No body bags and stories of collateral damage to innocent civilians

Started by Warph, October 14, 2009, 11:00:57 AM

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lol warph, keep your lies up, you may convince some people, may even convince yourself.  Just notice that you don't talk about issues.  You post lies, i correct you, and then you start in with the personal attacks.  Your slacking.  You don't have anything left.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Well... I will politely and sweetly  say that "I disagree" with you Anmar..  :angel:

You may think that Warph has one foot in the grave..( He's older than me so maybe he does) . But with "old"  comes first hand knowledge.. hands on experience and grit and guts. **Never forget that** ;)

I'm sure that you inwardly are proud that you have the vocabulary to twist every post that doesn't agree with the way that you see the world, with some sort of rhetoric so that there hopefully is that seed of doubt that plays on the minds of the "unsure". You may have the arrogance of youth on your side so that it appears on the outside that you are the "all knowing"...  but this "old man" who chidingly calls himself Warph has forgotten more in his lifetime than you or most of us will even know about the doings and goings on in the political world of Washington.
He doesn't stand up and brag and shout to people on here about what he has done.. where he has been ..and the things he has had to encounter and live through...
But he has walked the walk... in many many ways.

You are young and trusting. You may be book smart, and have a high IQ with a political degree. An achievement to definitely be proud of.  You may think you have the system all figured out and you smugly have the answers to all the worlds problems. You may have all of these things.....And you know?? ...that's good.
That gives you young uprising politicians something to pad your egos with.... and to keep you pushing ahead in this old world...bragging rights you might say. real life...............
If push ever comes to shove............and I have to choose which man I want in a foxhole with me, covering my back....... I'll pick the old guy who's scuffed up around the edges..who's been shot at...and shot back and lived to tell about it... .I'll  jump in with the one whose been around the block a few times~~Who will get in there with his bare hands and dig..  Who's been in the White House dining rooms and also seen first hand what is cluttering  up Washington's secret corrupt little basements ......

"My world" is now made up of a 95% male dominated crowd. Most are special force military, & tactical law enforcement instructors. Some are FBI..some are undercover.. I even have a very very close friend who was Ronald Reagans SS bodyguard. So more than half are retired. The stories they tell and the things I learn can't be explained.    I gratefully give thanks for the opportunity and privilege to be able to be around and become friends with just these types of people... ..what you so disrespectfully call "old men".....
but I'd trust my life with them....becasue they carry with them everything that make them, just that.......Old Men.  :)

Thanks Warph.......for all you've done.. still do... and will continue to do that no one anywhere will ever know.

Was I nice enough?  ( sometimes I really HATE being the owner of this site...)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Quote from: Teresa on October 15, 2009, 01:01:47 PM
Well... I will politely and sweetly  say that "I disagree" with you Anmar..  :angel:

You may think that Warph has one foot in the grave..( He's older than me so maybe he does) . But with "old"  comes first hand knowledge.. hands on experience and grit and guts. **Never forget that** ;)

I'm sure that you inwardly are proud that you have the vocabulary to twist every post that doesn't agree with the way that you see the world, with some sort of rhetoric so that there hopefully is that seed of doubt that plays on the minds of the "unsure". You may have the arrogance of youth on your side so that it appears on the outside that you are the "all knowing"...  but this "old man" who chidingly calls himself Warph has forgotten more in his lifetime than you or most of us will even know about the doings and goings on in the political world of Washington.
He doesn't stand up and brag and shout to people on here about what he has done.. where he has been ..and the things he has had to encounter and live through...
But he has walked the walk... in many many ways.

You are young and trusting. You may be book smart, and have a high IQ with a political degree. An achievement to definitely be proud of.  You may think you have the system all figured out and you smugly have the answers to all the worlds problems. You may have all of these things.....And you know?? ...that's good.
That gives you young uprising politicians something to pad your egos with.... and to keep you pushing ahead in this old world...bragging rights you might say. real life...............
If push ever comes to shove............and I have to choose which man I want in a foxhole with me, covering my back....... I'll pick the old guy who's scuffed up around the edges..who's been shot at...and shot back and lived to tell about it... .I'll  jump in with the one whose been around the block a few times~~Who will get in there with his bare hands and dig..  Who's been in the White House dining rooms and also seen first hand what is cluttering  up Washington's secret corrupt little basements ......

"My world" is now made up of a 95% male dominated crowd. Most are special force military, & tactical law enforcement instructors. Some are FBI..some are undercover.. I even have a very very close friend who was Ronald Reagans SS bodyguard. So more than half are retired. The stories they tell and the things I learn can't be explained.    I gratefully give thanks for the opportunity and privilege to be able to be around and become friends with just these types of people... ..what you so disrespectfully call "old men".....
but I'd trust my life with them....becasue they carry with them everything that make them, just that.......Old Men.  :)

Thanks Warph.......for all you've done.. still do... and will continue to do that no one anywhere will ever know.

