste and the same no contention voted that down in the same area of the county years ago choosing a blighted rock quarry over a potential gold mine.  .  

Why didn't the existing water district in the southern part of the county or the existing water district in the northern part of the county expand the water lines to  the middle?  Because of the cost of doing so.  Lack of communication between the world of the south and the world of the north has many bad outcomes over their storied history.  Get over it.   It was the lack for foresight on the water plans of the past that did not overbuild the systems to accommodate all the potential customers of the area.  It was more us and them. We have water lines down here and you don't.  Why do we have to reinvent the wheel to provide the same services to all areas of the community?  Which is exactly what you are proposing to do with the school system.  You are trying to nickle and dime a project that if you would look out side your own world would find that is better for everyone.  

Why on earth would we want an elitist private school in elk county?  That would really be a conflict with your new Wal-Mart.  You can't even buy caviar in wallyworld.  

By the way this is brilliant.  Put a W at each of the existing grade schools.  The economy will create itself.    This one is really the best brainstorm you have had yet.  As if this demographic is more than a blip on the parking lot painters cost overruns for a new wallymart.  Send 75% of the non existing labor force to work for 8.50 an hour.  Keep nurturing the China trade deficit. Kill all other local businesses.  Lowest price at what cost ?  You keep shopping there and we will all speak Chinese.   You preach anti-socialist attitudes yet you all serve the kool-aid from wally dixie cups.  Send any and all profits not to Elk County, or even Kansas but to line the coffers of Bentonville, AK.  I think the only one this would benefit would be an Arkansas resident like flint so his property taxes would go down..

That wall e philosophy explains the cheap at any cost attitude you seem to project.  

One robot one world.  

I hope you have an Eve.  Otherwise it will be lonely at the top of the refuse you are spewing.  

Recycle Reduce Reuse


"verbosity." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2009.

Main Entry: ver·bose
Pronunciation: \(ˌ)vər-ˈbōs\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin verbosus, from verbum
Date: 1672

1 : containing more words than necessary : wordy <a verbose reply>; also : impaired by wordiness <a verbose style>
2 : given to wordiness <a verbose orator>
synonyms see wordy

— ver·bose·ly adverb

— ver·bose·ness noun

— ver·bos·i·ty \-ˈbä-sə-tē\ noun
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



ig⋅no⋅rant  /ˈɪgnərənt/   [ig-ner-uhnt] 

1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned: an ignorant man. 
2. lacking knowledge or information as to a particular subject or fact: ignorant of quantum physics. 
3. uninformed; unaware.
4. due to or showing lack of knowledge or training: an ignorant statement

Some words speak volumes.


Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on November 06, 2009, 10:06:40 PM
Nice.  Unsupported by fact, but nice.
You have proven my assumption by your own words...........These are your words:           
Not sure, but I'm guessin that waiting on the windfarms may be like waiting on the lottery.  That process is only one possibility.  But, yes it was supposed to bring in some serous bucks.  Not sure what the 'latest' number is, but I'm also not sure if  that would benefit he schools. Ya added tax money is always bad for the entire county.

If we don't, then all the bond issues will do is provide nice schools for folks who can't afford to live out here  You obviously don't know the net worth of anyone here.

Goodby, and Good Riddance."?  Well, one can hope I suppose.  Ok I agree with this one.Did you ever notice when liberals get frustrated they start tossing out invectives like candy?  I suppose the left has some 'rules' that preclude such innovative solutions as 'self help' to fix the roof.  And just think, they call the right the party of 'No'.  ????

Outstanding perspective!  Self reliance (both on the personal and community levels) need to make a comeback.  If I'm not mistaken, that's how the park behind Twilight Manor in Howard got done.  And a find product it appears to be!  Really not the grant that was awarded to fund the concrete.
I have no problem with a 'civic responsibility' for all citizens to help promote and finance the education of our children, but there are limits to everything.  I keep seeing how this school district has been struggling with these issues for years to no avail.  That seems to be a case of poor management somewhere along the path.  Perhaps these 'hard' decisions should have been made in better times, no?   We just changed management.  How can you tell if it is bad?

