Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?

Started by redcliffsw, October 22, 2009, 04:47:30 PM

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Quote from: flintauqua on October 28, 2009, 05:52:30 PM

So, all the admendments to the Constitution made since 1789 don't count?

QuoteArticles of Confederation? ? ? ?  The Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation.  If we're going to enforce the Constitution, then we can't enforce the Articles of Confederation.  Which is it going to be Steve?
Sorry i ment the articles in the constitution. 1 -7.

I do however believe that the articles of confederation are the best constitution that we could have. But being that there had to be some compromise to get the states to ratify it, they had to pass some changes.

Right now we are seeing even the current constitution being circumvented through judicial legislation as well as outright defiance by the current administration.  There is NO constitutional authority for legislating healthcare, there is no constitutional authority for obamas dictating private industry pay and compensation, and there is no authority for many of the programs he has on his agenda. 

Its time to slap em down and tell them to get back to their dungeon.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Hey Teresa, both your links are crashed and I played that video for my husband.  He had already heard part on Rush.  I guess Obama is supposed to sign this treaty in December.  Merry Christmas.   :P


according to the news the Copenhagen treaty is pretty much dead in the water. The head guy gave a speech crediting the lack of support in the US.


Quote from: pamsback on October 28, 2009, 08:04:58 PM
according to the news the Copenhagen treaty is pretty much dead in the water. The head guy gave a speech crediting the lack of support in the US.

We can only pray and hope.  If they get this cap n trade bill passed you can guarantee double and triple electric rates as well as fuel rates. $4.00 a gallon gas will look cheap.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


   I mean no disrespect by this but don't yall ever get tired of stayin in a lather? If one "bad" thing doesn't come to pass yall just move on to the next one on your list, geez take a break once in a while and celebrate the wins! I reckon if electricity goes up or gas or whatever we'll just do what we always do.......MAKE do....but I ain't gonna sweat what I can do nothing about but holler at congressmen or people who don't listen....or don't CARE. Save my energy for something that matters. Main reason I haven't been in here much...I find I just really don't give that big a sh(& lately and I'm tired of it. I just figure I'll do what needs doin WHEN and IF it NEEDS doin................

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