Was I nice enough?  ( sometimes I really HATE being the owner of this site...)

I appreciate your well thought out post Teresa,  All i'm saying is that Warph doesn't discuss issues.  His pattern is to write or copy/paste political based falsehoods and then any time someone exposes him, he resorts to personal attacks.  He's been doing it for as long as I've been a member of these forums.

Just look at this thread.  He started out by complaining about an issue.  I explained that he is comparing apples to oranges and so he calls me a "muslim" and a "10 year old kid" yet completely ignores the original issue or my retort.  What's the point of attacking Diane, or calling people out?

Frank,  how can you think this is the post of a master statesman, do you know what a statesman is?  Warph, in this thread and the threads he deleted, is the anti-statesmen

Jo,  I'm not referring to the posts you deleted, Warph deleted many of his posts as well, and i was referring to those.

I don't have a problem talking with anyone here about any political issue.  I respect other people's opinions but Warph has chosen to blatantly lie, use personal attacks, and basically try to stir up shit.  This is the epitome of the problem with politics.  American soldiers are dying needlessly and our country is going broke and all some people can do is be divisive for their own gain.  Warph strikes me as the type of person who projects his attitudes onto other people.  He accuses me of "getting off" on posts, but really, think about what the point of this whole thread is.  He calls out several members of the forum and tries to pick an argument with us.  Who's posting to "get off"  ?
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


I don't know what possesses me sometimes to chime in... maybe I'm practicing my mothering skills of breaking up fights... maybe I'm just pregnant, have a head cold, and am grumpy...

OK, here's some thoughts. 
1)  You all blow things out of proportion, skew what people say, and just like to ruffle feathers for fun.
2)  I think the reason Warph picks out certain people is so that he'll have someone to argue with him.  I envision him sitting back in his "old man" chair and just laughing!  He's got old, crusty, thick skin and is trying to toughen up some of the "youngins".
3)  Since Teresa knows Warph and defends him, I think maybe they have a pact.  Warph will keep this Forum on edge at all times so that more people will come in a watch the fights break out.  Too bad Teresa isn't getting paid per "guest" or login (or is she...)
4)  I sometimes wonder if some of these people who fight so intensely online aren't actually friends in person.  They sit in the coffee shop in the mornings chatting about what to post and argue about next, just to have entertainment and see who else they can drag into the foxhole.
5)  No one argues or disagrees vehmently with Teresa.  Is it because she always softens the blow by first saying she'll "politely" disagree with you (maybe everyone should try that tactic) or includes the smiley-angel?  Or is it because she's the "mother hen" and everyone's afraid she'll give them the boot and their forum fun will be gone?  Or is it because she gives fantastic masssages and she's just drumming up business by having such a stressful, argumentative section on the forum? 
6)  Back to the original post, when a war starts, of course there is going to be more deaths and more coverage.  Everyone wants to be the "first" to report what's going on and ruffle feathers.  (They ARE trying to sell newspapers.)  As the war goes on, and things get more under control (not saying we're winning, but having more control), less people are dying, actually.  Plus, it's not as fantastic anymore.  People get tired of the reality of war, and they stop buying into the political fights.  I mean, even Rudy Taylor wouldn't sell as many newspapers if he had the same story on the front page week after week.
7)  You can tell when an original post isn't interesting, as people get totally off-subject and would rather argue about who is male/female, old/young, educated/non-educated, military/non-military than to actually discuss the original questions.
8)  Lastly, this forum is for ENTERTAINMENT.  We're not going to solve the country's political issues with any of our posts on here.  Lighten up.  Who knows, "Anmar" may be your local doctor, "Varmit" may be your preacher's son, "Warph" may be your grandMA, and that "Diane" lady is probably Teresa's 2nd personality! 

***Disclaimer***  I am politely posting these thoughts to help ease the embattlement of the politics section and to bring some light-hearted thoughts to this thread.  The comments posted here do not reflect any political, religous, or sexual preferences of the author.  These statements have not been evaluated by the surgeon general, nor have been proven to be of any factual content.

Diane Amberg

Now listen here Tobina, just because Teresa and I share the same anniversary, doesn't mean we have anything else going on! ;D ;D ;D
    Nicely said my friend. Now, if we could just work on some basic manners. I really don't like finding myself angry enough to spout off, but I really do get weary of reading the personal attacks that seem to come out of nowhere.  This forum didn't used to be like that.

Jo McDonald



Oops, sorry Jo.  Will it help if I put some angel-smileys in it??