I also see that this district (the one with a shrinking enrollment) has placed a high enough priority on extra curricular sports activities that they keep the district in leagues that require students be bussed for hours on end to attend games at the far end of the state.  I have to wonder if money might be well spent to pay an outside efficiency/management expert to evaluate the entire operation and determine where cost savings could be found, if any.  W.E. already did that.

It's really easy to spend OPM (Other Peoples Money)... it takes a tough makeup to spend it wisely and with frugality.   my money is my money.

But, I could be wrong.  You said it there!

Now that the 5.5 million dollar 'Plan A' has failed, does anybody want to prognosticate what the unpublished, undiscussed 'Plan B' will entail and how much it will cost?        How do you put a price tag on stupidity?

Let the screaming begin!

<passing out cheese to go with the whine>

I don't think you really understand.


sheesh, i thought the politics forum was heated.

ADP makes a lot of good points.  Especially about Walmart.  Its not a solution, its a big problem.  And its funny to see a "conservative" backing a company that sends so much of our american dollars over to China.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


The busing issue was for angie but, since you asked
[/quote] Have you heard one word about the safety of my children driving on the highways everyday?  Why is driving north any different than driving south?  How is it better one way than the other?
I never said anything about the safety of my children while on the bus. As a matter of fact I don't recall even hearing about anybody being injured on one of our buses.
If they move the grade school to Howard everybody but the Howard kids will spend hours on the bus. My high school daughter gets on the bus at 6:35 and gets back home at 5. Let call that 2 hours a day though its closer to 3. My granddaughter will start school soon and if she has to go to Howard kindergarten though 12th grade she will spend 6.5 months on the bus. Why shouldn't Howard kids share that burden?

[/quote]   Do you plan on your kids stopping their education at 6th grade?  If not to stay in this school system they will have to ride a bus to school.  With or without a different facility that will not change.
They will have to ride the bus but, 6 miles to Moline doesn't take as long as the 12 miles to Howard.


Quote from: okiemon on November 06, 2009, 11:59:32 PM
If they move the grade school to Howard everybody but the Howard kids will spend hours on the bus. My high school daughter gets on the bus at 6:35 and gets back home at 5. Let call that 2 hours a day though its closer to 3. My granddaughter will start school soon and if she has to go to Howard kindergarten though 12th grade she will spend 6.5 months on the bus. Why shouldn't Howard kids share that burden?

Howard kids have been taking the same bus ride I am asking your kid to ride to school for 37 years.  I fail to see your point. What burden?  If it is a burden we are bearing it currently. 
They will have to ride the bus but, 6 miles to Moline doesn't take as long as the 12 miles to Howard.
The potential to have an accident on a school bus in greater with every mile they are on it. We have a very good tract record. 

With one campus you would not have multiple routes and cross busing.  You would get on the bus and go to school.  Not stopping in Moline to pick up Moline kids then going to Severy.  You would not stop in Severy to pick up Severy kids then go to Moline.  You would pick up the route from the farthest away from the school to the school.  Period.  Your kid at the 12 miles away could possibly be at school in 25-30 minutes.  If you look at the logistics it would shorten all busing mileage.  From any point in the district the center of the it is not Moline or Severy.  How could it cause your child to be on the bus longer than anyone else if you put the thing in the center?

"They will have to ride the bus but, 6 miles to Moline doesn't take as long as the 12 miles to Howard."   What we are currently doing is very very wasteful.  Driving two different directions with buses meeting in the middle only to cross and go to the opposite end of the county is not productive.   One campus will shorten both Moline and Severy elementary students bus trips compared to how long they are riding on the bus currently.  A child in rural Moline will be on the bus less time the entire 13 years of schooling with one campus.  A child in rural Severy will be on the bus less time for the entire 13 years of schooling with one campus. 

I currently have a child in every school.  They all seem happy about the length of the bus ride so why would this change in the future.  They are on the bus longer now than if we have a central facility.   One facility is cheaper to operate than two.  One centrally located facility will save money. 

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