What Scares You?

Started by Wilma, October 30, 2009, 06:10:59 PM

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I mean as in physically scared, not as in what the future might bring.  OK, I will start.

A long, long time ago when the streets and theaters of Wichita were safe for a couple of kids to attend a movie alone, my brother and I saw a horror movie that a portion of has stayed in my memory.  In the movie there was a killer, of course.  Just before this killer would strike, everything would become silent.  Everything.  The birds were silent, the insects were quiet, there would be not a sound and you knew that someone would die.  And that is all I remember about the movie.  But to this day, if my surroundings become suddenly silent, I become nervous.  What is lurking, waiting?  What is so awful that even the insects are afraid?


Dramatic Pause...   It is when you are just about to figure out what is about to happen and

Judy Harder

OOOR, when your batteries run out in your hearing aids........LOL sorry I just had to do that........but it is really weird when the sound does die down to nothing..........

My fear, is of high places.............my mom had a terrible fear of high places and of course, dad being dad would drive routes that either were high or had a bridge over a large river and mom would cower down under the dash (or try to) until we got across.

To this day I find when I am starting across a bridge I stay away from the rails.........I just know I am going to fall into the river, and that is almost as scarey to me as falling off a high place.

I can sense myself being pulled over the edge when ever I look out and down.................gave me cold chills just writing this.
I can be up high, just can't look down.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Ha! My scary movie story is an old black and white one about killer dolls. The baby doll turned her head and grinned at the camera in the ending... ;D totally creepy since I had a doll that looked just like that.  For years afterward I could scare my brother by turning my head very slowly toward him with a toothy grin. I didn't do it much though, it scared me too  ::)  This was decades before Chucky, creepy little copy-cat!

I'm also afraid of heights, though better than I used to be  We went to Junior High in a 3 story building and when I'd stand at the top if I got to the middle where I could see down, my toes and fingers had physical pain.  Stairs don't bother me, it was seeing the stairwell going down and down and down.  I love airplanes, but hate roads that drop off on the side.  Bridges don't bother me, but I'll never be a roofer.  Ladders don't scare me, but getting off or on at the top do.


Joanna.. you said exactly what I hate about heights. I get physically sick to my stomach to look down or over a canyon or high place. I can fly in an airplane and look out the window and I can ride a ski lift to the top of the skiing mountain.. and I'm ok..
I can crawl up a ladder... get on a roof.. but I can't get down. Sat up on the roof for 3 hours once because I was frozen in fright up there.. Dad Cookson happened to be driving by and I screamed at the top of my lungs and he came up and helped me down.  Those pictures that have people playing tennis on the top of a zillion mile high building? Or the restaurant that is hanging over an eternity of canyon.. FORGET it. I can't hardly look at the pictures without clinching up so bad I can't breathe. if we are driving in Colorado or places where there is a drop off on the side? I lay down in the seat and sing Jesus Loves Me.. in a very shaky voice..until we are away from the area..  LOL

The scariest movie that still send shudders down my spine and fear in my heart is:
"(Its late at night...phone ringing and the babysitter answers it) She hears... " Do you know where the children are?"................
Makes my blood turn to ice..

And I did see the one about the doll.. I took all my dolls and teddy bears and turned them on their faces at night for a long time.. . *gives me the creeps to think about it*
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Well, one thing is swimming and all of a sudden realize that I can't touch bottom.  I swim quite well, but when I was young I almost drowned twice and so that fear is still with me.

Secondly, laying there in bed and having one of my dogs look out the french doors and their hackles go up and they start growling.  That's a bit unnerving as you can't see for the dark and hard to tell what's lurking.  I had one night when I was reading before bed and all of a sudden got the feeling I was being watched and looked up and there was this strange cat with big eyes staring at me through the doors.  I jumped.   :P


"The Coffee Shop" of the Elk County Forum.

Judy Harder

I always thought I was the odd one. So nice to know that I am not the only one with these types of fear.

I can scare myself.........when my kids were little.....I had 3 under 3 and the baby was still under a year.......my hubby worked late and didn't come in till after 1AM....I usually read in bed when the kids went down............and after I turned off the light (oh, I slept by a window and used the window sill for a table......that close)
I dosed off, but came alert really fast........
I know it was a dream (I THINK!), but could feel someone standing at the open window staring at me............BELIEVE me, the curtains were closed after that........and I still can't read in bed at night.
I do like a window open and usually leave curtains open so the night lights shine in.
I just do my reading on the sofa........

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Quote from: perkinscreekranch on October 30, 2009, 08:45:46 PM
"The Coffee Shop" of the Elk County Forum.

I'll second that.  And the "politics" section.


I have read too many Stephen King books and will never look at a crow the same.  Ewww! They give me the chills just thinking of them!

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