Fixing Education

Started by redcliffsw, October 08, 2009, 04:20:37 AM

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Good one............!

-Devvy Kidd

"I admire Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education, up to power. I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it." --California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1977 interview.

I guess parents are still waiting for some miracle to fix the unfixable. One would have thought by now America's parents would have realized that "more money for education" is nothing more than empty words when it comes to the Federal Department of Education and the destruction that agency has done to America's children in the area of education. When are America's parents going to catch on to that big lie pitched every election cycle? Does the problem ever get fixed from one Congress to the next? No. One president to the next? No. One governor to the next? No. Over the past 25 years I have read thousands of words written about how to improve education in America, but what do we see coming out of the government's indoctrination centers? It makes me sad to say, but so many are little more than zombies. Fifty percent of all college freshmen need remedial reading instruction.



bad one...

Vote for the school  bond issue. Yes for intelligence....No for ignorance.

"Fifty percent of all college freshmen need remedial reading instruction."  If you use this flawed logic you could go to every campus in the country and find 1/2 of the freshman class sitting in a remedial reading class.  I bet you would be hard pressed to find more than one class at each school even offered.  The numbers don't jive.  There is no minimum standards you have to meet to go to college anymore? 

The author of this dribble is a homophobic antagonistic wordsmith.  The author wants to go back to a style of teaching  that didn't work 3 decades ago for a new century of education.  You can not teach networking or IT  on a slate board.  Blame Nixon if you want to but what does what happened in the Carter administration have anything to do with teaching todays kids todays subjects?  We don't have pray mats....they are called nap mats and they are only for the pre-k and k.   

What happened to letting your public teacher teach.  99% of the workload on the school system is because of the lame ass parents that don't have a clue how to raise a child. They can't even speak when they come to school.  That is why we spend so much time and money on pre-k and k programs.  They don't even cloth them for the weather.   We send food home with them so that they can eat on weekends.

But your big goal is the have these idiots keep their kids home and teaching them the stupidity of their ancestors? 

I hope you save a lot of money trying to teach at home. 

You must be independantly wealthy or worldly ignorant.


 That's what I wanted to say when I read it, I just couldn't find the right words.........Good one Pep


Quote from: pepelect on October 10, 2009, 01:46:45 PM

You must be independantly wealthy or worldly ignorant.

Go through the last few months of Red's post and the answer will be clear
"The chief source of problems is solutions"


Thanks for your response, Pepelect......

Your ancestors must have been loyalists and Lincolnites.  Always Republicanism has promoted a free ride for themselves and their friends, while others are left paying for it.  Talk about being wealthy or worldly ignorant, that just about covers your side of the matter.  It looks like you are leading the way on this one and if you should gain your victory, it will only be for further advancement of socialism.  


Hey don't kid yourself I wasn't responding to you personally. I was responding to Devvy Kidd and the drool left in her wake.  About my ancestors no I think all but me has been very staunch democrats.  They vote with their brains not their party affiliations.  I don't know what the hell you are spouting off about a free ride.  I don't have any friends.

How else could you afford to work a full work week for a paying wage and raise kids at home?  You either give up one or the other.  You either work nights and by the way you post that ain't happenin.  So either you have money or you don't home school.  I have too many people depending on me for income.

I don't even think you know what socialism is.  You think you know because you read it in some indoctrination video and take it as gospel. 

If paying taxes and sending my kids to public school is socialism than it ain't half bad. 

Early socialist thinkers tended to favour an authentic meritocracy combined with rational social planning.......  I don't think you have the intellect for that type of conversation.

I love how you throw the economic model around. 

The only reason I am for the school bond issue is that is shrinks government.  It makes an in ineffiencient system more efficient.  In other words I will spending less of my money to educate and more on other social causes like starting a commune of home schoolers.   I don't know what prescription eyeglasss company you use you, but I am not leading anything.

I am a part of a socialist movement to educate the children of elk county. 

Socialists don't win they just become better as a whole. 

Diane Amberg

Is there any thread on here that doesn't turn political at some point?

Ole Granny

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 11, 2009, 09:31:53 AM
Is there any thread on here that doesn't turn political at some point?

Hopefully, the word games.  Join us there. ;D ;D
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Diane Amberg

You're right...I used to but stopped. I should go back.

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