:angel:    :angel:    :angel:    :angel:    :angel:


 :)  >:( ;D :) 8) :P......Smily's can be used in many ways..
I can not answer for the ways that they are used by anyone but me.
My  :angel: was used in my last post as a condescending sarcastic gesture. ..simply to appease those who thrive to be the internet police on social behavior.

Just like I said a while back.. I have grown weary and  don't have the give a damn or care to discuss or debate too much in here with the people around here. I "KNOW" what I know...Now,whether anyone is of like mind with me?? I don't know and it is of absolute no concern to me. I know the friends in my life on who I can trust and depend. I live my life physically and spiritually the best way I know. I'll fiercely protect my own when ever I need to, in any way that I need to. Other than that.. if any one of you in here want to have the disillusionment  of thinking I have a pact with certain people, have at it.  And for anyone's curiosity.. I SPEND a good chunk of money on this web site every single one pays me for anything in here.

And I'm not pregnant but I am very very grumpy right if those of you who continue to whine and complain that the forum isn't like it "used to be" suggestion would be to find another one that suits what you want and need in a gathering place, stay out of the sections you do not your own and bring people to it.... or get your underwear out of the knot it's in and simply deal with it.
The more people that join ..the more change you will see. Some good.. some not so good. That's the way of anything where you have a group of people who do not fly in the same circle and who are not all "friends"..

And I generally keep my opinions and disagreements polite because I live in this town.. I make a small amount of my living in this town.. my whole family lives in this town...and we will always live "in this town".
And If I were to allow anyone to see "my 2nd personality" up close and personal it would be a huge deterrent and not conducive to any of the above factors..

Now one last thing. I do not know how many times I have to say this but I will 'politely' say it one more time and I will speak very S-L-O-W-L-Y for those of you who haven't yet got it.
I do not ...have not..... will not ... boot anyone off this forum. ( I would love to sometimes. but I will not do it)
So if you think that the 'mother hen'  will uproot your forum nest.. think again. You can disagree with me .. call me names.. do whatever you want to... everyone has their reasons why they do or they don't do what they do.   Being kicked off the forum isn't going to be one of them.

People need to understand that if you slap matter how hard... you have just in fact given them permission to slap you back.. And sometimes the return slap will be twice as hard.. so if you do not want or can not handle being slapped...then you better not throw the first one.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


First of all, Tobina, you are all-wise and all-seeing and your family is lucky to have you.  Your child shall become president one day.

To Teresa, I think I am falling in love all over again.

To Anmar, pay attention to the message that comes from the lady, she is so right on.

To Diane, I agree that the forum has changed.  But, I think there is more posts in the Politics Section which breeds misinformation and aggravation to and from others.  It wouldn't be politics if everyone agreed with everyone else.  It is true when the subject matter is lost to postings of insults and name calling, it is a lost cause.

Maybe the old saying "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all," should apply here.

There are so many threads on this forum that are informative without someone insulting others, there are many that are humorous, Pam has started a thread accentuating the positive.  Judy brings us our daily religious teachings.  There are other less traveled threads that contain insights someone who is new will want to read.

There is a huge diversified group here and not everyone is going to agree.  My mama allus tole me "you can measure a person's intelligence by what comes out his mouth.  If it smells good, it must be true----If it smells bad, it is coming from the other end and can't be trusted."  At least, I think that is what she said.

I agree that Warph knows a lot more than I ever will.  He has a few (very few) years on me.  But, I trust his word and his instincts.  

We all, and I mean we all still have the freedom of speech, and we SHOULD all have the freedom of decency.

Okay I will shut up now.


HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Theresa and Tobina, i agree with the principals of your posts.

What do you do when someone starts to ignore moderator warnings?  4 days ago, Billy posted the following:

QuoteFolks, the personal attacks and name calling needs to stop.  I understand and agree with alot of it however it does nothing but drag a discussion down.  Opinions on a subject are one thing and are welcome, opinions about individual members should be kept to yourself.

Yet 2 days later, we see this from warph

QuoteI feel like I'm talking to some 10 yr. old spoiled punk

QuoteYour little muslim brain

QuoteYou talk like someone who is a little limp in the wrist

QuoteI guess Batman will have to pay you another visit and explain it to you.  Do you know you are getting as bad as that 10 yr. old kid anmar?  Quit drinking that water.

I didn't even know about this one until someone told me.  I don't care about the peace prize and in fact, i've already posted that i didn't think he deserved it, yet warph still had to put my name in there

QuoteIt was just as well that the Nobel Committee gave Obama the award.  If they had given it to someone else like Franklin Graham, I could see that 10 yr. old bratty kid, anmar, jumping on stage at the ceremony to say that Obama deserved it instead.

Frankly, it's hard to find a post that warph writes (one that he doesn't copy/paste from somewhere else) that doesn't have my name in it.  Not the Kansas values my momma taught me.
"The chief source of problems is solutions"

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