The "Obama Phone??"

Started by Teresa, October 28, 2009, 10:34:44 PM

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So what are you saying?  That most people on welfare are mentally or physically hampered? 

As for it still being tax money you're right.  However, at least this way they would be earning the way.  The term (aka tour) would be dependent upon how long they wanted to stay on the welfare roles.  For example, if a person left the military and returned to welfare then they would be required to rejoin. 

As for vets, I would exclude them from this.  The difference being that the vets made a choice to serve, those currently on welfare without prior military service did not.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


If you start with one of the skinless varieties you could slow roast it with vegetables and then braise it in butter.  You would have to impact the skull at least eight times to keep it down. 

If you start with the ones that can work but choose not to because they make more money on the system I would be all for it.  There is one group that I have a real problem with.  That is the Vets that are on welfare now.  What kind of a system to we have that can't pay a tour of duty with a decent quality of life.  It is kind of ironic that service given has to be repaid by the 3rd of every month.  I really think we could do more.  Again sometimes it is a lifestyle choice.  If you can still get paid to do nothing and you only have that ambition you are still going to do nothing with tour of duty.  The only thing negative I see is they would be part of the veteran affairs dept instead of Medicaid.


I was reading something the other day that if you recieve welfare you can get a sliding fee for a cell phone (lifeline). Unfortunately I make to much money and have to pay full rate for my phone


Quote from: Varmit on October 29, 2009, 09:21:09 AM
Heres an idea, these people need a job, right?  Our military needs people.  Why not place these folks in non-combat roles and free up more of our military personnel to serve in combat positions.  Help lower the numbers on welfare and grow our military. 

Uhm, wouldn't that be conscription?  Can't be a Constitutionist if you favor conscription.  Tsk, tsk, tsk.



US Constitution, 5th Amendment:
"No person shall be ... deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

Conscription deprives a person of liberty without due process of law. This is clearly prohibited by the 5th amendment. Conscription is an involuntary taking of a person's labor-which is a form of property-without just compensation as provided by the eminent domain provisions of the 5th amendment.
Compulsory government service is incompatible with individual liberty.

We oppose imposition of the draft, the registration law, compulsory military training or any other form of compulsory government service.


A few things wrong with that one flint.  First, serving in the military is not a deprivation of liberty.  Secondly, they would not be without due process.  Put a time limit on it.  Say, 90 days to get off welfare or join military.  Thirdly, they would be given "just compensation" in the form of a paycheck that they actually earned.

However, using your logic then the whole argument is made a moot point, being that the gov't has no power to create a welfare program in the first place.  Where is the just compensation in the gov't taking my property (in the form of tax dollars) and giving it to someone else?  Couldn't my mandatory donation to this government run program be considered compulsory government service?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


It that is why you are not taxed on the money (manadatory donation)you pay in taxes from the previous year.

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