Started by Rudy Taylor, November 03, 2009, 08:44:14 PM

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momof 2boys

Rez thanks for posting that site with the district information.  It is very informative to those who haven't attended any of the board meetings over the past  5 years!  For those of you with all of your suggestions regarding what the school district should do, that is just fine and great.  But all of these suggestions are not new, the district has considered many of these as they have been brought to their attention through citizens of the community that have attended the board meetings.  They have been discussed and thought out completely.  Once again, what I am saying is get actively involved and attend the school  board meetings so you get the information first hand without any bias or rumor.


So now only the "stupid kids" go to Longton school ?? What an ignorant ass you are !! If that is your belief though, what years did you attend Longton  /Elk Valley school ?


Quote from: PrehistoricRez on November 05, 2009, 08:36:45 AM
Quote from: flo on November 04, 2009, 09:41:15 AM
okay, THE MAJORITY HAS SPOKEN.  How I voted is between me and my ballot.  Reading a lot of "how bout we do this?" on here and a lot of name calling, a lot of ideas, some good, some not so good, and if you think you might have a solution to the problem, you need to take it to the school board, not the forum.  They are the ones that have to make the decisions.  As for the asbestos problems, I know FOR A FACT that all asbestos was removed from the Severy Elementary BY CERTIFIED ASBESTOS WORKERS in the 70's, because it was during the 10 yrs. that I worked for the school district.  This was done over the summer months.  Moline, I can't vouch for, but I'd almost guess that they done the same thing there at the same time, or shortly before or after Severy.  There are always going to be losers and winners in any election and jumping down each other's throats will not solve the problems at hand.  Go vent your frustrations on something constructive, or if you like, something distructive, but work together to come up with viable solutions.  Now, I'll get down from my soap box and let the rest of you take a stab at me for posting my 2 cents worth, which may be worth more now if you include taxes, etc.  ;D :angel:

People that say its "between me and my ballot" voted no, you probably voted for obama too.

When I go to vote, I go into an enclosed booth, whether it is for a new school or a president.  The reason for these enclosed booths is that is the AMERICAN way and WHO YOU VOTE FOR IS NOBODY'S BUSINESS BUT YOURS.  I did not belittle anyone for their opinions, so don't belittle me for mine. 


I'm going to add a P.S. to this.  My late husband and I were married just days short of 37 years when he passed.  During that time we NEVER asked each other who they voted for.  That is a very private matter and NOBODY ELSE'S BUSINESS.  And I'm still not going to tell you who or what I voted for, sorry.


QuoteI'm going to add a P.S. to this.  My late husband and I were married just days short of 37 years when he passed.  During that time we NEVER asked each other who they voted for.  That is a very private matter and NOBODY ELSE'S BUSINESS.  And I'm still not going to tell you who or what I voted for, sorry.

I agree - Jim and I rarely discuss what our actual votes were, although we've discussed the issues back and forth quite a bit.

The funny - when we have disclosed who we voted for, we often find we're on opposite sides.  :D  :D  :D


Heh, this rez guy is a real winner.  He thinks Billy voted for Obama, i guess you need to do a little more reading on some of these people before you start talking about them.

As for the bond issue, from my point of view, i wouldn't move to a county that didn't have a good school system.  That means i wouldn't bring my business and tax revenue with me.  That affects everyone in the district, whether they have kids in the school or not.

Our school district just got a 20 million dollar grant from the federal government for renovations on our schools.  I've heard that there is still a lot of grant money out there from the reinvestment act.  Has anyone checked out the possibility of applying for this money?  Has anyone contacted their representatives for help? 
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


That crack about Longton was "hitting below the belt".

I think its time for the Moderator to take action....and somebody get Rez some bupropion.


Quote from: LisaT on November 04, 2009, 02:58:21 PM
Quote from: flintauqua on November 03, 2009, 10:40:02 PM
You all are just pathetic.  You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about.  You just get on here and congratulate each other for once again stopping any and all progress towards a solution that has been needed for decades.  That's the problem with Elk County, all you regressive, uber-right quasi-anarchist Reationaries.

Did you ever think to go to a school board meeting before the bond election? No!

Did you ever think about going to the courthouse and setting in on a Commissioners meeting to see where the money goes?  No!

Have you ever gone to Topeka and set in the balcony and watch the Legislature in action, and then go talk to your representative about where the money goes?  No!

Have you ever served as a legistative intern, and watched from the inside what goes into the job of representing anal retentive butt-wipes like you?  Again, No!
Firstly I think you owe everyone and apology for this over emotional display of crap. If you can't seem to do this then here is what I have to say about that.
Where do you live and why? How many school board meetings have YOU been to? How many children do you have? How much land do you own and pay taxes on in Elk County? How many commission meetings did you attend when you weren't employed by the county? How many trips to Topeka did you make? Name calling is a bit childish and your way older than that. Where do you get off talking like that to people who still live and struggle here?  >:(
Does someone need a hug?  Or something else?  I think you should have to both hold hands until you both apologize.


Quote from: PrehistoricRez on November 05, 2009, 08:08:11 AM
Why are you even on this board pissing and moaning varmit, didnt you say you live in grenola and your kids go out of district, probably to central, then you are paying their school taxes, why arent you complaining about the new school they built several years back?

First of all, I am on here because it is a public forum and open to all.  Secondly, I am a citizen of Elk county and even though my kids go to school out of district this issue still affects me and my family.  Third, I didn't complain several years back because I wasn't living here when they built the school and I didn't have kids when they built the school, I was still in school when they built the school.  By the way, my taxes do not go to cowley county, I do not write a tax check to cowley county.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: PrehistoricRez on November 05, 2009, 08:13:30 AM
Quote from: Varmit on November 03, 2009, 11:42:02 PM
Well, then have them sign a waiver or something.  I don't think that the folks in Elk county (and again I could be way off here) are that "sue happy" that if they were volunteering to something like this, and got hurt, that they would sue the school or whatever.

yeah sure, are you that far off in lala grenolaland to think that, you voted for obama didnt you?

Actually, if I had voted for obama (which has nothing to do with this) I would be all for the bond.  I am not. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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